Reasons for the necessity of silent waiting, in order to the solemn worship of God. To which are added, several quotations from Robert Barclay's apology. By M. B.
, Mary
1793 |
Reasons for the necessity of silent waiting, in order to the solemn worship of God. To which are added, several quotations from Robert Barclay's apology. By M.B.
, Mary
1774 |
Recent publications of merit: published and sold by H. Colbert, book-seller, Dublin.
, Harriet
Harriet Colbert [136 Capel Street] (Dublin)
1800 |
Recess; Or, A tale of other times. By the author of the chapter of accidents.
, Sophia
1790 |
Reflections on the seven days of the week. By Mrs. Talbot. The eighth edition.
, Catherine
Thomas Ewing (Dublin)
1772 |
The eighth edition. |
Reflections on the seven days of the week. By Mrs. Talbot. The ninth edition.
, Catherine
John Milliken [College Green] (Dublin)
1775 |
The ninth edition. |
Reflections on the Works of God, and of His Providence throughout All Nature, for every day in the year. Translated first from the German of Mr. C. C. Sturm. By a Lady. Fourth Edition.
, Cristoph Christian
1791 |
Fourth Edition. |
Religion considered as the only basis of happiness and of true philosophy. A work written for the instruction of the children of his most serene highness the Duke of Orleans; And in which the principes of modern pretended philosophers are laid open and refuted. By Madame the Marchioness of Sillery, Heretofore Countess of Genlis. In two volumes.
du Crest de Saint-Aubin
, Stéphanie Félicité
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
Harriet Colbert [136 Capel Street] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [College Green] (Dublin)
Hannah Chamberlaine (Dublin)
William Porter [Skinner Row] (Dublin)
Luke White [Dame Street] (Dublin)
1787 |
Religion Recommended to Youth, in a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Young Lady. To Which are Added Poems, on Various Occasions.
Thayer (née Warren)
, Caroline Matilda
Christopher Bentham (Dublin)
1819 |
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and Other Pieces of our Earlier Poets, Chiefly of the Lyric Kind, Together With Some Few of Later Date.
Peter Wilson [Dame St, 1748–66] (Dublin)
Elizabeth Watts [m. Lynch in 1768] (Dublin)
1766 |
Reliques of Irish Poetry: Consisting of Heroic Poems, Odes, Elegies, and Songs, Translated into English Verse: With Notes Explanatory and Historical; and the Originals in the Irish Character. To Which is Subjoined an Irish Tale. By Miss Brooke.
George Bonham [South St. George's Street] (Dublin)
1789 |
Reliques of Irish Poetry. Consisting of Heroic Poems, Odes, Elegies, and Songs, Translated into English Verse. With Notes Explanatory and Historical; and the Originals in the Irish Character. To which is subjoined an Irish Tale. By Miss Brooke. To which is prefixed, a memoir of her life and writings, by Aaron Crossly Seymour, Esq. Author of "Letters to Young Persons," &c. &c.
1816 |
Remarks on the speech of M. Dupont, made in the national convention of France, on the subjects of religion and public education. By Hannah More.
, Hannah
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
1793 |
Remarks upon the account of the conduct of a certain Dutchess. In a letter from a member of the last parliament in the reign of Queen Anne. To a young nobleman.
George Ewing (Dublin)
1742 |
Report Addressed to the Marquess Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, by Elizabeth Fry and Joseph John Gurney, Respecting their late visit to that country. Second edition.
Gurney Fry
, Elizabeth
, Joseph John
John Cumming (Dublin)
D. F. Gardiner (Dublin)
1827 |
Second edition. |
Retrospections; A Soldier's Story. By the author of "A Visit to my Birth-Place," "Abbey of Innismoyle," "Stories from Church History," &c. &c.
, Selina
William Curry, Jun. & Co. (Dublin)
1829 |
Robert and Adela: or, the rights of women best maintained by the sentiments of nature. In Two Volumes.
, Anna
Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
George Folingsby [59 Dame Street] (Dublin)
1795 |
Romae Antiquae Notitia: or, the antiquities of Rome. In two parts. I. A short history of the rise, progress, and decay of the Commonwealth. II. A description of the city: an account of the religion, civil government, and art of war; with the remarkable customs and ceremonies, publick and private. With copper cuts of the principal buildings, &c. To which are prefix'd two essays, concerning the Roman learning, and the Roman education. By Basil Kennett, of C.C.C. Oxon. The tenth edition.
, Basil
Sarah Hyde (Dublin)
Joseph Leathley (Dublin)
Abraham Bradley [Dame Street] (Dublin)
Thomas Moore (Dublin)
Cornelius Wynne [Dublin] (Dublin)
1743 |
The tenth edition. |
Rosalind de Tracey, a novel, in two volumes: by Elizabeth Sophia Tomlins, author of the Victim of Fancy, &c. &c.
, Elizabeth Sophia
Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] (Dublin)
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
George Burnet [Abbey Street] (Dublin)
George Folingsby [59 Dame Street] (Dublin)
Charles Brown (Dublin)
1799 |
Rosella, or modern occurrences. A novel. In two volumes. By Mary Charlton, Author of Phedora, &c.
, Mary
Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] (Dublin)
William Porter [69 Grafton Street] (Dublin)
Thomas Burnside [Lower Liffey Street] (Dublin)
1800 |
Rosina, a Comic Opera, in two acts. Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden.
, Frances
1783 |
Rosina: a novel. In three volumes. By the author of Delia, an interesting tale, ...
, Laetitia
Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] (Dublin)
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
John Rice [2 College Green] (Dublin)
1793 |
Rosina: or, love in a cottage, a comic opera, in two acts. ...
, Frances
George Perrin [Fishamble Street] (Dublin)
1785 |
Rudiments of taste. In a series of letters, from a mother to her daughters. By the Author of the life of Jacob.
, Mrs. M
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
Arthur Grueber and McAllister (Dublin)
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
Hannah Chamberlaine (Dublin)
John Jones [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
1790 |
Rural walks: in dialogues. Intended for the use of young persons. By Charlotte Smith. Two volumes in one.
, Charlotte Turner
Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne II [South King Street] (Dublin)
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
Harriet Colbert [136 Capel Street] (Dublin)
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
John Milliken [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
John Boyce [Merchant's Quay] (Dublin)
George Folingsby [59 Dame Street] (Dublin)
Charles Brown (Dublin)
John Rice [2 College Green] (Dublin)
Bennett Dugdale [Capel Street] (Dublin)
Hugh Fitzpatrick [Ormond Quay] (Dublin)
1795 |