Reflections on the seven days of the week. By Mrs. Talbot. The ninth edition.
, Catherine
John Milliken [College Green] (Dublin)
1775 |
The ninth edition. |
Reflections on the seven days of the week. By Mrs. Talbot. The Tenth Edition.
, Catherine
1784 |
The Tenth Edition. |
Reflections on the seven days of the week. By Mrs. Talbot. The tenth edition.
, Catherine
Anthony Edwards (Cork)
1796 |
The tenth edition. |
Reflections on the seven days of the week. The Fourth Edition.
, Catherine
John and Francis Rivington (London)
1770 |
The Fourth Edition. |
Reflections on the seven days of the week. The second edition.
, Catherine
John and Francis Rivington (London)
1770 |
The second edition. |
Reflections on the seven days of the week. The Third Edition.
, Catherine
John and Francis Rivington (London)
1770 |
The Third Edition. |
Reflections on the Works of God and of His Providence. By C.C. Sturm.
, Cristoph Christian
John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] (London)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1809 |
Reflections on the Works of God, and of His Providence throughout All Nature, for every day in the year. Translated first from the German of Mr. C. C. S., into French; and now from the French into English. By a lady. In three volumes.
, Cristoph Christian
1791 |
Reflections on the Works of God, and of His Providence throughout All Nature, for every day in the year. Translated first from the German of Mr. C. C. Sturm, into French; and now from the French into English. By a lady. In three volumes.
, Cristoph Christian
N. R. Cheyne (Edinburgh)
1788 |
Reflections on the Works of God, and of His Providence throughout All Nature, for every day in the year. Translated first from the German of Mr. C. C. Sturm. By a Lady. A new edition.
, Cristoph Christian
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
1796 |
A new edition. |
Reflections on the Works of God, and of His Providence throughout All Nature, for every day in the year. Translated first from the German of Mr. C. C. Sturm. By a Lady. Fourth Edition.
, Cristoph Christian
1791 |
Fourth Edition. |
Reflections on the Works of God; and of His Providence throughout All Nature. Translated by a lady, from the German of C.C. Sturm.
, Cristoph Christian
John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] (London)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
James and John Richardson (Cornhill)
Joseph Johnson (London)
Robert Faulder and Son (London)
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
Ann Vernor, Thomas Hood, and Charles Sharpe (London)
Richard Lea [Greek Street, Soho] (London)
James Nunn (London)
Cuthell and Martin (London)
Edward Jeffery [opposite Canton House] (London)
Lackington, Allen and Co. (London)
Lane, Newman, and Co. (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
George Wilkie and John Robinson (London)
Joseph Booker (London)
Hannah Black, Parry, and Kingsbury (London)
Sherwood, Neely, and Jones (London)
James Asperne (London)
R. Scholey (London)
1808 |
Reflections, Doctrinal, Practical and Devotional, upon the Litany of the Church of England.
, Mary
Messrs. Mathews (London)
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall (London)
1833 |
Reflexions sur les sept jours de la semaine. Par une dame de qualité. Traduites sur une nouvelle edition angloise.
, Catherine
John Rivington I (London)
1774 |
Religion a reality, exemplified in the life and death of Mrs. Anna Pepper, late of Wenhaston. Chiefly written by herself. Together with some additions and practical improvements, by John Dennant.
, Anna
1799 |
Religion and philosophy united: or, An attempt to shew, that philosophical principles form the foundation of the New Jerusalem Church, as developed to the world in the mission of the Honourable Emanuel Swedenborg.
, Margaret Hiller
1817 |
Religion considered as the only basis of happiness and of true philosophy. A work written for the instruction of the children of his most serene highness the Duke of Orleans; And in which the principes of modern pretended philosophers are laid open and refuted. By Madame the Marchioness of Sillery, Heretofore Countess of Genlis. In two volumes.
du Crest de Saint-Aubin
, Stéphanie Félicité
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
Harriet Colbert [136 Capel Street] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [College Green] (Dublin)
Hannah Chamberlaine (Dublin)
William Porter [Skinner Row] (Dublin)
Luke White [Dame Street] (Dublin)
1787 |
Religion recommended to youth in a series of letters addressed to a young lady. To which are added poems on various occasions. By Caroline Matilda Thayer. Fifth Edition.
Thayer (née Warren)
, Caroline Matilda
N. Bangs and J. Emory (New York)
1827 |
Fifth Edition. |
Religion Recommended to Youth, in a Series of Letters Addressed to a Young Lady: To Which are Added Poems on Various Occasions. New Edition.
Thayer (née Warren)
, Caroline Matilda
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
William Alexander and Son (York)
1826 |
New Edition. |
Religion recommended to youth, in a series of letters addressed to a young lady. To which are added, Poems on various occasions. By Caroline Matilda Thayer.
Thayer (née Warren)
, Caroline Matilda
Thomas Bakewell (New York)
1817 |
Religion recommended to youth, in a series of letters addressed to a young lady. To which are added, Poems on various occasions. By Caroline Matilda Thayer. Third Edition.
Thayer (née Warren)
, Caroline Matilda
Joshua Soule and Thomas Mason (New York)
1819 |
Third Edition. |
Religion Recommended to Youth, in a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Young Lady. To Which are Added Poems, on Various Occasions.
Thayer (née Warren)
, Caroline Matilda
Christopher Bentham (Dublin)
1819 |
Religion recommended to youth, in a series of letters, addressed to a young lady. To which are added, Poems on various occasions. By Caroline Matilda Thayer. Second Edition.
Thayer (née Warren)
, Caroline Matilda
Joshua Soule and Thomas Mason (New York)
1818 |
Second Edition. |
Religion the properest means to peace of conscience, Honour, Profit, Pleasure, and Health. A sermon preach'd at Oxenden chappel in the morning, and at St. Gile's in the Fields in the afternoon. On Sunday, May 7. 1721. By Tho. Knaggs, M. A. And Lecturer of that Parish.
, Thomas
1721 |
Religious pieces. Pious reflections for every day of the month, by Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray; with some account of his life. The superiority of religious views, by John Langhorne, D.D. The choice and criterion of religion, by the Rev. J. Moir, A.M. Of gaining the favour of God, by Mrs. Chapone.
, François de Salignac de La Mothe
, John
, Hester Mulso
, John
William Elliot (New Brunswick)
1806 |