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Displaying 376–400 of 1371

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
2475 Henrietta. By Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. In two volumes. The second edition, corrected. Lennox , Charlotte
Andrew Millar (London)
1761 The second edition, corrected.
2484 Henrietta. By Mrs. Lennox, author of The female Quixote. Two volumes in one. Cooke's edition. Embellished with superb engravings. Lennox , Charlotte
Charles Cooke (London)
1798 Cooke's Edition. Embellished With Superb Engravings.
8804 Herbert-Lodge; A New-Forest Story. In Three Volumes. By Miss Warner, of Bath. Warner , Ellen Rebecca
16034 Hesitation; or, To Marry, or Not to Marry? By the Author of The Balance of Comfort, The Bachelor and Married Man, &c. In Two Volumes. Ross , Mrs.
Lester , Elizabeth B.
William B. Gilley (New York City)
961 Hints Towards Forming the Character of a Young Princess. In Two Volumes. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
14924 Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to the present period. By William Mavor, LL.D. ... Unknown ,
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
21624 History of the United States, from their first settlement as English colonies, in 1607, to the year 1808, or the thirty-third of their sovereignty and independence. By David Ramsay, M.D. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S.S. Smith, D.D. and L.L.D. and other literary gentlemen. In three volumes. Ramsay , David
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Philadelphia)
21625 History of the United States, from their first settlement as English colonies, in 1607, to the year 1808; or, the thirty-third of their sovereignty and independence. By David Ramsay, M.D. Continued to the Treaty of Ghent, by S.S. Smith, D.D. and L.L.D. and other literary gentlemen. In three volumes. Second edition, revised and corrected. Ramsay , David
M. Carey and Son [126 Chestnut Street] (Philadelphia)
1818 Second edition, revised and corrected.
14289 Hobomok, a tale of early times. By an American. Child , Lydia Maria Francis
Cummings, Hilliard and Co. (Boston)
9480 Home: A Poem. By Ann Cuthbert Knight. Knight , Ann Cuthbert
8327 Home. A Novel. In Five Volumes. Expect not a story deck'd in the garb of fancy,—but look at home. Cullen , Margaret
Joseph Mawman [Poultry] (London)
Thomas Wilson and Robert Spence (York)
19559 Home. By the Author of "Redwood," "Hope Leslie," &c. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria
James Munroe and Co. (Boston)
19560 Home. By the Author of "Redwood" "Hope Leslie," &c. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria
James Munroe and Co. (Boston)
19561 Hope Leslie; or Early times in Massachusetts. By the Author of Redwood. In Two Volumes. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria
White, Gallaher, and White (New York City)
12616 Hymns for Private Devotion; Selected and Original. John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
13145 Hymns in prose for children. By Mrs. Barbauld. Twenty-sixth edition, enlarged and improved. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock (London)
Rowland Hunter (London)
Thomas Hamilton and William Adams (London)
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall (London)
1828 Twenty-sixth edition, enlarged and improved.
13144 Hymns in prose for children. By the author of Lessons for children. The sixth edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Joseph Johnson (London)
1794 The sixth edition.
12369 Hymns, Partly Collected, and Partly Original, Designed as a Supplement to Dr. Watts' Psalms and Hymns. By William Bengo collyer, D. D. Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
9462 Hymns, Written and Adapted to the Weekly Church Service of the Year. By the Right Rev. Reginald Heber, D. D. Late Lord Bishop of Calcutta. Heber , Reginald
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
18920 Illustrations of lying, in all its branches. By Amelia Opie Opie , Amelia
John Calvin Gerrish (Exeter)
18921 Illustrations of lying, in all its branches. By Amelia Opie Opie , Amelia
John Calvin Gerrish (Exeter)
15359 Illustrations of Political Economy. In nine volumes. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
15836 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. I. Life In the Wilds. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Second Edition. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
15837 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. I. Life In the Wilds. A Tale. By Harriet Martineau. Third Edition. Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)
1832 Third Edition.
959 Illustrations of Political Economy. No. II. The Hill and the Valley. A Tale Martineau , Harriet
Charles Fox (London)