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A trial, appeal, accusation, defence, execution, last speech, or confession relating to the law. 


Displaying 26–50 of 308

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
26098 A methodical treatise of replevins, distresses, avowries, &c. shewing their natures, kinds, incidents, and effects. As also the method of proceedings therein, in the courts at Westminster, the county courts, Hundred Courts, Courts Baron, &c. To which are added, divers late statutes touching the offic of sheriffs, and Passing their Patents and Accounts; particularly the two Statutes Tertio Georg II, cap. 15 & 16. As also, Some Observations and Judicial Opinions explaining the same. The whole being a necessary Appendix to the Office of Sheriffs. Unknown ,
John Walthoe I (London)
John Walthoe II (Cornhill)
22946 A Modest Enquiry into the reasons of the joy Expressed by a Certain Sett of People, upon the Spreading of a Rerort [sic] of Her Majesty's death. Manley , Delarivier
John Morphew (London)
25867 A narrative of the barbarous and unheard of murder of Mr. John Hayes, by Catherine his wife, Thomas Billings, and Thomas Wood, on the 1st of March at night. Wherein every minute Circumstance attending that Horrid Affair, and the wonderful Providence of God in the Discovery of the Actors therein, are faithfully and impartially related. Together with the Examinations and Confessions of the said Thomas Billings and Thomas Wood before several of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace. As also the Copy of a fictitious Letter that Catherine Hayes sent, as from her Husband, to his Mother in Worcestershire after his Death; and the Mother's Answer thereto: With some Account of the wicked Life and Conversation of the said Catherine, and likewise of those of Thomas Billings and Thomas Wood. To which is prefix'd, their true and exact effigies, drawn from the life, and curiously engraved on copper. Published with the approbation of the relations and friends of the said Mr. John Hayes. Unknown ,
Thomas Warner (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
25195 A new court register... Unknown ,
Thomas Cooper (London)
26027 A preparative to pleading. Being a work intended for the instruction and help of young clerks. Containing Several Directions, Declarations, Pleadings, Issues and Judgments, both in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas; with necessary Instructions how to sue any Person to the Outlawry, how to levy a Fine, and how to suffer Recoveries in the said Court of Common Pleas. By George Townesend, Esq; Second Prothonotary of that Court. The Third Edition. Townesend , George
Daniel Browne I (London)
William Mears [Temple Bar] (London)
Robert Gosling (London)
Thomas Woodward (London)
Francis Clay (London)
John Peele (London)
Joel Stevens [Stephens] (London)
1721 The Third Edition.
21254 A Review Of The Cause of the New Orleans Batture and of the discussions that have taken place respecting it; containing Answers to the Late Publications of Messrs. Thierry & Derbigny on that subject. By Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, Counsellor at Law, Of Counsel with Edward Livingston Esq. Du Ponceau , Peter Stephen
7161 A second appeal to the publick, by Signora Mingotti. Mingotti , Regina
26072 A summary of the penal laws relating to nonjurors, papists, popish recusants, and nonconformists. And of the late statutes concerning the succession, riots, and imprisonment of suspected persons. Collected and put into such a Method, that the Reader may at one View satisfie his Enquiry. The Offences and Penalties being ranged opposite to each other. To which are added, several adjudged cases, and Notes upon the most material Points: Wherein are contained, all the Oaths, Submissions, Declarations, Confessions of Faith and Affirmations, Required by the Government, since the first Year of Queen Elizabeth, to this present Year 1716. The second edition. To which is now added, the two late acts; the one, for appointing commissioners to Enquire of the Estates of certain Traytors, &c. The other, to oblige papists to register their names and real estates. Unknown ,
John Walthoe I (London)
John Walthoe II (Cornhill)
1716 The Second Edition.
25941 A summary view of ecclesiastical jurisdiction, especially that branch of it which relates to the proving wills, and granting administrations. Shewing How those Sacred Records may be better preserved, and all Business relating to the same, more properly executed, than under the present Regulation. Writ for the perusal of Sir N-----l C------n, And humbly submitted to the Consideration of the whole Legislature. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
26097 A supplement to the New version of Psalms by Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate; ... The eighth edition, corrected. With the addition of Plain instructions .. Unknown ,
1717 The eighth edition, corrected.
26035 A treatise of laws: or, a general introduction to the common, civil, and canon law. In three parts. I. The Common Law of England; illustrated in great Variety of Maxims, &c. Also the Use of this Law; with References to Statutes, in all Cases. II. Of the Civil Law, intermix'd with the Law of Nations, and its Use here in England; and a Parallel between the Civil Law and Common Law. III. The Canon Law, and Laws Ecclesiastical; containing the Authority, and Rights of the English Clergy; Of Patrons of Churches; Courts Ecclesiastical, Trials, &c. The Whole Adapted To the Use of Students, and Practisers of the Law; Students of the Universities; Civilians, Proctors, Ecclesiasticks, and all young Gentlemen. By Giles Jacob. gent. Jacob , Giles
Thomas Woodward (London)
26022 A treatise of the pleas of the Crown: or a system of the principal matters relating to that subject, digested under their proper heads. Book I. By William Hawkins, of the Inner Temple, Esq; Hawkins , William
John Walthoe I (London)
John Walthoe II (Cornhill)
26100 A treatise of trover and conversion; or the law of actions on the case for torts and wrongs; wherein all the cases concerning such actions, are digested under their proper heads. Viz. I. For Trover and Conversion of Goods. II. For Malicious Prosecutions. III. For Nusances. IV. For Disceits and on Warranties. V. On the Common Custom against Carriers, Innkeepers, &c. To which is added, several select precedents of Declarations and Pleas in such Actions and References to all that are extant in the Book of Entries. The second edition, with large additions. Unknown ,
Robert Gosling (London)
1721 The second edition, with large additions.
22398 A true and authentick copy of the last will and testament of Her Grace the illustrious Sarah, late Duchess Dowager of Marlborough with the codicil annex'd. Wherein will appear proofs of her publick spirit and love of her country; exemplified in regard to those worthy patriots, the Lords Stair, and Chesterfield, Mr. Pitt, &c. The whole worthy the perusal of all true lovers of their country, and will transmit with honour her name to the latest posterity. To which is prefix'd, some remarks thereon. Churchill , Sarah
W. Lewis (London)
1745 The second edition.
22540 A true copy of a paper delivered by Robert Young, to the Reverend Mr. Allen, ordinary, at Tyburn, on the 19th of April, 1700. Published by permission of authority. Young , Robert
Elizabeth Mallet (London)
23115 A true copy of the last will and testament of her grace Sarah, late Duchess Dowager of Marlborough: With the codicil thereto annexed. Churchill , Sarah
Joseph Rhames [Capel Street] (Dublin)
24520 A true copy of the last will and testament of her grace Sarah, late Duchess Dowager of Marlborough: With the Codicil thereto annexed. Churchill , Sarah
Mary Cooper [The Globe] (London)
25938 A true state of the case between the burgesses and Thomas Sims, a raker. And the four late scavengers of the Dutchy Liberty in the parish of St. Clements Danes. In a letter to the inhabitants of the said Liberty. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd I (London)
21532 Accounts of the corporation of the city of Philadelphia, for the year 1812. Published by order of the Councils. Baker , George A.
24959 Act against playing at cards and dice, &c. Edinburgh, April 12. 1704. Watt , Adam
24960 Act against prophaneness. Edinburgh, the 9th of August 1693. 1703
25020 Act and intimation anent opening of the mint and re-coining the forreign money: at Edinburgh the twenty two day of August, one thousand seven hundred and seven years. 1707
24958 Act of against landlords setting of houses, &c. to strangers without testificats, Edinburgh, the 28 February, 1701. Stuart , Ja
26062 An abridgment of the first part of my Ld Coke's Institutes; with some additions, explaining many of the difficult cases, and shewing in what Points the Law has been altered by the late Resolutions and Acts of Parliament. The Third Edition Corrected. Coke , Edward
Nutt , Elizabeth
John Walthoe I (London)
1719 The Third Edition Corrected.
24923 An abstract of the act for granting an aid to Her Majesty to be raised by a land-tax in Great Britain, for the service of the year 1709. 1709