Name Quarto
Abbreviation 4to

Each sheet is folded twice to make four leaves and eight pages. 


Displaying 126–150 of 703

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
12408 Abridged History of the Bible, in Verse, by Mrs. Richardson, the nearest surviving relative of the Reverend Doctor Isaac Watts, and widow of the late Joseph Richardson, Esq. Barrister, M. P. Richardson , Sarah
Sherwood, Neely, and Jones (London)
William Davis [Southampton Court] (London)
Joseph Clifton Bingham (London)
15365 Abridged History of the Bible, in Verse, By Mrs. Richardson. Richardson , Sarah
William Davis [Southampton Court] (London)
Joseph Clifton Bingham (London)
Sherwood, Neely, and Jones (London)
2321 Account of the discovery of a new comet. By Miss Caroline Herschel. In a letter to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K.B. P.R.S. From the Philosophical transactions. Herschel , Caroline
s.n. [sine nomine]
5107 Adelaide and Antonine: or the emigrants: a tale, by Mary Julia Young. Young , Mary Julia
22653 Adollizing: or, A lively picture of adoll-worship. A poem in five canto's. Anne Dodd II (London)
10124 Adversity; or, the Tears of Britannia. A Poem. By a Lady. , Eliza
James Kerby (London)
John Shepperson and Thomas Reynolds (London)
Benjamin White and Son (London)
6372 Ainsi va le monde, a poem. Inscribed to Robert Merry, ... By Laura Maria. Robinson , Mary
6560 Ainsi va le monde, a poem. Inscribed to Robert Merry, Esq. A. M. Member of the Royal Academy of Florence; and, Author of the Laurel of Liberty and the Della Crusca Poems. By Laura Maria. Second Edition. Robinson , Mary
1790 Second edition.
12308 Albert, Edward and Laura, and the Hermit of Priestland; Three Legendary Tales. By R. Roberts. Roberts , Rose
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
14705 All the works of Epictetus, which are now extant, consisting of his discourses, preserved by Arrian, in four books, The Enchiridion, and fragments. Translated from the original Greek, by Elizabeth Carter. With an introduction, and notes, by the translator. Epictetus ,
6957 Almeria: or, parental advice: a didactic poem. Addressed to the daughters of Great Britain and Ireland, by a Friend to the Sex. Cutts , Mrs.
E. and J. Rodwell (London)
6733 Almeria: or, parental advice: a didactic poem. Addressed to the daughters of Great Britain and Ireland, by a Friend to the Sex. The second edition. Cutts , Mrs.
E. and J. Rodwell (London)
1775 The second edition.
14851 Almyna: or, the Arabian vow. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market, by her Majesty's Servants. Humbly inscrib'd to the right honourable the Countess of Sandwich. Manley , Delarivier
Egbert Sanger (London)
William Turner (London)
3123 Amana. A dramatic poem. By a lady. Griffith , Elizabeth
William Johnston [Ludgate Street] (London)
3140 Amana. A dramatic poem. By a Lady. Griffith , Elizabeth
William Johnston [Ludgate Street] (London)
2322 An account of a new comet. By Miss Caroline Herschel. Read at the Royal Society, Nov. 9, 1786. Herschel , Caroline
John Nichols [Fleet Street] (London)
25343 An account of explosions in the atmosphere, or airquakes. Their distinction from true earthquakes. With some observations on the late shocks, near this city, &c. to shew that they were most probably of the former kind. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd II (London)
14261 An account of the arguments of counsel with the opinions at large of the Honourable Mr. Justice Gould, Mr. Justice Ashhurt, and Mr.Baron Hotham. Upon the question at the session at the Old-Bailey, on Saturday the 16th of September, 1775, whether Margaret Caroline Rudd ought to be tried. By Joseph Gurney. Gurney , Joseph
24954 An Account of the last Words of Christian Karr. Who dyed at Edinburgh on the 4th of February 1702, in the Eleventh Year of her Age: Shewing How much she was ravished with the Assurances of her Interest in Christ, and the hope of Heaven. There is added a Conclusion containing the Use and Improvement of what is related, By Mr. Archibald Deans Minister of the Gospel at Bouden. Karr , Christian
Deanes , Archibald
3431 An account of the remarkable captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, her four children and servant-maid, who were taken by the Indians. On the 27th of the eighth month called August, 1735, my husband and all our men-servants being abroad, eleven Indians, armed with tomahawks and guns, who had some time before being skulking about the fields, and watching an opportunity of our men's absence, came furiously into the house. ... Hanson , Elizabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]
14281 An account of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (London)
24926 An acompte Current Betwixt Scotland & England Ballanced: Togeter with An Essay of a Scheme of the Product of Scotland, and a few Remarks on each. As also A View of the several Products of the Ports or Nations we Trade to, by Comparing and holding forth how our Products and Manufactures may Ballance theirs, with Returns. By J. S. A Lover of our protestant Queen, Countrey, and Trade. Spruel , John
6632 An address to the gentlemen under the denomination of old bachelors. By Miss Casandra, Author of the Conduct of the Military Gentlemen. Published by the Desire of a Man of Quality. , Miss Cassandra
4622 An address to the public, by The Honble Lady Hill; setting forth The Consequences of the late Sir John Hill's Acquaintance with The Earl of Bute. Hill , Henrietta
s.n. [sine nomine]
4630 An address to the public, by The Honble Lady Hill; setting forth The Consequences of the late Sir John Hill's Acquaintance with The Earl of Bute. Hill , Henrietta
John Bell [132 Strand] (London)