Name Education

Includes grammatical texts, dictionaries, conduct manuals, addresses, essays, instructions, strictures, or letters addressed to youth and educators.


Displaying 526–550 of 550

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
15717 The teacher's assistant: consisting of lectures in the catechetical form, being part of a plan of appropriate instruction for the children of the poor. By Mrs. Trimmer. Seventh edition. Trimmer , Sarah
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1812 Seventh Edition.
15718 The teacher's assistant: consisting of lectures in the catechetical form, being part of a plan of appropriate instruction for the children of the poor. By Mrs. Trimmer. Sixth edition. Trimmer , Sarah
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1810 Sixth Edition.
15716 The teacher's assistant: consisting of lectures in the catechetical form, being part of a plan of appropriate instruction for the children of the poor. By Mrs. Trimmer. Third edition. Trimmer , Sarah
John and Charles Rivington (London)
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
B. Tabart (London)
1803 Third Edition.
11113 The teacher's assistant: consisting of lectures in the catechetical form: being part of a plan of appropriate instruction for the children of the poor. By Mrs. Trimmer. Trimmer , Sarah
Charles, John, George and Francis Rivington (London)
1830 New edition
11978 The teacher's assistant: consisting of lectures in the catechetical form: being part of a plan of appropriate instruction for the children of the poor. By Mrs. Trimmer. Eighth Edition. Trimmer , Sarah
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1815 Eighth Edition.
15719 The teacher's assistant: consisting of lectures in the catechetical form: being part of a plan of appropriate instruction for the children of the poor. By Mrs. Trimmer. In two volumes. New edition. Trimmer , Sarah
John, George, and Francis Rivington (London)
1836 New edition
15076 The union dictionary, containing all that is truly useful in the dictionaries of Johnson, Sheridan, and Walker, the orthography and explanatory matter selected from Dr. Johnson, the pronunciation adjusted according to Mr. Walker, with the addition of Mr. Sheridan's pronunciation of those words wherein these two eminent orthoëpists differ. The Whole Designed to Present to the Reader, at One View, the Orthography, Explanation, Pronunciation, and Accentuation of all the Purest and Most Approved Terms in the English Language. By Thomas Browne, A. M. Author of a New Classical Dictionary, Viridarium Poeticum, &c. Browne , Thomas
George Wilkie [Paternoster Row] (London)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
George Kearsley [Fleet Street] (London)
William West and Thomas Hughes (London)
24809 The Universal Gazetteer; Being a Concise Description, Alphabetically Arranged, of the Nations, Kingdoms, States, Towns, Empires, Provinces, Cities, Oceans, Seas, Harbours, Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Mountains, Capes, &c. In the Known World; The Government, Manners, and Religion of the Inhabitants, with the Extent, Boundaries, and Natural Productions, Manufactures and Curiosities of the Different Countries. Containing Several Thousand Places not to be met with in any similar Gazetteer. Illustrated with Fourteen Maps. By John Walker. The Second Edition, Further accommodated to commercial Purposes, as well as general Information by another Hand. Walker , John
David Ogilvy and Son (London)
John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] (London)
James Scatcherd (London)
John Cuthell [4 Middle Row] (London)
Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] (London)
Richard Lea [Greek Street, Soho] (London)
William Darton and Joseph Harvey [Gracechurch] (London)
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] (London)
Lackington, Allen and Co. (London)
Benjamin Crosby (London)
John Wright [169 Piccadilly] (London)
Lee and Hurst (London)
James Wallis [46 Paternoster Row] (London)
1798 The Second Edition, Further accommodated to commercial Purposes, as well as general Information by another Hand.
18043 The way to get married: and the advantages and disadvantages of the marriage state; represented under the similitude of a dream. To which is added A father's legacy to his daughters. More , Hannah
Jacob Johnson (Philadelphia)
16259 The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston. Addison , Joseph
Alison , Archibald
Unknown ,
Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Bayly , Nathaniel Thomas Haynes
Beattie , James
Beaumont ,
Beecher , Catharine Esther
Bigland ,
Blair , Hugh
Bowring , John
Brainard , John Gardiner Calkins
Bryant , William Cullen
Gordon , George
Campbell , Thomas
Carter , James Gordon
Chalmers , Thomas
Channing , William Ellery
Chapone , Hester Mulso
Stanhope , Philip Dormer
Child , Lydia Maria Francis
Coleridge , Samuel Taylor
Collins , William
Cooper ,
Cowper , William
Croly , George
Dana , Richard Henry
Dwight , Timothy
Edgeworth , Maria
Everett , Edward
Ferrier , Susan Edmonstone
Flint , Timothy
Francis , Convers
Freeman , James
Galt , John
Gay , John
Goodrich , Samuel Griswold
Grahame , James
Gray , Thomas
Greenwood , Francis William Pitt
Gregory , John
Griscom , John
Halleck , Fitz-Greene
Hemans , Felicia
Hillhouse , James
Hopkinson , Francis
Irving , Washington
Jewsbury , Maria Jane
Knowles , James Sheridan
Labaume , Eugène
Landon , Letitia Elizabeth
Lewis , Matthew Gregory
McLellan , Isaac, Jr
Milman , Henry Hart
Milton , John
Mitford , Mary Russell
Montgomery , James
Moore , Thomas
More , Hannah
Otis , Harrison Gray
Peabody , William Bourn Oliver
Percival , James Gates
Percival , Thomas
Pierpont , John
Pope , Alexander
Porteus , Beilby
Quincy , Josiah
Rogers , Samuel
Ruhnken , David
Scott , Walter
Shakespeare , William
Shelley , Percy Bysshe
Sigourney , Lydia Howard
Southey , Robert
Sprague , Charles
Story , Joseph
Sullivan , William
Talbot , Catherine
Taylor , Jane
Taylor , John S.
Thacher , Samuel Cooper
Thomson , James
Ware , Henry
Wayland , Francis, Jr.
Webster , Daniel
Wilcox , Carlos
Willis , Nathaniel Parker
Wilson , John
Wirt , William
Wordsworth , William
Young , Edward
Ensign Lincoln & Thomas Edmands (Boston)
Benjamin Collins and Samuel Hannay (New York City)
Key and Meilke (Philadelphia)
Cushing and Sons (Baltimore)
16260 The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston. Addison , Joseph
Alison , Archibald
Unknown ,
Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Bayly , Nathaniel Thomas Haynes
Beattie , James
Beaumont ,
Beecher , Catharine Esther
Bigland ,
Blair , Hugh
Bowring , John
Brainard , John Gardiner Calkins
Bryant , William Cullen
Gordon , George
Campbell , Thomas
Carter , James Gordon
Chalmers , Thomas
Channing , William Ellery
Chapone , Hester Mulso
Stanhope , Philip Dormer
Child , Lydia Maria Francis
Coleridge , Samuel Taylor
Collins , William
Cooper ,
Cowper , William
Croly , George
Dana , Richard Henry
Dwight , Timothy
Edgeworth , Maria
Everett , Edward
Ferrier , Susan Edmonstone
Flint , Timothy
Francis , Convers
Freeman , James
Galt , John
Gay , John
Goodrich , Samuel Griswold
Grahame , James
Gray , Thomas
Greenwood , Francis William Pitt
Gregory , John
Griscom , John
Halleck , Fitz-Greene
Hemans , Felicia
Hillhouse , James
Hopkinson , Francis
Irving , Washington
Jewsbury , Maria Jane
Knowles , James Sheridan
Labaume , Eugène
Landon , Letitia Elizabeth
Lewis , Matthew Gregory
McLellan , Isaac, Jr
Milman , Henry Hart
Milton , John
Mitford , Mary Russell
Montgomery , James
Moore , Thomas
More , Hannah
Otis , Harrison Gray
Peabody , William Bourn Oliver
Percival , James Gates
Percival , Thomas
Pierpont , John
Pope , Alexander
Porteus , Beilby
Quincy , Josiah
Rogers , Samuel
Ruhnken , David
Scott , Walter
Shakespeare , William
Shelley , Percy Bysshe
Sigourney , Lydia Howard
Southey , Robert
Sprague , Charles
Story , Joseph
Sullivan , William
Talbot , Catherine
Taylor , Jane
Taylor , John S.
Thacher , Samuel Cooper
Thomson , James
Ware , Henry
Wayland , Francis, Jr.
Webster , Daniel
Wilcox , Carlos
Willis , Nathaniel Parker
Wilson , John
Wirt , William
Wordsworth , William
Young , Edward
Ensign Lincoln & Thomas Edmands (Boston)
Benjamin Collins and Samuel Hannay (New York City)
Key and Meilke (Philadelphia)
Cushing and Sons (Baltimore)
24909 The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston. Stereotype Edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Chapone , Hester Mulso
Edgeworth , Maria
More , Hannah
Taylor , Jane
Landon , Letitia Elizabeth
Gordon , George
Hemans , Felicia
Shelley , Percy Bysshe
Mitford , Mary Russell
Jewsbury , Maria Jane
Shakespeare , William
Lewis , Matthew Gregory
Pope , Alexander
Montgomery , James
Galt , John
Coleridge , Samuel Taylor
Scott , Walter
Ferrier , Susan Edmonstone
Ware , Henry
Talbot , Catherine
Unknown ,
Beattie , James
Cowper , William
Gregory , John
Child , Lydia Maria Francis
Milton , John
Bayly , Nathaniel Thomas Haynes
Addison , Joseph
Moore , Thomas
Campbell , Thomas
Southey , Robert
Wordsworth , William
Croly , George
Rogers , Samuel
Young , Edward
Thomson , James
Porteus , Beilby
Gay , John
Dwight , Timothy
Gray , Thomas
Knowles , James Sheridan
Bowring , John
Milman , Henry Hart
Willis , Nathaniel Parker
Collins , William
Sigourney , Lydia Howard
Peabody , William Bourn Oliver
Pierpont , John
Goodrich , Samuel Griswold
Grahame , James
Bryant , William Cullen
Percival , James Gates
Brainard , John Gardiner Calkins
Wilson , John
Stanhope , Philip Dormer
Beecher , Catharine Esther
Taylor , John S.
Webster , Daniel
Everett , Edward
Alison , Archibald
Channing , William Ellery
Otis , Harrison Gray
Quincy , Josiah
Irving , Washington
Sprague , Charles
Chalmers , Thomas
McLellan , Isaac, Jr
Beaumont ,
Bigland ,
Blair , Hugh
Carter , James Gordon
Cooper ,
Dana , Richard Henry
Flint , Timothy
Francis , Convers
Freeman , James
Greenwood , Francis William Pitt
Griscom , John
Halleck , Fitz-Greene
Hillhouse , James
Hopkinson , Francis
Labaume , Eugène
Percival , Thomas
Ruhnken , David
Story , Joseph
Sullivan , William
Thacher , Samuel Cooper
Wayland , Francis, Jr.
Wilcox , Carlos
Wirt , William
Benjamin Collins and Samuel Hannay (New York City)
Gould, Kendall, and Lincoln (Boston)
N. and J. White (New York)
Bennett & Bright (Utica)
Grigg and Elliot (Philadelphia)
Henry Perkins (Philadelphia)
Cushing and Sons (Baltimore)
E. F. Duren (Bangor)
Edward J. Lane (Dover)
1835 Stereotyped Edition.
4816 The young ladies' English grammar; adapted to the differential classes of learners. With an appendix, or abbreviation of the grammar. By Jane Gardiner, Beverley. Gardiner , Jane
Matthew Turner (Beverley)
2741 Theatre of education. Translated from the French of the Countess de Genlis. In four volumes. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
Thomas Walker (Dublin)
John Beatty [Skinner Row] (Dublin)
Richard Moncrieffe [16 Capel Street] (Dublin)
John Cash [Capel Street] (Dublin)
Robert Burton [14 Capel Street] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [College Green] (Dublin)
William and Henry Whitestone (Dublin)
647 Thoughts and Remarks, on Establishing an Institution for the Support and Education of Unportioned Respectable Females Wells , Helena
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
Thomas Wilson and Sons (York)
7299 Thoughts on female education: with advice to young ladies. By Sarah Howard. Addressed to her pupils. Howard , Sarah
James Mathews [Matthews] (London)
John Breadhower (Portsmouth)
William Harding (Gosport)
Thomas Whitewood (Portsmouth)
16806 Thoughts on female education. By Maria Anne Campbell. Campbell , Maria Anne
6444 Thoughts on the education of daughters: with reflections on female conduct, in the more important duties of life. By Mary Wollstonecraft. Wollstonecraft , Mary
Joseph Johnson (London)
2965 Traité sur les principes fondamentaux de la sagesse ou philosophie morale. A L'Usage de la Jeunesse. Par Mademoiselle E. Cacouault de la Mimardiere. Cacaoult de la Mimardière , Élisabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]
17526 True stories; or Interesting anecdotes of young persons: designed through the medium of example, to inculcate principles of virtue and piety. By the author of "Lessons for young persons of humble life." Frank , Elizabeth
Benjamin and Thomas Kite (Philadelphia)
2813 Une semaine d'une maison d'éducation de Londres: contenant des lectures tirées des Incas de M. Marmontel, dout le style est aussi pur que facile: des histoires agréables: et des dialogues entre l'auteur & ses elèves: Par Lesquels l'on voit leur Coeur, leur Esprit, & leur Raison, se former par Dégré. Par une dame de distinction. Unknown , [Woman]
21626 Universal history Americanised; or, An historical view of the world, from the earliest records to the year 1808. With a particular reference to the state of society, literature, religion, and form of government, in the United States of America. By David Ramsay, M.D. To which is annexed, a supplement, containing a brief view of history, from the year 1808 to the battle of Waterloo. In twelve volumes. Ramsay , David
M. Carey and Son [126 Chestnut Street] (Philadelphia)
333 Variety; or, Selections and Essays, Consisting of Anecdotes, Curious Facts, Interesting Narratives, with Occasional Reflections By Priscilla Wakefield Wakefield , Priscilla
William Darton and Joseph Harvey [Gracechurch] (London)
20346 Variety; or, Selections and essays, consisting of anecdotes, curious facts, interesting narratives, with occasional reflections. By Priscilla Wakefield, Wakefield , Priscilla
James P. Park (Philadelphia)
19449 Youth's first step in geography, being a series of exercises making the tour of the habitable globe. For the use of schools. By Susannah Rowson, preceptress. This little book is not meant to supersede any other, but merely to prepare the pupil for the study of a more comprehensive system, and to render the acquirement of the first rudiments of the science pleasant and easy to both the pupil and the instructer. The exercises can be studied by any globe, or atlas; and as there are so many excellent atlases in circulation, it was not thought necessary to increase the price of the present work, by having one to accompany it. Rowson , Susanna
Wells and Lilly (Boston)