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Titles 3064
Firms 4
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Displaying 751–775 of 3064

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
12110 Emilia of Lindinau; or, the Field of Leipsic. A Poem, in Four Cantos. By Mary Arnald Houghton. Second Edition. Houghton , Mary
Whittingham and John Arliss (London)
1815 Second Edition
10878 Emily and her cousins: a tale of real life. By M. Baker, (formerly Miss Horwood). Horwood , Caroline
Thomas Dean and Munday [35 Threadneedle Street] (London)
8476 Emily Dundorne; or, the effects of early impressions: a novel, in three volumes. By Mrs. Thomson, author of Robert and Adela de Montfort, Excessive Sensibility, Fatal Follies, The Labyrinths of Life, &c. &c. Thomson , Anna
Sampson Low [Berwick Street] (London)
20321 Emily Hamilton, a novel. Founded on incidents in real life. By a young lady of Worcester County. Published according to an act of Congress. Vickery , Sukey
9381 Emma De Lissau; A Narrative of Striking Vicissitudes, and Peculiar Trials; With Notes, Illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the Jews. By the author of "Sophia De Lissau," "Elizabeth Allen," &c. &c. In two volumes. Second Edition. Bristow , Amelia
Thomas Gardiner and Son (London)
1829 Second Edition.
9062 Emma: A Novel. By Jane Austen, author of "Sense and Sensibility," "Mansfield Park," &c. Austen , Jane
Richard Bentley (London)
John Bell and John Bradfute [12 Bank Street] (Edinburgh)
John Cumming (Dublin)
Anthony Galignani (Paris)
12982 Emmanuel: with a recommendatory preface by the Rev. Henry H. Beamish, M.A., Minister of Trinity Chapel, Conduit Street, and of the Irish Episcopal Chapel; and Chaplain to the Right Hon. The Earl of Bandon. Colthurst , Miss E.
James Nisbet [Berners Street] (London)
26143 England and France: A Comparative View of the Social Condition of Both Countries. From the Restoration of Charles the Second, to the Present Time. By the editor of Madame du Deffand's Letters. A New Edition, in Two Volumes. Berry , Mary
Richard Bentley (London)
1834 A New Edition.
14639 England in 1835: Letters Written to Friends in Germany, During a Residence in London and Excursions into the Provinces: by Frederick Von Raumer, Professor of History and the University of Berlin, Author of the 'History of the Hohenstaufen;' of the 'History of Europe from the end of the Fifteenth Century;' of "Illustrations of the History of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,' ETC. ETC. Translated from the German by Sarah Austin and H.E. Lloyd. von Raumer , Friedrich Ludwig Georg
Carey, Lea, and Blanchard (Philadelphia)
353 England in 1835. Being a Series of Letters Written to Friends in Germany, During a Residence in London and Excursions into the Provinces: By Friedrich von Raumer, Professor of History at the University of Berlin, author of the "history of the Hohenstaufen", of the "history of Europe from the end of the fifteen century", of "illustrations of the history of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries", &C. &C. Translated from the German, by Sarah Austin. Three Vols. von Raumer , Friedrich Ludwig Georg
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
3183 English housewifery, exemplified in above four hundred and fifty receipts, giving directions in most parts of cookery; And how to prepare various Sorts of Soups, Made Dishes, Pastes, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made Wines, &c. &c. &c. With cuts, for the orderly placing the dishes and courses; also Bills of Fare for every Month in the Year; and an Alphabetical Index to the Whole. A Book necessary for Mistresses of Families, higher and lower Women Servants, and confined to Things Useful, Substantial, and Splendid, and calculated for the Preservation of Health, and upon the Measures of Frugality, being the Result of Thirty Years Practice and Experience. By Elizabeth Moxon. With an appendix, containing upwards of eighty receipts, of the most valuable Kind, (many never before printed) communicated to the Publisher by several Gentlewomen in the Neighbourhood, distinguished by their extraordinary Skill in Housewifery.—To this Edition is now added, An Introduction, giving an Account of the Times when RIVER FISH are in Season; and a TABLE shewing at one View the proper Seasons for Sea Fish. Fourteenth Edition, corrected. Moxon , Elizabeth
1800 Fourteenth Edition, corrected.
3413 English housewifery, exemplified in above four hundred and fifty receipts, giving directions in most parts of cookery; And how to prepare various Sorts of Soups, Made-Dishes, Pastes, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made Wines, &c. With cuts, for the orderly placing the dishes and courses; also Bills of Fare for every Month in the Year; and an alphabetical Index to the Whole. A Book necessary for Mistresses of Families, higher and lower Women Servants, and confined to Things Useful, Substantial, and Splendid, and calculated for the Preservation of Health, and upon the Measures of Frugality, being the Result of Thirty Years Practice and Experience. By Elizabeth Moxon. With an appendix, Containing upwards of Seventy Receipts, of the most valuable Kind, (many never before printed) communicated to the Publisher by several Gentlewomen in the Neighbourhood, distinguished by their extraordinary Skill in Housewifery. To this Edition is now added, an Introduction, giving an Account of the Times when River Fish are in Season; and a Table, shewing at one View the proper Seasons for Sea Fish. The Twelfth Edition, Corrected. Moxon , Elizabeth
William Fawdington (Leeds)
1785 The Twelfth Edition, Corrected.
3212 English housewifry. Exemplified in above four hundred and fifty receipts, giving directions in most parts of cookery; and how to prepare various Sorts of Soops [sic], Made-Dishes, Pasts [sic], Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made-Wines, &c. With cuts for the orderly placing the dishes and courses; also Bills of Fare, for every Month in the Year; and an Alphabetical Index of the Whole. A Book necessary for Mistresses of Families, higher and lower Women Servants, and confined to Things useeul [sic], Substantial and Splendid, and calculated for the Preservation of Health, and upon the Measures of Frugality, being the Result of thirty Years Practice and Experience. By Elizabeth Moxon. The Fourth Edition. Moxon , Elizabeth
1752 The Fourth Edition.
3393 English housewifry. Exemplified in above four hundred and fifty receipts, giving directions in most parts of cookery; and how to prepare various Sorts of Soops, Made-Dishes, Pasts, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made-Wines, &c With cuts for the orderly placing the dishes and courses; also Bills of Fare for every Month in the Year; and an Alphabetical Index of the Whole. A Book necessary for Mistresses of Families, higher and lower Women Servants, and confined to Things Useful, Substantial and Splendid, and calculated for the Preservation of Health, and upon the Measures of Frugality, being the Result of thirty Years Practice and Experience. By Elizabeth Moxon. The fourth edition. Moxon , Elizabeth
1752 The fourth edition.
3326 English housewifry. Exemplified in above four hundred and fifty receipts, giving directions in most parts of cookery; And how to prepare various sourts of Soops, Made-dishes, Pastes, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Madewines, &c. With cuts for the orderly placing the dishes and courses; also Bills of Fare for every Month in the Year; and an alphabetical Index to the Whole. A book necessary for Mistresses of Families, higher and lower women servants, and confined to Things Useful, Substantial and Splendid, and calculated for the Preservation of Health, and upon the Measures of Frugality, being the Result of thirty Years Practice and Experience. By Elizabeth Moxon. With an appendix, containing upwards of sixty receipts, of the most valuable Kind, communicated to the Publisher by several Gentlewomen in the neighbourhood, distinguished by their extraordinary skill in Housewifry. The Ninth Edition, Corrected. Moxon , Elizabeth
George Copperthwaite (Leeds)
1764 The Ninth Edition, Corrected.
26217 English Minstrelsy. Being a selection of fugitive poetry from the best English authors; with some original pieces hitherto unpublished. In two volumes. Fletcher , Phineas
Drummond , William
Crashaw , Richard
Davenant , William
Harington , John
Milton , John
Cowley , John
Cowley , Abraham
Waller , Edmund
Denham , John
Dryden , John
Parnell , Thomas
Addison , Joseph
Prior , Matthew
Gay , John
Tickell , Thomas
Hammond , James
Phillips , Ambrose
Collins , William
Erskine , William
Shenstone , William
Akenside , Mark
Gray , Thomas
Goldsmith , Oliver
Smollett , Tobias
Langhorne , John
Penrose , Thomas
Mickle , William Julius
Scott , John
Johnson , Samuel
Whitehead , William
Logan , John
Warton , Thomas
Cotton , Nathaniel
Collins , William
Jerningham , Edward
Sheridan , Richard Brinsley
Jones , Sir William
Southey , Robert
Greville , Frances
Vernon , William
Hawkesworth , John
Shaw , Cuthbert
Piozzi , Hester Lynch Thrale
Beattie , James
Chatterton , Thomas
Pickering , George
Day , Thomas
Brooke , Eliza
Cowper , William
Gifford , William
Coleridge , Samuel Taylor
Leyden , John
Moore , Thomas
Waldron , George
Huddesford , George
Smythe , William
Williams , Helen Maria
Heber , Reginald
D'Israeli , Isaac
Canning , George
Campbell , Thomas
Westall , Richard
Sotheby , William
Coxe , Edward
Baillie , Joanna
Grahame , James
Wordsworth , William
John Ballantyne and Co. (Edinburgh)
Alexander Manners and Robert Miller [Cross] (Edinburgh)
Brown and Crombie (Edinburgh)
John Murray [32 Prince's Street] (London)
13550 English Nights Entertainments. The Children of the Priory; or, wars of old. An historical romance. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
14078 English Nights Entertainments. The Shipwreck; or, History of Paul and Virginia. Written by Bernardin de St. Pierre. de Saint-Pierre , Jacques-Henri Bernardin
Ann Lemoine (London)
13120 English stories, Second Series: Including the period between the accession of Henry the Third, and the death of Henry the Sixth. By Maria Hack. Hack , Maria
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
1827 Second Edition.
10622 English stories, Second Series: Including the period between the accession of Henry the Third, and the death of Henry the Sixth. By Maria Hack. Hack , Maria
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
13121 English Stories, third series: illustrating the progress of the Reformation, under the Tudor princes. By Maria Hack. Hack , Maria
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
12168 Enigmettes, or Flora's Offering to the Young. By Mary Kerr Hart, author of "Heath Blossoms." Hart , Mary Kerr
13010 Entertaining and instructive rambles. For young persons. Bell , Mrs. E.
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
3042 Epistles for ladies. By the authors of The female spectator. In two volumes. Third edition. Haywood , Eliza
Thomas Gardner (London)
1756 Third edition.
3909 Épitre aux Anglois dans les tristes circonstances presentes. Novembre 1788. d'Éon de Beaumont , Charles Geneviève Louis Auguste André Timothée