Name Folio
Abbreviation fo

Each sheet is folded once to make two leaves and four pages. 


Displaying 26–50 of 240

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
25347 A letter from a lady to her husband abroad. The Fourth Edition, corrected. Broxholme , Noel
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
1729 The Fourth Edition, Corrected.
25184 A letter from a lady to her husband abroad. The Second Edition. Broxholme , Noel
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
1729 The Second Edition.
25221 A letter from a lady to her husband abroad. The Third Edition. Broxholme , Noel
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
1640 A letter from Amelia to the inspector. Amelia ,
William Owen (London)
3354 A letter from an unhappy young lady, now under confinement in Newgate, to a certain right honourable magistrate. Canning , Elizabeth
W. Webb (London)
25245 A letter from Mr. Congreve to the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Cobham. Congreve , William
Anne Dodd I (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
25705 A letter to Sir John Eyles, Bart. sub-governour of the South-Sea company, occasioned by the debates at the last general court. D. , S.
John Brotherton (Cornhill)
25865 A letter to Sr. John Eyles, Bart. sub-governour of the South-Sea Company, occasioned by the debates at the last general court. The second edition, corrected. D. , S.
John Brotherton (Cornhill)
1732 The second edition, corrected.
22509 A letter to Staffordshire, occasioned by the dissenters complaint of their persecution. Povey , Mercy
25222 A letter to the author of the London journal; containing objections against the present scheme, to empower the three great companies to take in part of the publick debts. With A Just Calculation of the Value of a 100 l. Capital, when divided among the said Companies. To which is added, An equitable Proposal for Restoring of Publick Credit. Unknown ,
22428 A letter to the committee of the honourable House of Commons, upon the African trade. Blaney , Jo
25882 A letter to the Honourable Spencer Compton, Esq; Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons. Unknown ,
25978 A letter to the proprietors of the South-Sea stock. Shewing what will be the most easy and effectual method to discharge their present bond debt, without prejudice to their capital stock. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
7520 A letter to the Right Honourable the L---ds of the A------y. ... Osborn , Sarah
s.n. [sine nomine]
13447 A linnet, just fledg'd, composed and sung by Miss Dall the words by J. Hurlstone. Hurlstone , J.
24785 A pindaric ode dedicated to the lasting memory of the most illustrious and pious King William III. the most renowned monarch of Great-Britain, &c. as it relates unto the occasion of his famous expedition into England, his excellent reign, his illustrious character, and his most lamented death. And likewise unto his most virtuous and pious successor, Queen Anne. Carey , Henry
Abigail (Ann) Baldwin [Warwick Lane] (London)
25525 A poem addressed to the Lord and Lady Brudenall, Upon Their Marriage. By Alexander Le-Hunt, M. A. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Chaplain to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Le-Hunt , Alexander
John Brindley (London)
25148 A poem on nature: in imitation of Lucretius. To which is added, A description of the fotus in the womb, in a letter to the late Duke of Buckinghamshire, on his Dutchess being declar'd Pregnant. By the late Bevill Higgons, Esq; Higgons , Bevill
Patrick Meighan (London)
21947 A poem on the arrival of the Right Honourable William Earl Cowper, after a dangerous illness. Against his birth-day. By Louisa. Boyd , Elizabeth
25513 A Poem on the battle of Dettingen. Inscrib'd to the King. Unknown ,
25996 A poem on the death of Mr. Rich Shales, of Hatfield Broadoak in Essex; who was to have taken upon him the name of Barington: son of Charles Shales, Esq; goldsmith to His Majesty, in Lombard-Street. The second edition. Corrected. Unknown ,
Nutt , Elizabeth
Robert Walker [Temple Bar] (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
1729 The second edition. Corrected.
25518 A poem on the death of the Honourable the Lady Elizabeth Hastings. Unknown ,
John Hildyard (York)
22578 A poem on the memorable fall of Chloe's p--s pot, attempted in blank verse. Swift , Jonathan
Phillips , John
25766 A poem, Sacred to the Memory of the Honourable The Lady Aber-ny. Humbly Inscrib'd to the Quality of Great-Britain, &c. Unknown ,
23819 A poem. Keinton , Martha