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Displaying 1–25 of 23244

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Minerva Press, Lane, Newman, and Co. "There is a Secret, Find it Out!". A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Meeke, Author of Amazement, Old Wife and Young Husband, Wonder of the Village, &c. &c.
Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, Wife of Sir Richard Fanshawe, Bart. Ambassador from Charles the Second to the Courts of Portugal and Madrid. Written by Herself. With Extracts from the Correspondence of Sir Richard Fanshawe. New Edition.
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall Family Annals; or, The Sisters. By Mary Hays, "Author of the Brothers, Female Biography, Historical Dialogues for Young Persons, Harry Clinton, a Tale for Youth, &c. &c."
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown Sketches and Fragments. By the Author of "The Magic Lantern."
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green Sir Ethelbert; Or, the Dissolution of Monasteries. A Romance. By the Author of Santo Sebastiano; the Romance of the Pyrenees, &c. &c. In Three Volumes.
Joseph DeBoffe [Gerrard Street] Mademoiselle de Clermont, L'Apostasie, our La Devote. Le Chateau de Kolmeras, Le Journaliste. Par Mad. de Genlis.
Armand Bertrand Dulau and Co. (B. Dulau and Co.) [Soho Square] Mademoiselle de Clermont, L'Apostasie, our La Devote. Le Chateau de Kolmeras, Le Journaliste. Par Mad. de Genlis.
Prosper and Co. Mademoiselle de Clermont, L'Apostasie, our La Devote. Le Chateau de Kolmeras, Le Journaliste. Par Mad. de Genlis.
Richard Bentley The Buccaneer. A Tale. In Three Volumes.
Richard Bentley The Buccaneer: A Romance. By the author of "Sketches of Irish Character." New Edition. In Three Volumes
Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis The Three Histories. The History of An Enthusiast. The History of A Nonchalant. The History of A Realist. By Maria Jane Jewsbury.
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green Pen Tamar; Or, the History of An Old Maid. By the Late Mrs. H. M. Bowdler.
John Sharpe and Nathaniel Hailes Essays on Various Subjects, Principally Designed for Young Ladies. A New Edition.
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green The Three Strangers. A Play, In Five Acts. First Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, on Saturday, December 10th, 1825. By Harriet Lee, author of Kruitzner, and other Canterbury Tales.
Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley The Separation. A Novel. By the Authoress of “Flirtation.” In Three Vols.
Joseph Johnson Essay on Irish Bulls. By Richard Lovell Edgeworth and Maria Edgeworth, Author of Castle Rackrent, &c.
Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley The Tuileries. A Tale. By the Author of “Hungarian Tales,” “Romances of Real Life,” &c. &c. In Three Volumes.
Henry Fisher, Son & Co. Fatherless fanny; or a young lady's first entrance into life. By the late Miss Taylor. Edited and enlarged by Mrs. Sarah Green.
Anthony King Newman and Co. The Young Northern Traveller. Being A Series of Letters From Frederic To Charles, During A Tour Through The North Of Europe. By Mrs. Hofland, Author Of The Merchant’s Widow And Family; Panoram Of Europe; Clergyman's Widow And Family; The Daughter-In-Law; The Barbadoes Girl; Affectionate Brothers, &c. New Edition
Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees Something New: Or, Adventures at Campbell-House. In Three Volumes. By Anne Plumptre.
Minerva Press, Lane, Newman, and Co. Amasina, or the American Foundling. In Two Volumes. Dedicated by Permission to Lady Cotter.
James Fletcher Hughes [Wigmore Street] Alphonsine: or, Maternal Affection. A Novel. By Madame Genlis. In Four Volumes.
James Fletcher Hughes [Wigmore Street] Family Annals; or, Worldly Wisdom. A Novel...Second Edition.
Thomas Cadell and William Davies Cœlebs in Search of a Wife. Comprehending Observations on Domestic Habits and Manners, Religion and Morals.
Thomas Cadell and William Davies Cœlebs in Search of a Wife. Comprehending Observations on Domestic Habits and Manners, Religion and Morals. Third Edition.