An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex. In which are inserted characters of a pedant, a squire, a beau, a vertuoso, a poetaster, a city-critick, &c. In a letter to a lady. Written by a lady. The third edition, with additions.
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Astell, Mary. An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex. In which are inserted characters of a pedant, a squire, a beau, a vertuoso, a poetaster, a city-critick, &c. In a letter to a lady. Written by a lady. The third edition, with additions.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 15666, Accessed 2025-03-28.
Astell, Mary. An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex. In which are inserted characters of a pedant, a squire, a beau, a vertuoso, a poetaster, a city-critick, &c. In a letter to a lady. Written by a lady. The third edition, with additions. London: Robert Clavel, Abel Roper II, 1697.
@book{ wphp_15666 author={Astell,Mary}, year={1697}, title={An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex. In which are inserted characters of a pedant, a squire, a beau, a vertuoso, a poetaster, a city-critick, &c. In a letter to a lady. Written by a lady. The third edition, with additions.}, publisher={Robert Clavel \& Abel Roper II}, address={London}, }
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