Name Wordsworth Trust
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The Wordsworth Trust's collection comprises over 65,000 items, and includes internationally significant manuscripts, printed books and fine art from 1750 to the present day. 


Dove Cottage & William Wordsworth Trust. Arts Council England, 1935, 

Titles 65
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Displaying 51–65 of 65

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
4086 Strictures on the modern system of female education. With a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune. By Hannah More. In two volumes. The seventh edition. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
1799 The seventh edition.
8899 Tales from Shakespear: Designed for the Use of Young Persons. By Charles Lamb. Fifth Edition. Ornamented with Engravings, from Designs by Harvey. Lamb , Charles
Lamb , Mary
Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock (London)
8892 Tales from Shakespear: Designed for the Use of Young Persons. By Charles Lamb. The Fourth Edition. in Two Volumes. Lamb , Charles
Lamb , Mary
Mary Jane Godwin and Co. [Skinner Street] (London)
8893 Tales from Shakespear: Designed for the Use of Young Persons. By Charles Lamb. The Second Edition. in Two Volumes. Lamb , Mary
Lamb , Charles
Mary Jane Godwin (London)
1809 The Second Edition.
8897 Tales from Shakespear: Designed for the Use of Young Persons. By Charles Lamb. The Third Edition. in Two Volumes. Lamb , Charles
Lamb , Mary
Mary Jane Godwin and Co. [Skinner Street] (London)
1816 The Third Edition.
156 Tales from Shakespear. Designed for the Use of Young Persons, By Charles Lamb. Embellished with Copper-plates. In Two Volumes. Lamb , Charles
Lamb , Mary
Thomas Hodgkins [Oxford Street] (London)
8815 Tales of Fashionable Life. By Miss Edgeworth, author of Practical Education, Belinda, Castle Rackrent, Essay on Irish Bulls, &c. In Six Volumes. The Fourth Edition. Edgeworth , Maria
Joseph Johnson and Co. (London)
1813 The Fourth Edition.
8883 The Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Conducted by the Rev. Dionysius Lardner. Biography: Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Shelley , Mary Wollstonecraft
Montgomery , James
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman (London)
John Taylor (London)
293 The Desolation of Eyam: The Emigrant, A Tale of the American Woods, and Other Poems. By William and Mary Howitt, Authors of 'The Forest Minstrel, and other Poems.' Howitt , William
Howitt , Mary
William Curry, Jun. & Co. (Dublin)
George Wightman and Cramp (London)
Thomas Oliver and George Boyd [High Street] (Edinburgh)
8376 The Epics of the ton; or, the glories of the great world: a poem, in two books, with notes and illustrations. The Second Edition, with considerable Additions. Hamilton , Anne
Charles and Richard Baldwin (London)
1807 The Second Edition, with considerable Additions.
1119 The Last Man. By the author of Frankenstein. In three volumes. Shelley , Mary Wollstonecraft
Henry Colburn [New Burlington Street] (London)
8882 The Last Man. By the Author of Frankenstein. In three volumes. Second edition. Shelley , Mary Wollstonecraft
Henry Colburn [New Burlington Street] (London)
1826 Second edition.
1863 The Romance of the Forest: Interspersed with Some Pieces of Poetry. In Three Volumes. The Sixth Edition. By Ann Radcliffe, Author of The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne, a Sicilian Romance, &c. Radcliffe , Ann
James Carpenter and Co. (London)
1799 The Sixth Edition.
1202 The Works of Anna Letitia Barbauld, with a Memoir by Lucy Aikin. In two volumes. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
6444 Thoughts on the education of daughters: with reflections on female conduct, in the more important duties of life. By Mary Wollstonecraft. Wollstonecraft , Mary
Joseph Johnson (London)