The Prettiest Book for Children; Being the History of the Enchanted Castle; Situated in one of the fortunate isles, and governed by the giant instruction. Written ... By Don Stephano Bunyano ...
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
1790 |
The Prettiest Book for Children; Being the History of the Enchanted Castle; Situated in one of the fortunate isles, and governed by the giant instruction. Written for the entertainment of little masters and misses. By Don Stephano Bunyano. Under-secretary to the aforesaid giant.
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
1790 |
The Prettiest Book for Children; Being the History of the Enchanted Castle.
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
1784 |
The Pride of Ancestry: or, Who Is She? A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Thomson, author of Excessive Sensibility—Fatal Follies—The Labyrinths of Life—Geraldine—and Robert and Adela, &c.
, Anna
, Harriet
Parsons and Son (London)
1804 |
The priest and the widow, a tale.
Edward Comyns (London)
Jacob Robinson [Ludgate St] (London)
John Jackson (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
1741 |
The prince of Leon. A Spanish romance. In two volumes. By Mrs. Harley. Author of Juliana ormeston, &c. ...
, Martha
James Barker [Drury Lane] (London)
1794 |
The princess of Cleves, an historical novel, revised and corrected by Mrs. Griffith.
Pioche de La Vergne
, Marie-Madeleine
William Lane (London)
1780 |
The princess of Cleves. An historical novel. Translated from the French.
Pioche de La Vergne
, Marie-Madeleine
John Wilkie (London)
1777 |
The Princess; Or, the Beguine. By Lady Morgan, Author of “O’Donnel,” &C. In Three Volumes.
, Sydney
Richard Bentley (London)
1835 |
The Principles of antipd̆obaptism, and the practice of female communion completely consistent. In answer to the arguments and objections of Mr. Peter Edwards in his candid reasons: with animadversions on his temper and conduct in that publication. The preface and notes, by James Dore.
, James
, [Man]
1795 |
The Prior Claim. A Tale. In Two Volumes. By Mrs. Iliff.
, Maria
J. Burch (London)
1813 |
The Priory of Saint Mary. A Romance founded on Days of Old. In Four Volumes. By Bridget St. Hilaire.
St. Hilaire
, Bridget
Richard Ryan [353 Oxford Street] (London)
G. Shade (London)
1810 |
The Priory of Saint Mary. A Romance founded on Days of Old. In Four Volumes. By Bridget St. Hilaire. Second edition.
St. Hilaire
, Bridget
Richard Ryan [353 Oxford Street] (London)
G. Shade (London)
1810 |
Second edition. |
The prison groans! Or, sorrowful lamentation of Patience Elsom, when under sentence of death in Lincoln Castle: and who was executed on Friday the 12th day of November, 1784, for wilfully setting fire to the dwelling-house of Mr. Goulding of Ingoldsby.
, Patience
s.n. [sine nomine]
1784 |
The Prison of Montauban; or, Times of Terror. A Reflective Tale. By the Editor of Letters of the Swedish Court.
, Julia
Charles Cradock and William Joy (London)
1810 |
The Prison-House; or, The World We Live In. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Bridget Bluemantle, Author of the Vindictive Spirit, Husband and Wife, Monte Video, &c. &c.
, Elizabeth
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (London)
1814 |
The prisoner; or, nature's complaint to justice. A poem. By a lady in confinement.
, [Woman]
Edward Cabe (London)
1758 |
The Private Correspondence of a Woman of Fashion. In Two Volumes.
, Harriet
Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley (London)
1832 |
The Private History of the Court of England. In two volumes.
, Sarah
1808 |
The Private History of the Court of England. In two volumes. The Second Edition, Corrected.
, Sarah
1808 |
The Second Edition, Corrected. |
The prize, or, The lace-makers of Missenden. By Mrs. Caroline Barnard.
, Caroline
Mary Jane Godwin and Co. [Skinner Street] (London)
1817 |
The proceedings in the Court of King’s Bench, on the indictments against Charles Bourne, gent. on the prosecution of Sir James Wallace, for a libel and for an assault: Containing The Evidence, the Arguments of the Counsel, and the Speech of Mr. Justice Willes, on pronouncing the Judgment of the Court. To which are added copies of all the affidavits, both for the prosecution and for the defendant. Taken in short-hand by Joseph Gurney.
, Charles
1783 |
The proceedings of the late directors of the South-Sea Company, from their proposal for taking in the publick debts, to the choice of new directors; containing a particular account of the debates in the General-Courts of the said company, during that Time, as likewise in those of the Bank of England, and East-India Company; including among others the celebrated Speeches of the following Lords and Gentlemen, viz. Duke of Portland Earl of Ilay Lord Lumley Lord Morpeth Mr. Craggs Sir John Blunt Sir John Eyles Sir John Fellows Sir Matthew Decker Sir Robert Child Sir Gils. Heathcote Sir Harcourt Master Sir Theodore Jansen Sir George Caswall Dr. Cotesworth Mr. Budgell Mr. Ecclestone Mr. Young Mr. Hungerford Mr. Hopkins Mr. Pendock, &c. Together with divers other matters and Occurrences, which either result from or serve to explain those proceedings. To these are added the by-laws of the South-Sea Company. The Second Edition, with Additions
South Sea Company
Anne Dodd I (London)
Jane Billingsley (London)
1721 |
The Second Edition, with Additions |
The proceedings on the King’s special commission of oyer and terminer for the county of Surry, held at St. Margaret’s-Hill, On Monday the 10th of July, 1780, and the following Days; before The Right Hon. Alexander Lord Loughborough, Chief Justice of his Majesty’s Court of Common Pleas; The Hon. Sir Henry Gould, Knight, one of the Justices of his Majesty’s Court of Common Pleas; The Hon. Sir James Eyre, Knight, one of the Barons of his Majesty’s Court of Exchequer; and The Hon. Francis Buller, one of the Justices of his Majesty’s Court of King’s Bench. Taken in short-hand (with Permission of the Court) By Joseph Gurney, Short-Hand-Writer at the Session in the Old Bailey. Part I.
, Joseph
Joseph Gurney (London)
1780 |
The Profligate Mother; or, The Fatal Cabinet. By Miss H—.
, Miss
Appleyards (London)
1810 |