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Titles 3064
Firms 4
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Displaying 576–600 of 3064

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
352 Characteristics of Goethe. From the German of Falk, Von Müller, &c. With notes, original and translated, illustrative of German literature, By Sarah Austin. Goethe , Johann Wolfgang von
Falk , Johann Daniel
von Müller , Friedrich
Effingham Wilson [Royal Exchange] (London)
12081 Charity: a Poem. By the author of "Letters on Prejudice," "Sermons on Christian Responsibility," &c. Printed in aid of the funds of the Church Missionary Society. Kenney , Martha
10416 Charles Leeson, or, The soldier. By Mrs. Ventum, author of Moral Tales, Interesting Traits of Character in Youth, &c. &c. Ventum , Harriet
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
10100 Charlie Seymour, or, The good aunt and the bad aunt: a Sunday story. Sinclair , Catherine
Whittaker and Co. (London)
John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
James Nisbet [Berners Street] (London)
Waugh and Innes [1826-1836] (Edinburgh)
19369 Charlotte Temple, a tale of truth. By Mrs. Rowson, Late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; author of Victoria, Inquisitor, Fille de chambre, etc. Rowson , Susanna
Increase Cooke & Co. (New Haven)
19373 Charlotte Temple, A Tale of Truth. By Mrs. Rowson, late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; author of Victoria, Inquisitor, Fille de chambre, etc. Rowson , Susanna
John Grigg (Philadelphia)
19374 Charlotte Temple, a tale of truth. By Mrs. Rowson, Late of the new theatre, Philadelphia; author of Victoria, The Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. In two volumes. Rowson , Susanna
John Harrisson (New York City)
Stephen Stephens (New York City)
Christopher Flanagan (New York City)
Naphtali Judah (New York City)
Daniel D. Smith (New York City)
J. Langdon (New York City)
19363 Charlotte Temple, a tale of truth. By Mrs. Rowson. Author of Victoria, The Inquisitor, etc. Rowson , Susanna
Preston Merrifield (Windsor)
19365 Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth by Mrs. Rowson, Author of Victoria, the Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. Two volumes in one. Rowson , Susanna
Coffin and Roby (Concord)
19384 Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth by Mrs. Rowson. Late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; Author of Victoria, the Inquisitor, Fille de chambre, &c. Rowson , Susanna
Silas Andrus (Hartford)
19397 Charlotte Temple. A tale of truth by Mrs. Rowson. Late of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; Author of Victoria, the Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, &c. Rowson , Susanna
Andrus and Judd (Hartford)
15911 Charlotte Temple. A Tale of Truth. By Mrs. Rowson. Rowson , Susanna
W. Murray (London)
15406 Cheap Repository. The Sorrows of Yamba; or, the negro woman's lamentation. More , Hannah
23822 Chickens feed capons: or A dissertation on the pertness of our youth in general, especially those trained up at tea-tables; with the true picture of a petit maitre, and a modern fine lady; some hints on abuses in education; not forgetting the insolence and scorn with which the generality of young persons treat their elders and betters. Also a very remarkable tragical case, which may serve as a warning to persons in years, how they give the staff out of their own hands, and leave themselves to the mercy of others. Written by a friend of the person injured. Defoe , Daniel
Anne Dodd I (London)
13021 Children as they are; or, Tales and dialogues, for young readers from seven to twelve years of age. By the author of 'The transformation of a beech-tree.' Brown , Eliza
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
11310 Chit-chat, or, Short tales in short words: with sixteen engravings. By the author of "Always happy" &c. Second edition, enlarged. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1831 Second Edition, Enlarged.
2877 Christ the standard of truth set up, by the light of the morning star, the principle of truth: and Satan, the son of perdition, revealed, by the same light. Containing A short Account of the Creation and Fall in Heaven, with the Creation and Fall on Earth-The State of Man in the Fall-Likewise an Account of Christ Reigning with his Saints in his espoused Church, on Earth, for One Thousand Years, till he hath made his Bride ready: when he will descend with all his holy Angels and sound the Trumpet at the Gate of the holy city, to call all to Judgment. By Dorothy Gott, author of "the midnight cry." Gott , Dorothy
25310 Christian liberty asserted: In Opposition to Protestant Popery. In a letter to Mr. Thomas Bradbury. By a Dissenting Lay-Man. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
John Harrison (Cornhill)
3407 Christian meditations. By the late Archdutchess Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the Infant Duke of Parma, and consort of the Archduke Joseph, now King of the Romans. From the original printed at Vienna by authority. , Maria Elizabeth
John Nourse (London)
1010 Christian Morals: By Hannah More. In Two Volumes. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
120 Chronicles of a Schoolroom; By MRS. S. C. Hall, Editor of "The Juvenile Forget-Me-Not." Hall , Anna Maria
Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis (London)
22501 Church-pageantry display'd: or, Organ=worship, arraign'd and condemn'd, as inconsistent with the revelation and worship of the Gospel, the sentiments of the ancient fathers, the Church of England, and several eminent divines, both Protestants and papists. By Eugenius Junior - in answer to a letter about organs. Owen , James
Abigail (Ann) Baldwin [Warwick Lane] (London)
9892 City scenes, or, A peep into London. Taylor (later Gilbert) , Ann
Taylor , Jane
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
9491 City Scenes, or, a Peep into London. For Children. Taylor (later Gilbert) , Ann
Taylor , Jane
William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton (London)
2002 Civic sermons to the people. Number I. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Edward Leslie (Dundee)