ID 569
Name John Rivington I
Gender Male
Street Address Bible and Crown, 62 St. Paul's Church-yard
City London
Start Date 1756
End Date 1775
Sources British Book Trade Index 58422
Related Firms John Rivington I and James Fletcher I


Displaying 1–14 of 14

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller All the works of Epictetus, which are now extant, consisting of his discourses, preserved by Arrian, in four books, The Enchiridion, and fragments. Translated from the original Greek, by Elizabeth Carter. With an introduction, and notes, by the translator. Carter , Elizabeth (Translator)
Epictetus , (Author)
Publisher The history of Greece: by way of question and answer, in three parts. Unknown , (Author)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Publisher)
Publisher Poems on several occasions. Carter , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher A dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English; containing all things necessary for the translating of either language into the other. To which end many things that were erroneous, are rectified, many superfluities retrenched, and very many defects supplied. And all suited to the meanest capacities, in a plainer method than heretofore; being for ease reduced into an alphabetical order, and explained in the mother tongue. And towards the compleating the English part (which hath been long desired) here are added thousands of words, phrases, proverbs, proper names, and many other useful things mentioned in the preface to the work. The seventeenth edition, with large additions. By Elisha Coles, late of Magdalen-College, Oxon. Coles , Elisha (Author)
Hawes , Lacy (Publisher)
Ware , Catherine (Publisher)
and 4 more.
Publisher The complete housewife: or, accomplished gentlewoman's companion. Being a collection of upwards of seven hundred of the most approved receipts ... By E. Smith. The seventeenth edition, with additions. Smith , Eliza (Author)
Publisher Poems on several occasions. The second edition. Carter , Elizabeth (Author)
Publisher Friendship in death; in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse: in three parts. In two volumes. By Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer (Author)
Bookseller The English accidence teaching by an easy method the pronunciation of English and the parts of Speech. By Anselm Bayly. Bayly , Anselm (Author)
Towers , Sarah (Printer)
Bookseller The sacred singer containing an essay I. On grammar ... VI. On cathedral compositions. By Anselm Bayly. Bayly , Anselm (Author)
Towers , Sarah (Printer)
Publisher Reflections on the seven days of the week. By a lady. The fifth edition. Talbot , Catherine (Author)
Publisher Reflections on the seven days of the week. By a lady. Talbot , Catherine (Author)
Publisher Reflections on the seven days of the week. By a Lady. The Seventh Edition. Talbot , Catherine (Author)
Publisher Letters from Felicia to Charlotte; containing a series of the most interesting events, interspersed with moral reflections; chiefly tending to prove that the seeds of virtue are implanted in the mind of every reasonable being. The fourth edition. Corrected and improved. In two volumes. Collyer , Mary (Author)
Publisher Reflexions sur les sept jours de la semaine. Par une dame de qualité. Traduites sur une nouvelle edition angloise. Talbot , Catherine (Author)

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"John Rivington I" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 569, Accessed 2024-10-21.

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