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Titles 3064
Firms 4
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Displaying 601–625 of 3064

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
1301 Clarence: A Tale of Our Own Times. In Three Volumes. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria
Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley (London)
11313 Claudine, or, Humility, the basis of all the virtues: a Swiss tale. By the author of 'Always happy,' - 'Nina,' - 'True Stories from Ancient History,' &c. &c. Sixth Edition. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1830 Sixth Edition.
10195 Cliff Valentines, 1813. Cobbold , Elizabeth
10197 Cliff Valentines, 1814. Cobbold , Elizabeth
9652 Cœlebs in search of a wife. Comprehending observations on domestic habits and manners, religion and morals. The eleventh edition. In two volumes More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
1809 The eleventh edition.
8406 Cœlebs In Search of a Wife. Comprehending Observations on Domestic Habits and Manners, Religion and Morals. The Fourth Edition. In Two Volumes. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
1809 The Fourth Edition
11672 Cœlebs in Search of a Wife. Comprehending Observations on Domestic Habits and Manners, Religion and Morals. The Sixteenth Edition. In Two Volumes. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell Jun. (London)
1826 The Sixteenth Edition.
10331 Columbus, or, The discovery of America. As related by a father to his children, and designed for the instruction of youth. Translated from the German of J.H. Campe (author of the New Robinson Crusoe) by Elisabeth Helme (Author of History of England, Scotland, Rome, &c. &c. A new edition: With the translators last corrections and improvements Campe , Joachim Heinrich
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
1818 A new edition: With the translators last corrections and improvements
3858 Conclusion of the memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph, as prepared for the press by the late editor of the former part. Volume V. Fifth edition. Sheridan , Frances Chamberlaine
James Dodsley (London)
1796 Fifth edition.
21875 Continuation of Early Lessons. In two volumes. By Maria Edgeworth. A New Edition. Edgeworth , Maria
Joseph Johnson and Co. (London)
1815 A New Edition.
17224 Continuation of Early lessons. In Two Volumes. By Maria Edgeworth. Edgeworth , Maria
Bradford and Read (Boston) (Boston)
10500 Continuation of the stories of Old Daniel, or, Tales of wonder and delight: containing narratives of foreign countries and manners, and designed as an introduction to the study of voyages, travels, and history in general. Moore , Margaret Jane King
Mary Jane Godwin and Co. [Skinner Street] (London)
18379 Conversations on chemistry. In which the elements of that science are familiarly explained and illustrated by experiments and plates. To which are added some late discoveries on the subject of the fixed alkalies. By H. Davy, Esq. of the Royal Society. A description and plate of the pneumatic cistern of Yale-College. And a short account of artificial mineral waters in the United States. With an appendix, consisting of treatises on dyeing, tanning and currying. Davy , Humphry
Bryan , Margaret
Marcet , Jane
24901 Conversations on Church Polity. By a Lady. Gunn , Harriet
Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis (London)
15870 Conversations on Natural History: By the Author of the "Twin Sisters," "Trifles," "Perambulations of a Bee and a Butterfly," &c, &c. Sandham , Elizabeth
Thomas Baker [Southampton] (Southampton)
William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton (London)
18391 Conversations on political economy; in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained. By the author of "Conversations on chemistry." Marcet , Jane
Moses Thomas (Philadelphia)
10471 Conversations on political economy: in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained. By the author of "Conversations on chemistry." Mrs. Marcet. Marcet , Jane
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
1821 Fourth Edition
24860 Conversations on Political Economy. In which the Elements of that Science are Familiarly Explained. By the author of Conversations on Chemistry. Third edition. Marcet , Jane
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
1819 Third edition.
25046 Conversations on the Art of Miniature Painting. Dedicated with the sanction of Her Grace, the Duchess of Rutland, to the Honble Misses Forester. By Emma E. Kendrick. Kendrick , Emma Eleonora
1242 Conversations on the Evidences of Christianity, in which the Leading Arguments of the Best Authors are Arranged, Developed, and Connected with Each Other. For the Use of Young Persons and Theological Students. Marcet , Jane
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
26222 Conversations upon comparative chronology and general history, from the creation of the world to the birth of Christ. Loudon , Jane C.
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
9881 Correspondence between a mother and her daughter at school by Mrs. Taylor and Jane Taylor Taylor , Ann Martin
Taylor , Jane
John Taylor and James Augustus Hessey (London)
1818 Fourth Edition
25814 Cotejo de la conducta de S. M. con la de el Rey britanico, assi en lo acaecido antes de la convencion de 14. de enero de este anno de 1739. como en lo obrado despues, hasta la publicacion de represalias, y declaracion de guerra. Con licencia en Madrid. His Catholick Majesty's conduct compared with that of His Britannick Majesty, as well with regard, to what happened before the convention of the 14th of January of this year 1739, as to what has been done since; untill the publication of reprisals and declaration of war. Printed by authority at Madrid by Antonio Marin. Unknown ,
Thomas Cooper (London)
Robert Amey (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
9634 Cottage Poems, by Anna Adcock, Late of Street-Hill. Adcock , Anna
17035 Cottage sketches; or, Active retirement. By the author of An antidote to the miseries of human life, Talents improved, &c. Two volumes in one. Corp , Harriet
West and Richardson (Boston)
Eastburn, Kirk and Co. (New York City)