Name Jackson Bibliography
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The Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry is based on first-hand examination of copies and aims to provide descriptions of all extant editions of all verse in English published for the first time between 1770 and 1835, amounting to approximately 23,000 volumes. 


Jackson, J. R. de J. Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry. University of Toronto, 1975, 

Titles 1965
Firms 2
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Displaying 1726–1750 of 1965

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
12388 The Peacock and Parrot, on Their Tour to Discover the Author of "The Peacock at Home." Illustrated with Engravings. Dorset , Catherine Anne Turner
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
11625 The Penseé Unknown ,
John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
13058 The Pink or, Child's First Book of Poetry. By the Author of "The Daisy," "The Cowslip," Etc. A New Edition, With additions, by Mary Howitt Turner , Elizabeth
Howitt , Mary
William Darton and Son (London)
1835 New Edition
10853 The Pink: A Flower in the Juvenile Garland. Consisting of Short Poems, Adapted to the Understanding of Young Children Turner , Elizabeth
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
Nathaniel Hailes [173 Piccadilly] (London)
6408 The pious incendiaries: or, fanaticism display'd. A poem. By a lady. O'Brien , Mary
12299 The Plague a Poem by Guido Sorelli of Florence author of " I Miei Pensieri" and Translator of Milton. The English Version by Miss Pardoe. Sorelli , Guido
Armand Bertrand Dulau and Co. (B. Dulau and Co.) [Soho Square] (London)
12342 The Plague a Poem. By Guido Sorelli of Florence, author of "I mei pensieri" and translator of Milton. Sorelli , Guido
11011 The Pleasures of Friendship, a Poem. By Frances Arabella Rowden. Second edition. Rowden , Frances Arabella
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
John White and Cochrane (London)
Longman, Rees, and Orme (London)
1812 Second edition.
11009 The Pleasures of Friendship; a Poem, in Two Parts. By Frances Arabella Rowden. Rowden , Frances Arabella
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
11010 The Pleasures of Friendship; a Poem, in Two Parts. By Frances Arabella Rowden. Second edition. Rowden , Frances Arabella
1811 Second edition.
11015 The Pleasures of Friendship; a Poem, in Two Parts. By Frances Arabella Rowden. The third edition. Rowden , Frances Arabella
G. and W. B. Whittaker (London)
1818 The third edition.
9604 The Pleasures of Human Life, a Poem; by Anna Jane Vardill. Vardill , Anna Jane
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
10046 The Pleasures of Piety, with Other Poems. By Eleanor Dickinson. Dickinson , Eleanor
Sherwood, Jones, and Co. (London)
12520 The Poems of Baron Haller, Translated into English by Mrs. Howorth. von Haller , Albrecht
Joseph Bell (London)
260 The Poems of Mrs. A. Radcliffe Radcliffe , Ann
J. Bounden (London)
9487 The Poems of Mrs. Ann Radcliffe, author of "the Mysteries of Udolpho," &c. &c. &c. Radcliffe , Ann
J. Smith [Princes Street] (London)
9613 The Poetic Garland: A Collection of Pleasing Pieces, for the Instruction and Amusement of Youth. With fine engravings. By Clara Hall, editress of "Parlour Stories," "Affection's Offerings," &c. &c. Bourne , Jane
Hemans , Felicia
Porter , Anna Maria
St John , Jane Elizabeth (Roscoe)
Taylor , Emily
Edward Lacey (London)
9614 The Poetic Present; a Collection of Superior Pieces from the Best Authors. Calculated to Interest and Improve the Minds of Young People. Selected by Clara Hall. Abdy , Maria
Tonna , Charlotte Elizabeth (Browne) Phelan
Cockle , Mary
Hemans , Felicia
Howitt , Mary
Landon , Letitia Elizabeth
Opie , Amelia
Roberts , Miss
St John , Jane Elizabeth (Roscoe)
Seward , Anna
Taylor , Emily
Washbourn , Mrs.
Webb , Miss
Bourne , Jane
Porter , Anna Maria
Edward Lacey (London)
9615 The Poetic Primer: A Circlet of Little Rhymes for Little Readers. By Clara Hall, Editress of "Affection's Offering," "Parlour Stories," &c. &c. With Fine Engravings Hall , Anna Maria
Webb , Miss
Roberts , Miss
Seward , Anna
Howitt , Mary
Hemans , Felicia
Edward Lacey (London)
12362 The Poetical Chain, Consisting of Miscellaneous Poems, Moral, Sentimental, and Descriptive, on Familiar and Interesting Subjects. By Mrs. Ritson. Ritson , Anne
9607 The Poetical Clavis, in Which are Defined and Illustrated the Principle Tropes, Figures, and Turns . . . . To Which is Added, a Succinct Description of the Various Species of Poetry Riley , Anna Terminia
10325 The poetical monitor: consisting of pieces select and original, for the improvement of the young in virtue and piety, intended to succeed Dr. Watts' Divine and moral songs. Third edition. 1803 Third edition.
10212 The Poetical Monitor: Consisting of Pieces Select and Original, for the Improvement of the Young in Virtue and Piety; Intended to Succeed Dr Watts' Divine and Moral Songs 1819 Eighth Edition.
10389 The Poetical Monitor: Consisting of Pieces Select and Original, for the Improvement of the Young in Virtue and Piety; Intended to Succeed Dr Watts' Divine and Moral Songs Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton (London)
John Whitaker (London)
1822 Ninth Edition.
10203 The Poetical Monitor: Consisting of Pieces Select and Original, for the Improvement of the Young in Virtue and Piety; Intended to Succeed Dr Watts' Divine and Moral Songs. Seventh edition. 1815 Seventh edition.