There are 219 titles associated with this person.

Shoemaker, Abraham. Carey's Franklin almanac, for the year 1809. Being the first after leap year. Calculated by Abraham Shoemaker. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1808.
Heyrick, Elizabeth. Instructive hints in easy lessons for children. Philadelphia: Jacob Johnson, 1808.
Kendall, Edward A. Keeper's Travels in Search of his Master. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1808.
Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, Benjamin Warner [Market Street], Robert H. Small [Chestnut Street], 1808.
Shoemaker, Abraham. Carey's Franklin almanac, for the year 1810. Being the second after leapyear. Calculated by Abraham Shoemaker. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1809.
Russel, Robert. Seven sermons; on important subjects by Robert Russsl, at Wardhurst, in Sussex. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1809.
Unknown, [Woman]. The mother's gift, or, Remarks on a set of cuts for children. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1809.
Shoemaker, Abraham. Carey's Franklin almanac, for the year 1811. Being the third after leap year. Calculated by Abraham Shoemaker. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1810.
Shoemaker, Abraham, and Joshua Sharp. Carey's Franklin almanac, for the year 1811. Being the third after leap year. Calculated by Joshua Sharp. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1810.
Clarissa Dormer; or, The advantages of good instruction. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1810.
Nepos, Cornelius, and Gerardus J. Vossius. Cornelii Nepotis Vitae excellentium imperatorum: cum versione Anglicana, in qua verbum de verbo, quantum fieri potuit, redditur: notis quoque Anglicis, & indice locupletissimo. Or, Cornelius Nepos's Lives of the excellent commanders. With an English translation, as literal as possible: with English notes, and a large index. By John Clarke, late master of the public grammar-school in Hull. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], Thomas and William Bradford, B. B. Hopkins & Co., Bennett & Walton, Edward Earle, C. & A. Conrad & Co., Bradford and Inskeep (Philadelphia), Kimber and Conrad, Stephen Pike, 1810.
, Aesop. Fabulae Aesopi selectae, or Select fables of Aesop; with an English translation, more literal than any yet extant, designed for the readier instruction of beginners in the Latin tongue. By H. Clarke, teacher of the Latin language. Philadelphia: Bennett & Walton, C. & A. Conrad & Co., B. B. Hopkins & Co., Johnson & Warner, Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], Thomas and William Bradford, Edward Earle, 1810.
Taylor, Jane, and Ann Taylor (later Gilbert). Select rhymes for the nursery. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1810.
Unknown, . The Pullet, or, A good foundation for riches and honour. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1810.
Unknown, . The Two boys: or, The reward of truth. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1810.
Youthful amusements. A New Edition. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1810.
Collom, William. Carey's Franklin almanac, for the year 1812. Being Bissextile or leap year. Calculated by William Collom. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1811.
Unknown, . My friend, or incidents in life, founded on truth, a trifle for children. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1811.
Goldsmith, Oliver. The Grecian history, from the earliest state to the death of Alexander the Great. By Dr. Goldsmith. Two volumes in one. Fourth American edition. Philadelphia: B. B. Hopkins & Co., Bennett & Walton, Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], Thomas and William Bradford, Johnson & Warner, C. & A. Conrad & Co., Kimber and Conrad, 1811.
Goldsmith, Oliver. The Grecian history, from the earliest state to the death of Alexander the Great. By Dr. Goldsmith. Two volumes in one. Fourth American edition. Philadelphia: B. B. Hopkins & Co., Bennett & Walton, Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], Thomas and William Bradford, Johnson & Warner, C. & A. Conrad & Co., Kimber and Conrad, 1811.
More, Hannah, and Stéphanie F. du Crest de Saint-Aubin. The search after happiness: a pastoral drama. To which is added, Joseph made known to his brethren: a sacred drama. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1811.
Satchel, John. Thornton Abbey: a series of letters on religious subjects. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1811.
Collom, William. Carey's Franklin almanac, for the year 1813. Being the first after leap year. Calculated by William Collom. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1812.
Howard, Isabella. Married life; or, Faults on all sides. A novel. In two volumes. By Miss Howard. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1812.
Hays, S.. Tales for little children. By S. Hays. Philadelphia: Johnson & Warner, 1812.
Collom, William. Carey's Franklin almanac, for the year 1814. Calculated by William Collom. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1813.
Howard, Isabella. Married life; or, Faults on all sides. A novel. In two volumes. By Miss Howard. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1813.
Mackey, John. A view of education. Philadelphia: 1814.
Wharton, Robert. Letter of Robert Wharton, mayor, on city police. Philadelphia: 1814.
Selectae e profanis scriptoribus historiae. Quibus admista sunt varia honeste vivendi praecepta, ex iisdem scriptoribus deprompta. Haec editio Philadelphiensis prioribus certe emendatior, et juventati utilior--accurante Ric. Dabney. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], Bennett & Walton, Johnson & Warner, Emmor Kimber, Edward Parker, Isaac Peirce, Kimber & Richardson, Abraham Small, 1815.
Fénelon, François d. S. d. L. M. The adventures of Telemachus, son of Ulysses. In two volumes. Translated from the French of M. François Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. By John Hawkesworth, LL. D. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], Johnson & Warner, Emmor Kimber, Bennett & Walton, Isaac Peirce, Benjamin C. Buzby, Abraham Small, 1815.
Fénelon, François d. S. d. L. M. The adventures of Telemachus, son of Ulysses. In two volumes. Translated from the French of M. François Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. By John Hawkesworth, LL.D. Philadelphia: Benjamin C. Buzby, Bennett & Walton, Abraham Small, Isaac Peirce, Johnson & Warner, Emmor Kimber, Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1815.
Fénelon, François d. S. d. L. M. The adventures of Telemachus, son of Ulysses. In two volumes. Translated from the French of M. François Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon, archbishop of Cambray. By John Hawkesworth, LL.D. Philadelphia: Isaac Peirce, Abraham Small, Benjamin C. Buzby, Bennett & Walton, Johnson & Warner, Emmor Kimber, Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1815.
Unknown, . A Present to children at school. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
Eyton, John. Account of Hannah Beech. By The Rev. John Eyton, A. M. Rector of Eyton and Vicar of Wellington, Salop. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
Porter, Anna M. Ballad Romances, and Other Poems. By Miss Anna Maria Porter, Author of The Hungarian Brothers, &c. &c. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], Wells and Lilly, 1816.
Mant, Alicia C. Ellen; or, The young godmother. A tale of youth. By Alicia Catherine Mant. First American, from the second London, Edition. Philadelphia: Lydia R. Bailey, Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1816.
Randon, Joseph. Letter from a dying soldier, in America, to his wife, in England. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
Aikin, Lucy. Lorimer. A tale. By Lucy Aikin. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], Wells and Lilly, 1816.
Unknown, . Memoirs of Charles Howard Brodhead. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
No. 13. A Sunday's excursion. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
Some account of the happy death of Edwin Tapper, aged 15 years. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
Dixon, Joseph. The African widow. An interesting narrative. By a clergyman. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
Unknown, . The Awful doom of murderers. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], 1816.
Unknown, . The Christian drummer: a true and interesting story. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
Benger, Elizabeth O. The heart and the fancy, or, Valsinore. A tale. By Miss Benger. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street], Wells and Lilly, 1816.
Haldane, James A. The life of Catherine Haldane. (Concluded). Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
Haldane, James A. The life of Catherine Haldane. Written by her father, who was a minister of the Gospel. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
Newton, John. The life of Eliza Cunningham. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
Unknown, . The Two apprentices: a narrative and conversation. Written to shew the excellency and use of Scripture. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
Newman, William, and Joseph Hughes. To a youth at school. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street], 1816.
More, Hannah. 'Tis all for the best. By Miss Hannah More. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Burder, George. A new heart the child's best portion. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
An Interesting account of Elizabeth Allen. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Unknown, [Woman]. Consolation under convictions. A dialogue between a penitent and her Christian friend. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Griffin, John. Early piety, recommended in the history of Miss Dinah Doudney, Portsea, England. In a sermon, by John Griffin. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Griffin, John. Early piety, recommended in the history of Miss Dinah Doudney. Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Familiar dialogues. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Julia and the pet-lamb; or, Good temper and compassion rewarded. Philadelphia: Solomon White Conrad, 1817.
Unknown, . Mary the Milk-Maid. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Some account of the happy death of Peter V of Somerville, New Jersey. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Unknown, . The Happy cottagers; or, The breakfast, dinner, and supper. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Unknown, . The History of William Black, the chimney sweeper. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Richmond, Legh. The orphan. By the author of The young cottager. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Unknown, . The Robber's daughter. A Tale. Founded on fact. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
More, Hannah. The sorrows of Yamba: or, The Negro woman's lamentation. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
William Bryant, or The folly of superstitious fears. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1817.
Sproat, Nancy. Ditties for children. By a lady of Boston. Philadelphia: Benjamin Warner [Market Street], 1818.
Unknown, . Obituary of Charles Petit, a boy who lately died at the orphan asylum, in New York. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1818.
Campbell, John. Worlds displayed: for the benefit of young people, by a familiar history of some of their inhabitants. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street], 1819.