Name Quarto
Abbreviation 4to

Each sheet is folded twice to make four leaves and eight pages. 


Displaying 151–175 of 703

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
22667 An answer to A letter from a clergy-man in the country to a dignify'd clergy-man in London, &c. Concerning the bill brought in the last session of Parliament for preventing the translation of bishops. Unknown ,
Abigail (Ann) Baldwin [Warwick Lane] (London)
1701 1
25975 An answer to a scandalous libel, entitled, The impertinence and imposture of modern antiquaries display'd: or, a refutation of the Reverend Mr. Wise's letter to Dr. Mead, concerning the White Horse, and other Antiquities in Berkshire. North , George
John Whiston (London)
Charles Corbett (London)
John Jolliffe (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
25871 An answer to Dr. Ibbot's sermon preach'd before the Lord-Mayor on Thursday, September 29. 1720. By Philoclesius. Unknown ,
25889 An answer to Dr. Ibbot's sermon preach'd before the Lord-Mayor on Thursday, September 29. 1720. By Philoclesius. The Second Edition. Unknown ,
1721 The Second Edition.
25929 An answer to Dr. Ibbot's sermon preach'd before the Lord-Mayor on Thursday, September 29. 1720. By Philoclesius. The Third Edition. Unknown ,
1721 The Third Edition.
3642 An appeal to the public, on the conduct of Mrs. Gooch, the wife of William Gooch, Esq. Written by herself. Gooch , Elizabeth Sarah Villa-Real
George Kearsley [Fleet Street] (London)
13560 An archaeological epistle to the Reverend and Worshipful Jeremiah Milles, D.D., Dean of Exeter, President of the Society of Antiquaries, and editor of a superb edition of the poems of Thomas Rowley, priest. To which is annexed a glossary, extracted from that of the learned dean. Unknown ,
Milles , Jeremiah
Robert Faulder (London)
John Nichols [Fleet Street] (London)
John Walter [Homer's Head, Charing Cross] (London)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
John Sewell [Cornhill] (Cornhill)
7092 An easy introduction to general Knowledge and liberal education; by Mrs. Taylor: for the use of the young ladies, at Strangeways Hall, Manchester. Taylor , Mrs.
5619 An elegiac epistle, from Lucy Cooper in the shades, to the ravish'd Pomona, Sally Harris. Cooper , Lucy
John Williams [39 Fleet Street] (London)
5612 An elegiac epistle, from Lucy Cooper in the Shades, to the ravish'd Pomona, Sally Harris. The second edition. Cooper , Lucy
John Williams [39 Fleet Street] (London)
1774 The second edition.
15517 An Elegiac Poem, On the Death of that celebrated Divine, and eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the Reverend and Learned George Whitefield, Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon, &c. &c. Who made his exit from this transitory State, to dwell in the celestial Realms of Bliss, on Lord's-Day, 30th of September, 1770, when he was seiz'd with a Fit of the Asthma, at Newbury-Port, near Boston, New-England. In which is a Condolatory Address to His truly noble Benefactress the worthy and pious Lady Huntingdon; and the Orphan-Children in Georgia, who, with many Thousands are left, by the Death of this great Man, to lament the Loss of a Father, Friend, and Benefactor. By Phillis, A Servant Girl, of 17 Years of Age, belonging to Mr. J. Wheatley, of Boston:–She has been but 9 Years in this Country from Africa. Wheatley Peters , Phillis
15522 An Elegiac Poem, On the Death of that celebrated Divine, and eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the reverend and learned George Whitefield, Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon, &c. &c. Who made his Exit from this transitory State, to dwell in the celestial Realms of Bliss, on Sunday, 30th of September, 1770, when he was seiz'd with a Fit of the Asthma, at Newbury-Port, near Boston, New-England. In which is a Condolatory Address to His truly noble Benefactress the worthy and pious Lady Huntingdon; and the Orphan Children in Georgia, who, with many Thousands are left, by the Death of this great Man, to lament the Loss of a Father, Friend, and Benefactor. By Phillis, A Servant Girl, of 17 Years of Age, belonging to Mr. J. Wheatley, of Boston:–She has been but 9 Years in this Country from Africa. Wheatley Peters , Phillis
1659 An elegy on Marie Antoinette, of Austria, ci-devant Queen of France: with a poem on the last interview between the King of Poland and Loraski. Written by Ann Yearsley. Yearsley , Ann
J. Rudhall (Bath)
14707 An elegy on the death of the Reverend Mr. John Ryland, M.A. of Northampton, who died at enfield, on July 24, 1792, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. By Legatus. Legatus ,
4784 An elegy on the death of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. By Mrs. West, Author Of The Gossip's Story, Miscellaneous Poems, A Tragedy, &c. West , Jane
Thomas Norton Longman III (London)
12672 An Elegy on the Lamented Death of the Electrical Eel, or Gymnotus Electricus. With the Lapidary Inscription, as placed on a Superb Erection, at the expence of the Countess of H--------, and Chevalier-Madame d'Eon de Beaumont. By Lucretia Lovejoy, sister to Mr. Adam Strong, Author of the Electrical Eel. Lovejoy , Lucretia
John Fielding and John Walker II (London)
13051 An Elegy on the Lamented Death of the Electrical Eel, or Gymnotus Electricus. With the Lapidary Inscription, as placed on a Superb Erection, at the expence of the Countess of H--------, and Chevalier-Madame d'Eon de Beaumont. By Lucretia Lovejoy, sister to Mr. Adam Strong, Author of the Electrical Eel. Lovejoy , Lucretia
John Bew [Paternoster Row] (London)
Thomas Hookham [Hanover Street] (London)
5260 An elegy, On the Death of Mr. Andrew Gifford Gwennap. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman]
s.n. [sine nomine]
14863 An elegy, sacred to the memory of the great divine, the Reverend and learned Dr. Samuel Cooper, who departed this life December 29, 1783, aetatis 59. By Phillis Peters. Wheatley Peters , Phillis
13667 An Elementary Compendium of Music. For the use of schoools. By a Lady. Unknown , [Woman]
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
24945 An Embassy from Heav'n: or, the Ghost of Queen Mary. A poem. By Mr. Edmund Arwaker, Jun. Arwaker, Jun. , Edmund
Sarah Malthus (London)
2887 An epistle from L-y W-y to S-r R-d W-y, Bart. The second edition. Worsley , Seymour Dorothy
1782 The second edition.
2888 An epistle from L-y W-y to S-r R-d W-y, Bart. The Third Edition. Worsley , Seymour Dorothy
P. Wright (London)
1782 The Third Edition.
23128 An epistle to the King of Sweden, from a lady of Great-Britain. Centlivre , Susanna
3202 An epistle to the Right Honourable Lord John Cavendish, Late Chancellor of the Exchequer. By Miss Ryves, Author of "an Ode to Mr. Mason." Ryves , Elizabeth
James Dodsley (London)