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Chawton House fosters research and understanding of early women writers, restoring them to their rightful place in the history of English literature and enabling them to speak directly to – and inspire – future generations. The main collection focuses on women’s literature in English during the period 1600-1830, including rare early editions and some unique books.


Chawton House Library,

Titles 430
Firms 0
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Displaying 51–75 of 430

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
8407 Cœlebs in Search of a Wife. Comprehending Observations on Domestic Habits and Manners, Religion and Morals. The Fifth Edition. In Two Volumes. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
1809 The Fifth Edition.
8406 Cœlebs In Search of a Wife. Comprehending Observations on Domestic Habits and Manners, Religion and Morals. The Fourth Edition. In Two Volumes. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
1809 The Fourth Edition
180 Comic Dramas, in Three Acts. By Maria Edgeworth, Author of "Tales of Fashionable Life," &c. &c. Edgeworth , Maria
Rowland Hunter (London)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
8349 Confidential Memoirs; or, Adventures of a Parrot, A Greyhound, A Cat, And A Monkey. By Mary Elliott, Late Belson. Elliott , Mary Belson
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (London)
8352 Continental Adventures. A Novel. In Three Volumes. Eaton , Charlotte Anne
Thomas Hurst, George Robinson and Co. [Waterloo] (London)
4507 Conversations and amusing tales. Offered to the publick for the youth of Great Britain. English , Harriet
John Hatchard [173 Piccadilly] (London)
806 Cottage Dialogues among the Irish Peasantry. By Mary Leadbeater. With Notes and a Preface by Maria Edgeworth, author of Castle Rackrent, &c. Leadbeater , Mary
Joseph Johnson and Co. (London)
1127 Cottage Sketches; or, Active Retirement. By the author of An Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life; Talents Improved, etc. Corp , Harriet
Gale, Curtis, and Fenner (London)
5190 Cross partners, a comedy. In five acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market. By a Lady. Inchbald , Elizabeth
Catharine and George Kearsley (London)
8224 Curiosity. A Novel. In three vols. by Joan De Luce de Luce , Joan
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
8392 Decision. A Tale. By The Author Of Correction, &c. In Three Volumes. Harding , Anne Raikes
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
1309 Destiny; Or, the Chief’s Daughter. By the Author of “Marriage,” and “The Inheritance.” In Three Volumes. Ferrier , Susan Edmonstone
Whittaker and Co. (London)
Robert Cadell [41 St. Andrew Street] (Edinburgh)
8410 Diary of an Ennuyée. New Edition. Jameson , Anna Brownwell
Henry Colburn [New Burlington Street] (London)
1826 New Edition.
9986 Dramas, Translations, and Occasional Poems. By Barbarina Lady Dacre. Brand , Barbarina Ogle Wilmot
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
8245 Drawing-Room Tales. Philip and Philippina: He Would be an Author: and The Romance Reader. By Mrs. Baker. Shepherd and Sutton (London)
13042 Drawing-Room Tales. The Stout Gentleman; The Deserter; and the Broken Heart. By Mrs. Baker. Horwood , Caroline
537 Drelincourt and Rodalvi; or, Memoirs of Two Noble Families. A novel, in three volumes. By Mrs. Byron, author of Anti-Delphine. Strutt , Elizabeth
Joseph Mawman [Poultry] (London)
8419 Dunallan; or, Know What You Judge; A Story. In three volumes. By the author of "The Decision," "Father Clement," &c. &c. Kennedy , Grace
Thomas Hamilton, William Adams, and Co. (London)
William Oliphant (Edinburgh)
8354 Easter holidays, or domestic conversations, designed for the instruction, and it is hoped for the amusement of young people. Fanshawe , Althea
S. Hazard (Bath)
8378 Eleanor; or, the Spectre of St. Michael's. A Romantic Tale. In Five Volumes. By Miss C.D. Haynes, author of Castle Le Blanc; Foundling of Devonshire; Augustus and Adelina, &c. &c. Haynes , Catherine Day
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (London)
2569 Elegiac Sonnets, By Charlotte Smith. The Fifth Edition, With Additional Sonnets and Other Poems. Smith , Charlotte Turner
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1789 The Fifth Edition, With Additional Sonnets and Other Poems.
8315 Elizabeth; or, The Exiles of Siberia. A tale, founded upon facts. A New Translation From The French Of Madame Cottin. Cottin , Sophie Ristaud
Samuel Augustus Oddy (London)
8318 Elizabeth; or, the Exiles of Siberia. a Tale, Founded Upon Facts. From the French of Madame Cottin. The original translation revised and corrected. Cottin , Sophie Ristaud
John Sharpe [Piccadilly] (London)
8254 Elizabeth; or, the exiles of Siberia. A Tale. Founded on Facts. From the French of Madame de Cottin. By Mrs. Meeke. A New and Correct Edition. Cottin , Sophie Ristaud
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
8273 Ellen, The Teacher. A Tale for Youth. By Mrs. Hofland, Author Of “The Officer’s Widow,”--”The Son Of A Genius,” &c. &c. A New Edition. Hofland , Barbara
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1825 A New edition.