Displaying 15951–15975 of 17791

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
18670 The search after happiness. A pastoral drama. By Hannah More. More , Hannah (Author)
William Manning and James Loring (Printer)
William Manning and James Loring (Bookseller)
18672 The search after happiness. A pastoral drama. By Hannah More. More , Hannah (Author)
Gilman , Whittingham (Engraver)
W. & J. Gilman (Printer)
W. & J. Gilman (Bookseller)
877 The Seasons, Stories for Very Young Children Marcet , Jane (Author)
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman (Publisher)
Andrew and Robert Spottiswoode [New Street Square] (Printer)
10468 The seasons, stories for very young children: Winter. By the author of "Conversations on chemistry," &c. &c. Marcet , Jane (Author)
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman (Publisher)
Andrew and Robert Spottiswoode [New Street Square] (Printer)
10473 The seasons: stories for very young children. By Jane Marcet. Author of Conversations on Chemistry &c. &c. Marcet , Jane (Author)
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman (Publisher)
Andrew Spottiswoode (Printer)
1835 2
21526 The second annual report of the Philadelphia Female Tract Society, for the year 1817. Read before the members on the 25th December, 1817. Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Lydia R. Bailey (Printer)
1817 1
960 The Second Book of Wonders, more marvellous than the first Southcott , Joanna (Author)
Galabin and William Marchant (Printer)
W. Tozer (Bookseller)
W. Symonds (Bookseller)
and 7 more.
1813 1
26052 The second charge of Whitelocke Bulstrode, Esq; to the Grand Jury and Other juries of the County of Middlesex, at the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, held the Ninth of Day of October, 1718. at Westminster-Hall. Printed at the Desire of the Justices of the Peace for the County, and of the Grand Jury. Bulstrode , Whitelocke (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Elizabeth Nutt [Savoy] (Printer)
Robert Gosling (Printer)
Robert Gosling (Publisher)
1718 1
25118 The second edition of the Scotch doctor. To which is added, a wonderful relation of De Franco's ghost. With a full acount of what pass'd between the apparition and the said doctor, on Sunday last at Two in the Morning. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)
1720 2
2825 The second letter. A letter from a methodistical sister to the convert, R----d A---ch----d. Paxas , Deborah (Author)
s.n. [sine nomine] (Publisher)
22511 The second part of An apostate-conscience exposed: being an answer to a scurrilous pamphlet, dated the 11th of April, 1699. Written and published, by F. Bugg, intituled, Jezabel withstood, and her daughter Ann Docwra reproved for her lies and lightness, in her book, stiled, An apostate conscience exposed, &c. By Ann Docwra. Docwra (neé Waldegrave) , Ann (Author)
Sowle Raylton , Tace (Printer)
Sowle Raylton , Tace (Bookseller)
Tace Sowle [White Hart Court] (Printer)
Tace Sowle [White Hart Court] (Bookseller)
1700 1
19959 The second part of Ditties for children. By the authoress of "Ditties for children," &c. &c. Sproat , Nancy (Author)
Reed , William (Copyright Holder)
Thomas Willis White (Printer)
West and Richardson (Publisher)
1816 1
25238 The second part of Pleasure for a minute. Containing The spirit, or cupid's apparition; The lover's battle; Nature, or love uncontroul'd; The bottom-less pit; The destiny of love; Unconstant lover; Commodities of the new exchange. With other love-poems. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)
1723 1
25942 The second part of The apparition. A poem. Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Unknown , (Author)
Anne Dodd I (Printer)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
1710 1
26033 The second part of the reports of cases and special arguments, argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, beginning in Easter Term the thirtieth of King Charles the Second, and ending in Easter Term the third of King James the Second. With many marginal notes and references: with two compleat tables, one of the names of cases, the other of the principal contents. By Sir Bartholomew Shower, Knight. Shower , Bartholomew (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Great Britain , Court of King's Bench (Author)
Elizabeth Nutt [Savoy] (Printer)
Robert Gosling (Printer)
Daniel Browne I (Publisher)
and 3 more.
1720 1
25839 The second volume of the Examiners: beginning on Thursday the 6th of December, 1711, and ending on Monday the 29th of December, 1712. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
John Morphew (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)
1714 1
25774 The second volume of The history of the lives of the most notorious high-way men, foot-pads, and other thieves, and murderers, of both sexes, for above fifty years last past; Continu'd from Du Vall, and the German Princess, which compleats the History to the present time. Wherein their Thefts, Cheats, and Murders, committed in Great-Britain, and Ireland, are farther are farther expos'd. By Capt. Alexander Smith. Smith , Alexander (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
John Morphew (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)
1714 1
25594 The secret history of Europe. Part II. Treating of the following particulars: of the D. of Monmouth's reception at the Hague by the states and the Prince of Orange, and of his enterprize afterwards in England. Remarks on father Orleans's history of the revolution. Of the Fr. King's personal hatred to K. William. Some transactions preceding the revolution in Holland and England, with a short account of its progress and accomplishment; shewing, that it was intirely owing to high churchmen, and high-church principles. The conduct of a certain faction, immediately before and after the abdication. K. James's behaviour in Ireland and at St. Germains, proving that he grew worse by his misfortunes, and that a Popish King and protestant subjects are incompatible. The conspiracies form'd by passive-obedience and non-resistance against the religion and liberties of this kingdom, and the life of the king within the compass of two or three years. Of the poisoning the D. of Lorain, and others. The method of bribing, us'd by France in England. The second edition corrected. Oldmixon , John (Author)
Sanger , Katherine (Publisher)
John Darby II (Printer)
Katherine Sanger (Publisher)
Nathaniel Cliff [Cliffe] (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
1713 2
25604 The secret history of Pythagoras: part I. Translated from the original copy lately found at Otranto in Italy. By J. W. M.D. W. , J. (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
John Brotherton and William Meadows (Bookseller)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
and 3 more.
1721 1
22328 The secret history of Queen Zarah, and the Zarazians; Being a looking-glass for ----- -------- in the kingdom of Albigion. Faithfully translated from the Italian copy now lodg'd in the Vatican at Rome and never before printed in any language. Manley , Delarivier (Author)
Browne , Joseph (Author)
s.n. [sine nomine] (Printer)
1705 1
24478 The secret history of Queen Zarah, and the Zarazians. Containing the true reasons of the necessity of the Revolution that lately happen'd in the kingdom of Albigion. By way of appendix to the New Atlantis. In two parts. Manley , Delarivier (Author)
Browne , Joseph (Author)
s.n. [sine nomine] (Printer)
22071 The secret history of Queen Zarah, and the Zarazians. Wherein the amours, intrigues, and gallantries of the court of Albigion (during her Reign) are pleasantly expos'd; and as surprizing a Scene of Love and Politicks, represented, as perhaps this, or any other Age or Country, has hitherto produc'd. Suppos'd to be translated from the Italian copy, now lodg'd in the Vatican at Rome, by the late ingenious Mrs. Manley: and design'd as looking-glass for an illustrious lady. Manley , Delarivier (Author)
Browne , Joseph (Author)
John Huggonson (Publisher)
24479 The secret history of Queen Zarah, from her birth to the conclusion of her reign. Containing I. The whole Contrivance of her Marriage with Hippolito, which laid the Foundation of her future Greatness. II. The various Schemes and Stratagems she made use of, to engross the Sovereign Power. III. The Political Intrigues, and artful Management of Affairs, (both Ecclesiastical and Civil) during that memorable Period. Interspersed with Characters of her chief Favourites. The fourth edition. Manley , Delarivier (Author)
Browne , Joseph (Author)
John Wilford (Bookseller)
1745 4
24480 The secret history of Queen Zarah, from her birth, to the conclusion of her reign. Manley , Delarivier (Author)
John Wren (Bookseller)
J. Rowland [Rowlands] (Bookseller)
Willoughby Minors [Mynors] (Bookseller)
25601 The secret history of the rebels in Newgate. Giving an account of their daily behaviour, from the commitment to their goal-delivery. Taken from a diary, kept by a gentleman in the same prison. The second edition, corrected. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
John Harrison (Bookseller)
1717 2