An answer to A letter from a clergy-man in the country to a dignify'd clergy-man in London, &c. Concerning the bill brought in the last session of Parliament for preventing the translation of bishops.
Abigail (Ann) Baldwin [Warwick Lane] (London)
1701 |
1 |
An answer to a scandalous libel, entitled, The impertinence and imposture of modern antiquaries display'd: or, a refutation of the Reverend Mr. Wise's letter to Dr. Mead, concerning the White Horse, and other Antiquities in Berkshire.
, George
John Whiston (London)
Charles Corbett (London)
John Jolliffe (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
1741 |
An answer to Dr. Ibbot's sermon preach'd before the Lord-Mayor on Thursday, September 29. 1720. By Philoclesius.
1721 |
An answer to Dr. Ibbot's sermon preach'd before the Lord-Mayor on Thursday, September 29. 1720. By Philoclesius. The Second Edition.
1721 |
The Second Edition. |
An answer to Dr. Ibbot's sermon preach'd before the Lord-Mayor on Thursday, September 29. 1720. By Philoclesius. The Third Edition.
1721 |
The Third Edition. |
An appeal to the public, on the conduct of Mrs. Gooch, the wife of William Gooch, Esq. Written by herself.
, Elizabeth Sarah Villa-Real
George Kearsley [Fleet Street] (London)
1788 |
An archaeological epistle to the Reverend and Worshipful Jeremiah Milles, D.D., Dean of Exeter, President of the Society of Antiquaries, and editor of a superb edition of the poems of Thomas Rowley, priest. To which is annexed a glossary, extracted from that of the learned dean.
, Jeremiah
Robert Faulder (London)
John Nichols [Fleet Street] (London)
John Walter [Homer's Head, Charing Cross] (London)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
John Sewell [Cornhill] (Cornhill)
1782 |
An easy introduction to general Knowledge and liberal education; by Mrs. Taylor: for the use of the young ladies, at Strangeways Hall, Manchester.
, Mrs.
1791 |
An elegiac epistle, from Lucy Cooper in the shades, to the ravish'd Pomona, Sally Harris.
, Lucy
John Williams [39 Fleet Street] (London)
1774 |
An elegiac epistle, from Lucy Cooper in the Shades, to the ravish'd Pomona, Sally Harris. The second edition.
, Lucy
John Williams [39 Fleet Street] (London)
1774 |
The second edition. |
An Elegiac Poem, On the Death of that celebrated Divine, and eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the Reverend and Learned George Whitefield, Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon, &c. &c. Who made his exit from this transitory State, to dwell in the celestial Realms of Bliss, on Lord's-Day, 30th of September, 1770, when he was seiz'd with a Fit of the Asthma, at Newbury-Port, near Boston, New-England. In which is a Condolatory Address to His truly noble Benefactress the worthy and pious Lady Huntingdon; and the Orphan-Children in Georgia, who, with many Thousands are left, by the Death of this great Man, to lament the Loss of a Father, Friend, and Benefactor. By Phillis, A Servant Girl, of 17 Years of Age, belonging to Mr. J. Wheatley, of Boston:–She has been but 9 Years in this Country from Africa.
Wheatley Peters
, Phillis
1770 |
An Elegiac Poem, On the Death of that celebrated Divine, and eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the reverend and learned George Whitefield, Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon, &c. &c. Who made his Exit from this transitory State, to dwell in the celestial Realms of Bliss, on Sunday, 30th of September, 1770, when he was seiz'd with a Fit of the Asthma, at Newbury-Port, near Boston, New-England. In which is a Condolatory Address to His truly noble Benefactress the worthy and pious Lady Huntingdon; and the Orphan Children in Georgia, who, with many Thousands are left, by the Death of this great Man, to lament the Loss of a Father, Friend, and Benefactor. By Phillis, A Servant Girl, of 17 Years of Age, belonging to Mr. J. Wheatley, of Boston:–She has been but 9 Years in this Country from Africa.
Wheatley Peters
, Phillis
1770 |
An elegy on Marie Antoinette, of Austria, ci-devant Queen of France: with a poem on the last interview between the King of Poland and Loraski. Written by Ann Yearsley.
, Ann
J. Rudhall (Bath)
1795 |
An elegy on the death of the Reverend Mr. John Ryland, M.A. of Northampton, who died at enfield, on July 24, 1792, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. By Legatus.
1792 |
An elegy on the death of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. By Mrs. West, Author Of The Gossip's Story, Miscellaneous Poems, A Tragedy, &c.
, Jane
Thomas Norton Longman III (London)
1797 |
An Elegy on the Lamented Death of the Electrical Eel, or Gymnotus Electricus. With the Lapidary Inscription, as placed on a Superb Erection, at the expence of the Countess of H--------, and Chevalier-Madame d'Eon de Beaumont. By Lucretia Lovejoy, sister to Mr. Adam Strong, Author of the Electrical Eel.
, Lucretia
John Fielding and John Walker II (London)
1777 |
An Elegy on the Lamented Death of the Electrical Eel, or Gymnotus Electricus. With the Lapidary Inscription, as placed on a Superb Erection, at the expence of the Countess of H--------, and Chevalier-Madame d'Eon de Beaumont. By Lucretia Lovejoy, sister to Mr. Adam Strong, Author of the Electrical Eel.
, Lucretia
John Bew [Paternoster Row] (London)
Thomas Hookham [Hanover Street] (London)
1779 |
An elegy, On the Death of Mr. Andrew Gifford Gwennap. By a lady.
, [Woman]
s.n. [sine nomine]
1790 |
An elegy, sacred to the memory of the great divine, the Reverend and learned Dr. Samuel Cooper, who departed this life December 29, 1783, aetatis 59. By Phillis Peters.
Wheatley Peters
, Phillis
1784 |
An Elementary Compendium of Music. For the use of schoools. By a Lady.
, [Woman]
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
1835 |
An Embassy from Heav'n: or, the Ghost of Queen Mary. A poem. By Mr. Edmund Arwaker, Jun.
Arwaker, Jun.
, Edmund
Sarah Malthus (London)
1704 |
An epistle from L-y W-y to S-r R-d W-y, Bart. The second edition.
, Seymour Dorothy
1782 |
The second edition. |
An epistle from L-y W-y to S-r R-d W-y, Bart. The Third Edition.
, Seymour Dorothy
P. Wright (London)
1782 |
The Third Edition. |
An epistle to the King of Sweden, from a lady of Great-Britain.
, Susanna
1717 |
An epistle to the Right Honourable Lord John Cavendish, Late Chancellor of the Exchequer. By Miss Ryves, Author of "an Ode to Mr. Mason."
, Elizabeth
James Dodsley (London)
1784 |