Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 1051–1075 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
1016 Religious Thoughts Kelty , Mary Ann
16207 Religious tracts No. III. Published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Piety, and Charity. To be continued quarterly. Hughs , Mrs. Mary
Fletcher , John William
16208 Religious tracts No. VI. Published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Piety, and Charity. To be continued quarterly. Reed Sr. , John
Hughs , Mrs. Mary
Cappe , Newcome
25856 Remarks on a pamphlet intitled, The traditions of the clergy destructive of religion, &c. In a letter to the author. Unknown ,
John Wilford (London)
1917 Remarks on Mr. Gilbert Wakefield's Enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social worship. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1981 Remarks on Mr. Gilbert Wakefield's Enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social worship. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1908 Remarks on Mr. Gilbert Wakefield's Enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social worship. By Anna Laetitia Barbauld. The Second Edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1792 The Second Edition.
1944 Remarks on Mr. Gilbert Wakefield's Enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social worship. By Anna Lætitia Barbauld. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1920 Remarks on Mr. Gilbert Wakefield's enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social worship. By Anna Lætitia Barbauld. The Third Edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1792 The Third Edition.
3287 Remarks on the Athanasian creed; on a sermon preached at the parish church of Deal, October 15, 1752; ... In a letter to the Rev. Mr. Randolph, Rector of Deal. By a lady. Carter , Elizabeth
Ralph Griffiths [St. Paul's Churchyard] (London)
25543 Remarks on the Letter to the Dissenters. By a churchman. Oldmixon , John
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Thomas Harrison (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
R. Bond (London)
25808 Remarks on the letter to the dissenters. By a churchman. The second edition. Oldmixon , John
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Thomas Harrison (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
R. Bond (London)
1714 The Second Edition.
26118 Remarks on the reasons offered by Mr. Craner's church, for their separation from the church, lately under the pastoral care of Mr. William Bentley, meeting in Spital-Fields, London: found in their pamphlet, entitiled, A testimony to the truth, &c. Wherein the reasons of separation, there produced, are confuted, and shewn not to be founded on fact, ... In which also is contained some former letters relative to this subject. In a letter to Mr. R-d R-s. By Philalethes. Unknown ,
25493 Remarks on the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's journal. Wherein his many inconsistences are pointed out, and his tenets consider'd. G. , T.
25468 Remarks on the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's journal. Wherein his many inconsistences are pointed out, and his tenets consider'd. The whole shewing the Dangerous Tendency of his Doctrine. Address'd to the Religious Societies. G. , T.
25271 Remarks on the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's journal. Wherein many of his inconsistences [sic] are pointed out, and his tenets consider'd. The Whole shewing the Dangerous Tendency of His Doctrine. Address'd to the Religious Societies. G. , T.
4273 Remarks on the speech of M. Dupont, made in The National Convention of France, on the subjects of religion and public education. By Hannah More. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
4227 Remarks on the speech of M. Dupont, made in the National Convention of France, on the subjects of religion and public education. By Hannah More. The third edition. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1793 The third edition.
16327 Remarks on the Theatre, and on the Late Fire at Richmond, in Virginia. Alexander , Ann
26007 Remarks on the vicar's complaint, By Way of petition, in the High Court of Chancery, Against some of his parishioners For not paying their Tythes, Mortuaries, &c. By Amos Harrison, The Second Edition. Harrison , Amos
1742 The Second Edition.
25713 Remarks upon a sermon lately preach'd by D----r B-----r before the h-ble H-se of C-ns. By a lay lover of the constitution both in church and state. Unknown ,
25770 Remarks upon the Observations on a sermon preach'd before the Corporation of Bristol, and the Lord-Chief-Justice Hardwick; On Sunday, the 16th Day of August, 1735. Being the Day before the Assizes, By A. S. Catcott, LL. B. And printed by Order of the Corporation. With a Continuation of the Evidence, till the Predictions were complete. With a continuation of the evidence, till the predictions were complete. Catcott , Alexander Stopford
21704 Repent! repent! or likewise perish! The spirit of an evening lecture, February 16, 1812; on the late calamity at Richmond, Virginia: most respectfully inscribed to the Universalist Church, Philadelphia, at whose request it is published, by their ministering servant, George Richards, no. 130, South Fifth Street. Richards , George
18992 Sabbath lessons, or, An abstract of sacred history; to which is annexed, a geographical sketch of the principal places mentioned in sacred history. By Elizabeth Peabody, preceptress of a young ladies' academy in Salem. Peabody , Elizabeth Palmer
18993 Sabbath lessons, or, An abstract of sacred history; to which is annexed, a geographical sketch of the principal places mentioned in sacred history. Second edition. By Elizabeth Peabody, preceptress of a young ladies' academy in Salem. Peabody , Elizabeth Palmer
1813 Second edition.