Displaying 15051–15075 of 17781

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
2631 The old English baron: a gothic story. By Clara Reeve. The Second Edition. Reeve , Clara (Author)
Charles Dilly (Publisher)
1780 2
2617 The old English baron: a Gothic story. By Clara Reeve. The third edition. Reeve , Clara (Author)
John Exshaw II [Dame Street] (Printer)
2625 The old English baron: a gothic story. Embellished with eight elegant engravings, from new designs. The sixth edition. Reeve , Clara (Author)
Charles Dilly (Publisher)
1799 6
2629 The old English baron: A gothic story. Embellished with elegant engravings. The sixth edition. Reeve , Clara (Author)
Charles Dilly (Publisher)
1797 6
2608 The old English baron: a gothic story. The fifth edition. Reeve , Clara (Author)
Charles Dilly (Publisher)
1794 5
2610 The old English baron: a gothic story. The fourth edition. Reeve , Clara (Author)
Charles Dilly (Publisher)
1789 4
2622 The old English baron: a gothic story. The sixth edition. Reeve , Clara (Author)
Charles Dilly (Publisher)
1791 6
19194 The old English baron. A gothic story. Second American from the third London edition. Reeve , Clara (Author)
Deare & Andrews (Printer)
Columbian Associated Library (Publisher)
23100 The old fox chas'd: a new court-ballad. Humbly inscribed to His Grace the Duke of A-----l. By Humphry Doggrel, Esq; Ogle , Margaret (Author)
Thomas Cooper (Bookseller)
1258 The Old Irish Baronet; or, Manners of my Country. A Novel. In Three Volumes. By Henrietta Rouviere, author of Lussington Abbey, Heirs of Villeroy, A Peep at our Ancestors, &c. &c. Mosse , Henrietta Rouviere (Author)
Minerva Press, Lane, Newman, and Co. (Publisher)
1808 1
9387 The Old Irish Knight: A Milesian Tale of the Fifth Century. By the author of "A Whisper to a Newly-Married Pair," "Parnassian Geography," &c. Derenzy , Margaret G. (Author)
Poole and Edwards (Successors to Scatherd and Letterman) (Publisher)
1828 1
1806 The old maid; or, history of Miss Ravensworth. In a series of letters. By Mrs. Skinn, Late Miss Masterman, of York. In three volumes. Skinn , Ann Emelinda (Author)
John Bell [132 Strand] (Publisher)
1771 1
1853 The old maid; or, history of Miss Ravensworth. In a series of letters. By Mrs. Skinn, Late Miss Masterman, of York. In three volumes. Skinn , Ann Emelinda (Author)
James Potts (Publisher)
3820 The old maid. By Mary Singleton, spinster. Brooke , Frances (Author)
William Sleater I [Cork Hill] (Printer)
1756 1
3775 The old maid. By Mary Singleton, Spinster. A New Edition, Revised and corrected by the Editor. Brooke , Frances (Author)
Andrew Millar (Publisher)
18622 The old man, his children, and the bundle of sticks. A fable. More , Hannah (Author)
Samuel Etheridge (Printer)
Samuel Etheridge (Bookseller)
10348 The old man's head: or, Youthful recollections. By Esther Hewlett. With Copper Plates. Copley , Esther (Author)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Publisher)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Bookseller)
1824 1
2516 The old manor house. A novel, in four volumes. By Charlotte Smith. Smith , Charlotte Turner (Author)
Joseph Bell (Publisher)
1793 1
2525 The old manor house. A novel, in four volumes. By Charlotte Smith. The second edition. Smith , Charlotte Turner (Author)
Joseph Bell (Publisher)
1793 2
2524 The old manor house. A novel, in two volumes. By Charlotte Smith. Smith , Charlotte Turner (Author)
Harriet Colbert [136 Capel Street] (Publisher)
George Burnet [Abbey Street] (Publisher)
James Moore [Dublin] (Publisher)
and 2 more.
8403 The Old Manor House. By Mrs. Charlotte Smith. In Two Volumes. Smith , Charlotte Turner (Author)
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall (Publisher)
Charles Stapleton Arnold (Publisher)
Poole and Son (Publisher)
and 3 more.
8999 The Old School. In Two Volumes. Smith , Julia (Author)
John Booth (Publisher)
John Barfield (Printer)
1813 1
25666 The old Whig. Numb. I. and II. On the state of the peerage. With remarks upon The plebeian. The third edition. Addison , Joseph (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
1720 3
25252 The old Whig. Numb. I. On the state of the peerage. With remarks upon The Plebeian. Addison , Joseph (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
1719 1
25143 The old Whig. Numb. I. On the state of the peerage. With remarks upon the plebeian. The Second Edition. Addison , Joseph (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
1719 2