Name Jackson Bibliography
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The Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry is based on first-hand examination of copies and aims to provide descriptions of all extant editions of all verse in English published for the first time between 1770 and 1835, amounting to approximately 23,000 volumes. 


Jackson, J. R. de J. Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry. University of Toronto, 1975, 


Displaying 1751–1775 of 1965

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
10193 The Poetical Monitor: Consisting of Pieces Select and Original, for the Improvement of the Young in Virtue and Piety; Intended to Succeed Dr Watts's Divine and Moral Songs. Alexander Cleugh (London)
1812 6th edn.
10421 The Poetical Monitor: Consisting of Pieces Select and Original, for the Improvement of the Young in Virtue and Piety; Intended to Succeed Dr Watts's Divine and Moral Songs. Eleventh edition. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
1831 Eleventh edition.
10834 The Poetical Monitor: Consisting of Pieces Select and Original, for the Improvement of the Young in Virtue and Piety; Intended to Succeed Dr Watts's Divine and Moral Songs. Second edition. 1798 Second edition.
10785 The Poetical Monitor: Consisting of Pieces Select and Original, for the Improvement of the Young in Virtue and Piety: Intended to Succeed Dr Watts' Divine and Moral Songs. 1796
1246 The Poetical Works of Anna Seward, with extracts from her literary correspondence Seward , Anna
James Ballantyne and Co. (Edinburgh)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
9677 The Poetical Works of Anne Radcliffe. St. Alban's Abbey, a Metrical Romance; with Other Poems. By Anne Radcliffe, authoress of "the Mysteries of Udolpho," "Romance of the Forest," &c. Radcliffe , Ann
Richard Bentley (London)
Henry Colburn [Windsor] (Windsor)
11059 The Poetical Works of Hannah More With a Memoir of the Author. More , Hannah
Adam Scott, Webster, and Geary (London)
9755 The Poetical Works of Henry Brooke, Esq. Author of Gustavus Vasa, Fool of Quality, &c, Revised and corrected by the original manuscript; with a portrait of the author, and his life. By Miss Brooke. The third edition. Brooke , Henry
s.n. [sine nomine]
1792 The third edition.
4878 The poetical works of Janet Little, The Scotch Milkmaid. Little , Janet
12688 The Poetical Works of Susannah Hawkins. Hawkins , Susannah
12227 The Poetical Works of the Late Mrs Mary Robinson. Including the Pieces Last Published. The Three Volumes Complete in One. Robinson , Mary
Jones and Co. [Warwick Square] (London)
523 The Poetical Works of the Late Mrs. Mary Robinson. Including many pieces never before published. In three volumes. Robinson , Mary
Richard Phillips [6 Bridge Street] (London)
3976 The poetry of Anna Matilda. Containing A tale for jealousy, The funeral, her correspondence with Della Crusca, and several other poetical pieces. To which are added Recollections, printed from an original manuscript, written by General Sir William Waller. Waller , William
Cowley , Hannah
John Bell [132 Strand] (London)
11636 The Poetry of Birds, Selected from Various Authors; with Coloured Illustrations. George Smith (Liverpool)
9623 The Poetry of the World. Containing the Poems of Della Crusca, Anna Matilda, Ambitious Vengeance; A Tragic Drama, &c. &c. &c. Merry , Robert
Robinson , Mary
Cowley , Hannah
John Bell [132 Strand] (London)
11088 The Poetry of the World. Fifth edition. Cowley , Hannah
James Ridgway [York Street] (London)
1795 Fifth edition.
6392 The political monitor; or Regent's friend. Being a collection of poems published in England during the agitation of the regency: consisting of curious, interesting, satyrical and political effusions of poetry. By Mrs. Mary O'Brien, Wife of Patrick O'Brien, Esq. and Author of Charles Henley, in 2 Vols. 1790
11949 The Poor Soldier; an American Tale: Founded on a Recent Fact. Inscribed to Mrs Crespigny. Starke , Mariana
John Walter [Homer's Head, Charing Cross] (London)
11950 The Poor Soldier; an American Tale: Founded on a Recent Fact. Inscribed to Mrs Crespigny. The second edition. Starke , Mariana
John Walter [Homer's Head, Charing Cross] (London)
1789 The second edition.
11013 The Posthumous Dramatick Works of the late Richard Cumberland, Esq. In two volumes. Cumberland , Richard
George and William Nicol [58 Pall Mall] (London)
9674 The Posthumous Works of Anne Radcliffe, Authoress of The Mysteries of Udolpho, &c. Comprising Gaston De Blondeville, A Romance; St. Alban's Abbey, a Metrical Tale, with various poetical pieces. To which is prefixed a memoir of the authoress, with extracts from her private journals. In four volumes. Radcliffe , Ann
Henry Colburn [Windsor] (Windsor)
Richard Bentley (London)
11296 The Posthumous Works of Mrs. Chapone. Containing her Correspondence with Mr. Richardson, a series of Letters to Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, and some Fugitive Pieces, never before published, together with an account of her life and character, drawn up by her own family. Second edition. Corrected, with some additions. Chapone , Hester Mulso
Archibald Constable and Co. [Cross Well] (Edinburgh)
John Murray II [Fleet Street] (London)
1808 Second edition. Corrected, with some additions.
155 The Posthumous Works of Mrs. Chapone. Containing her correspondence with Mr. Richardson; a series of letters to Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, and some fugitive pieces, never before published. Together with an account of her life and character, drawn up by her own family. Chapone , Hester Mulso
Archibald Constable and Co. [Cross Well] (Edinburgh)
John Murray II [Fleet Street] (London)
12390 The Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God Displayed in the Works of Creation and Redemption; a Poem. By the late Mrs. E. Robinson. Robinson , Mrs. E.
9758 The Powers of Imagination, a Poem. In Three Parts. Written at the Age of Sixteen, by Miss Charlotte Seymour. Seymour , Charlotte
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees (London)