Name Folio
Abbreviation fo

Each sheet is folded once to make two leaves and four pages. 


Displaying 51–75 of 240

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
22811 A poem. Humbly presented to His most Sacred Majesty George, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland. Upon His Accession to the throne. By Susanna Centlivre. Centlivre , Susanna
Thomas Woodward (London)
25671 A prologue to the town, as it was spoken at the theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Written by Mr. Welsted. With an epilogue on the same occasion, by Sir Richard Steele. Steele , Richard
Welsted , Leonard
25542 A second letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope. In reply to some additional verses in his Dunciad, which he has not yet publish'd. Cibber , Colley
Anne Dodd II (London)
9979 A Selection of Welsh Melodies, with Symphonies and Accompaniements by John Parry and characteristic words by Mrs Hemans. Hemans , Felicia
James Power (London)
26022 A treatise of the pleas of the Crown: or a system of the principal matters relating to that subject, digested under their proper heads. Book I. By William Hawkins, of the Inner Temple, Esq; Hawkins , William
John Walthoe I (London)
John Walthoe II (Cornhill)
25422 A true collection of poems on the several birth-days of His Majesty King George, and of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales. Brand , Alexander
22622 A true narrative of what pass'd at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard. At the Cock-Pit, the 8th of March, 1710-11. His stabbing Mr. Harley, and other precedent and subsequent facts, relating to the Life of the said Guisgard. Manley , Delarivier
Swift , Jonathan
Cornelius Carter (Dublin)
25263 A view of the town: in an epistle to a friend in the country. A satire. Gilbert , Thomas
7624 A word of advice and warning to handicrafts-men, labourers, carmen, coachmen, &c. You, my friends, who are of the lower class among your brethren, and live by the labour of your hands, ... Hume , Sophia
s.n. [sine nomine]
7581 A word of advice and warning to handicrafts-men, labourers, carmen, coachmen, chairmen, &c. ... Hume , Sophia
s.n. [sine nomine]
25679 Advice to a friend on his marriage, a poem. Blyth , Francis
Thomas Cooper (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook] (London)
Ruth Charlton [Charleton] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
25243 Aesop at St James's. By Isaac Freeman, Esq; Freeman , Isaac
22626 An account of the proceedings of the Privy Council of Scotland against David Baillie, with Relation to the Plot. Taken from Original Papers and Records. Unknown ,
Abigail (Ann) Baldwin [Warwick Lane] (London)
26123 An address to the gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of all the Counties in Great Britain, and to the Mayors, Jurats, Bailiffs, Aldermen, Common Councilmen, and Burgesses of all the Cities, Towns-Corporate, and Boroughs throughout the said Kingdom of Great Britain. The following necessary and friendly Advice is humbly offered, by a Cordial Admirer of Truth and Liberty, and a Zealous Friend to this Constitution. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Amey (London)
25540 An epistle from a footman in London to the celebrated Stephen Duck. Unknown , [Man]
John Brindley (London)
25641 An epistle to His Grace the Duke of Grafton. With stanza's on the marriage of the Prince of Wales with the Princess of Saxe-Gotha. B. , W.
Anne Dodd I (London)
21946 An epistle to Mrs. Wallup, now in the train of Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Wales. As it was sent to her to the Hague. Written by Mrs. Susanna Centlivre. Centlivre , Susanna
22804 An epistle to the King of Sweden from a lady of Great-Britain. Centlivre , Susanna
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Arabella Morris (London)
6213 An exhortation or warning to the inhabitants of Woodbridge, and the villages adjacent, by a well-wisher. Many are the faithful warnings, which, through the mercies of God, have been handed down to us in the various ages of the world, by men inspired to communicate what their eyes had seen, their ears heard, and their hands handled, of the good word of God. ... Maw , Mary
s.n. [sine nomine]
25229 An invocation of health. A poem. By Mr. Henry Baker. Baker , Henry
25818 An ode humbly inscrib'd to His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange, on his landing, to espouse the Princess Royal of England. Unknown ,
William Rayner (London)
25248 An ode to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter. On his installation. By Mr. Beckingham. Beckingham , Charles
John Millan (London)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Nicholas Blandford (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
25426 An ode, Most Humbly Inscrib'd to His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales, on his Birth-Day, Saturday, January 20th, 1738-9. Unknown ,
John Brindley (London)
25501 Apollo; a poem: or the Origin of the world assign'd. With reflections upon human nature. By Mr. Cannon, of Gray's-Inn. Cannon , Thomas
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
Joseph Fox I (London)
24066 Arthur Squire, attorney at law ---- appellant. Dame Rachael Pearshall ... respondent. The respondent's case. Pearshall , Rachael