A Manual, Consisting of a Defence of the Bible, in an Original Manner, with an Appendix, in Prose and Verse, on Many Interesting Subjects. By Mrs. M. A. Lloyd.
, Mary Ann
1820 |
A Marriage in High Life. Edited by the authoress of 'Flirtation.' In two volumes.
, Caroline Lucy
Henry Colburn [New Burlington Street] (London)
1828 |
A Marvellous Pleasant Love-Story. In Two Volumes.
, Elizabeth
Minerva Press, William Lane (London)
1801 |
A Melancholy Tale; Dark Sentences; A Vision
, Frances
James Ridgway [York Street] (London)
1792 |
A memorial deliver'd by Mr. Prior, Envoy-Extraordinary of his Britannick Majesty, to His most Christian Majesty, against The Fortifying the Ports and Harbours of Dunkirk and Mardike. The French King's Answer thereunto. A Memorial deliver'd to his Britannick Majesty in Holland, in Favour of the French Protestant Galley-Slaves. With the King's most Gracious Answer. The Buckinghamshire Electors Instructions to their Representatives, &c. The Citizens of London's Instructions to their Representatives. As Also the Protests of the Lords against the Clandestine Steps taken for a Separate Peace. Humbly offer'd to the Consideration of the Honourable House of Commons.
1715 |
A memorial deliver'd by Mr. Prior, Envoy-Extraordinary to his Britannick Majesty, to his most Christian Majesty, against the fortifying the ports and harbours of Dunkirk and Mardike. The French King's answer thereunto. A memorial deliver'd to his Britannick Majesty in Holland, in Favour of the French Protestant Galley-Slaves. With the King's most Gracious Answer. The Buckinghamshire Electors Instructions to their Representatives, &c. The Citizens of London's Instructions to their Representatives. As Also the Protests of the Lords against the Clandestine Steps taken for a Separate Peace. Humbly offer'd to the Consideration of the Honourable House of Commons. The Second Edition.
1715 |
The Second Edition. |
A memorial of the proceedings of the late ministery and Lower House of Parliament. With an account of several secret correspondences with foreign ministers of state, Letters and Messages, sent from London to Paris and Utrecht, and from Utrecht and Paris to London; Abstracts of Speeches, Addresses, Answers, &c. with Reflections upon each Head. To which is added, A short History of a Plot to dethrone Queen Anne, and what has been attempted to bring in the Romish Pretender, since the King ascended the Throne. At the end of the Memorial is a Black List of the Names of many of those Persons concern'd in one or both Conspiracies. Also Particulars cast up in it, of Men, Horses, Money, Provisions, Cloaths, Quarters, Arms, Ammunition, &c. promis'd to the Assistance of the Treason. Writ by the author of An inquiry into the miscarriages of the four last years reign The Copic are Counterseit that have not this Coat of Arms on the Title-Page, viz. A Bend engrail'd between Six Cinque - foils, Crest a Grif
, Charles
1715 |
A method for the regular management of those societies, call'd Box-clubs: Laid down in such plan and easy Terms, as observ'd, will settle and preserve the tranquillity of the Society, and instruct the Ignorant, satisfy the Curious, and maintain a just Oeconomy among Friends and Acquaintance, who mutually agree in these Proceedings, which are no less an Advantage to the Publick, than a true Sign of the Spirit of Humanity. To which is added, a Copy of Orders abstracted from the most regular Societies in London, with proper Remarks, advantageous Proposals and Methods for Security for the Box: Forms of Bonds for Money lent out, and several useful Observations for the Benefit of Societies in general, and every Member in particular.
Thomas Read (London)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
John Jackson (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
A. Smith (Cornhill)
S. Chastel (London)
1728 |
1 |
A method of devotion: or, rules for holy & devout living, with prayers on several occasions, and advices & devotions for the Holy Sacrament. In two parts.
, Elizabeth
Joseph Downing (London)
Charles Smith (London)
Anthony Barker (London)
1708 |
A method of devotion: or, rules for holy & devout living, with prayers on several Occasions, and Advices and Devotions for the Holy Sacrament. Written by Mrs. Burnet, late Wife of the Right Reverend Father in God Gilbert Lord Bishop of Sarum. The Second Edition. To which is added, some account of her life by T. Goodwyn Arch-Deacon of Oxford.
, Elizabeth
, T.
Joseph Downing (London)
Charles Smith (London)
1709 |
The Second Edition. |
A method of devotion: or, Rules for holy & devout living, with prayers on several occasions, and advices and devotions for the Holy Sacrament. Written by Mrs. Burnet, late wife of the Right Reverend Father in God Gilbert Lord Bishop of Sarum. The third edition. To which is added, some account of her life by T. Goodwyn Arch-Deacon of Oxford.
, Elizabeth
, T.
1713 |
The Third Edition. |
A method of devotion: or, Rules for holy and devout living, with prayers on several occasions, and advices and devotions for the Holy Sacrament. Written by Mrs. Burnet, late wife of the Right Revd. Father in God Gilbert Lord Bishop of Sarum. The fifth edition, corrected. To which is added, some account of her life, by T. Goodwyn Archdeacon of Oxford.
, Elizabeth
, T.
1738 |
The fifth edition, corrected. |
A method of making abridgments; or, easy and certain rules for analyzing authors. Divided into two parts; ... By the Abbé Gaultier. ...
, Aloisius Edouard Camille
1800-01 |
A methodical treatise of replevins, distresses, avowries, &c. shewing their natures, kinds, incidents, and effects. As also the method of proceedings therein, in the courts at Westminster, the county courts, Hundred Courts, Courts Baron, &c. To which are added, divers late statutes touching the offic of sheriffs, and Passing their Patents and Accounts; particularly the two Statutes Tertio Georg II, cap. 15 & 16. As also, Some Observations and Judicial Opinions explaining the same. The whole being a necessary Appendix to the Office of Sheriffs.
John Walthoe I (London)
John Walthoe II (Cornhill)
1718 |
A Minstrel's Hours of Song; or Poems by Agnes Mahony.
, Agnes
William Pickering (London)
1825 |
A mirror for the female sex: historical beauties for young ladies: intended to lead the female mind to the love and practice of moral goodness: designed principally for the use of ladies' schools. By Mrs. Pilkington. Third edition, ornamented with numerous engravings on wood.
, Mary
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
Ann Vernor, Thomas Hood, and Charles Sharpe (London)
J.K. Newman (London)
1811 |
Third edition. |
A Mirror for the Female Sex. Historical beauties for young ladies, intended to lead the female mind to the love and practice of moral goodness. Designed principally for the use of ladies' schools. By Mrs. Pilkington. The third edition. Ornamented with thirty engravings, beautifully cut on wood.
, Mary
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] (London)
1804 |
The third edition. |
A mirror for the female sex. Historical beauties for young ladies. Intended to lead the female mind to the love and practice of moral goodness. Designed principally for the use of ladies' schools. By Mrs. Pilkington.
, Mary
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] (London)
1799 |
The Second Edition. |
A mirror for the female sex. Historical beauties for young ladies. Intended to lead the female mind to the love and practice of moral goodness. Designed principally for the use of ladies' schools. By Mrs. Pilkington. Ornamented with thirty-four engravings, beautifully cut on wood.
, Mary
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] (London)
1798 |
A miscellaneous poetical essay; in three parts: Part I. Authors considered: Pope, Swift, Milton, Dryden, Butler, &c. Part II. Content, a vision. Part III. The vision continued; contemplation. By Mrs. Latter of Reading.
, Mary
William Sandby (London)
1761 |
A Miscellany in Prose and Verse, for Young Persons. Designed Particularly for the Amusement of Sunday Scholars
, Ellenor
John Marshall I [Aldermary] (London)
1790 |
A miscellany in prose and verse, for young persons. Designed particularly for the amusement of Sunday scholars.
, Ellenor
, Elizabeth
John Marshall I [Aldermary] (London)
1798 |
A Miscellany, in Prose and Verse, for Young Persons, on Sunday. By Mrs. Lovechild.
, Elizabeth
, Ellenor
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1807 |
A mock elegy, in irregular verse, on the supposed demise of P**** P*****, Esq. M.D.
, Mrs.
Thomas Hookham and James Carpenter [Old Bond Street] (London)
1792 |
A modest apology for the conduct of a certain admiral in the Mediterranean. Being an essay towards silencing the clamorous tongue of slander, 'till facts can be ascertained by substantial and circumstantial Evidence.
Mary Cooper (London)
Benjamin Dod [Dodd] (London)
1756 |