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Titles 3064
Firms 4
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Displaying 1201–1225 of 3064

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
10497 Life of Lady Jane Grey, and of Lord Guildford Dudley, her husband. By Edward Baldwin, Esq. This young Lady at Twelve Years of Age understood Eight Languages, was for Nine Days Queen of England, and was Beheaded in the Tower in the Seventeenth Year of her Age, being at that Time the most Amiable and Accomplished Woman in Europe. Godwin , William
Mary Jane Godwin and Co. [Strand] (London)
15271 Life of Lady Jane Grey, and of Lord Guildford Dudley, her husband. This young Lady at Twelve Years of Age understood Eight Languages, was for Nine Days Queen of England, and was Beheaded in the Tower in the Seventeenth Year of her Age, being at that Time the most Amiable and Accomplished Woman in Europe. By Theophilus Marcliffe. Fourth Edition. Godwin , William
Mary Jane Godwin and Co. [Skinner Street] (London)
1815 Fourth Edition.
12301 Life: A Poem, by the author of Emmanuel;" With Explanatory Notes. Dedicated, by Permission, to the Right Rev. and Hon. The Lord Bishop of Limerick. Colthurst , Miss E.
John Bolster (Cork)
1338 Lights and Shadows of American Life. Edited By Mary Russell Mitford. In Three Volumes. Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley (London)
15129 Lincolnshire in 1836: Displayed in a Series of Nearly One Hundred Engravings, on Steel and Wood; with Accompanying Descriptions, Statistical and Other Important Information, Maps, &c. Saunders , Mary
John Saunders, Jun. (Lincoln)
8599 Lindorf and Caroline; or, The Danger of Credulity. In Three Vols. Translated from the German of Professor Kramer, by Mary Julia Young, Author of Rose Mount Castle; The East Indian; The Kinsmen of Naples; Poems, &c. Naubert , Christiana Benedicta Eugenie
Benjamin Crosby and Co. (London)
12140 Lines Addressed to a Noble Lord; (His Lordship will know why,) By One of the Small Fry of the Lakes. Barker , Mary
12394 Lines Addressed to Lady Byron. By Mrs. E. Cockle Cockle , Mary
11504 Lines from the Pen of a Young Lady, Occasioned by Reading an Address to the Inhabitants of Ramsgate, Written by Nathaniel Gundry, Esq. on the Distribution of the Sacrament Money, Which Has Been Monthly Collected at the Episcopal Chapel, in Ramsgate, ever since Its Consecration Hutchinson , Miss A. A.
12980 Lines on the Lamented Death of Sir John Moore, suggested by reading "Moore's Narrative of the Campaign in Spain." By E. C. Cockle , Mary
9577 Lines on the Passions. Addressed to a young gentleman who had received an Anonymous Letter on the Ruling Passion of the Mind. To which is added a Sonnet to a Star. By Mary Ann Lloyd Lloyd , Mary Ann
11710 Lisbon in the Years 1821, 1822 and 1823. By Marianne Baillie. Second Edition. In Two Volumes Baillie , Marianne
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
1825 Second Edition
12690 Literary Exercises; or, Short Essays on Various Subjects: Also, Thoughts on a One All-perfect Cause, from the Visible World, in Blank Verse. The Whole being a Miscellaneous Performance by Susan Wood. Wood , Susan
John Sharpe [191 Piccadilly] (London)
11180 Little Georgina, or, Conversations for children. By the author of "Three years in Italy." Martin , Selina
William Oliphant (Edinburgh)
William Collins and Co. (Glasgow)
John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
Richard Moore Tims (Dublin)
J. Nesbitt (London)
Thomas Hamilton and William Adams (London)
Waugh and Innes [1826-1836] (Edinburgh)
Charles Chalmers and William Collins [63 Wilson Street] (Glasgow)
10756 Little lessons for little folks : : containing 1. The little sweepers; 2. The mistake; 3. The widow and her only son; 4. Ask and learn; 5. Village annals; or, Truth and Falsehood. By Mary Belson. Elliott , Mary Belson
William Darton Junior [1810-1819] (London)
10515 Little Mary grown older. Second Edition. Puddicombe , Julia
Robert Benton Seeley and W. Burnside [Fleet Street] (London)
1835 Second Edition.
17279 Little Plays for Children. The Grinding Organ. Dumb Andy. The Dame School Holiday. Being a Continuation of The Parent's Assistant. By Maria Edgeworth. Edgeworth , Maria
William Burgess, Junior [97 Fulton-street] (New York City)
40 Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier: including an introductory view of the earlier discoveries in the South Sea, and the history of the buccaneers with portraits engraved by Horsburgh Johnstone , Christian Isobel
Thomas Oliver and George Boyd [High Street] (Edinburgh)
Simpkin, Marshall and Co. (London)
William Jackson [Bryanstone Street] (London)
13594 Lives of the most remarkable Female Robbers. The German Princess, a Robber & Impostor. Moll Cut-Purse, a Pickpocket & Highwaywoman. Mary Read, Anne Bonny, Pirates. Nan Hereford, a Cheat & Impostor. Written by Captain C. Johnson. Author of Lives of the Highwaymen, &c. Johnson , Charles
Ann Lemoine (London)
151 Lives of Vasco Nunez de Balboa and Francisco Pizarro Quintana , Manuel José
William Blackwood [Princes Street] (Edinburgh)
Thomas Cadell Jun. (London)
1980 Llangollen Vale, with other poems: by Anna Seward. Seward , Anna
George Sael [Strand] (London)
794 Lodore. By the author of "Frankenstein." (Franklin Library Edition.) Shelley , Mary Wollstonecraft
Wallis & Newell (New York City)
1835 [American 1]
10936 London at Night; and Other Poems. By Lady Emmeline Stuart Wortley. Stuart , Emmeline Charlotte Elizabeth
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman (London)
12265 Long Ashton, a Poem, in Two Parts; Descriptive of the Local Scenery of that Village and Its Environs, Including St. Vincent's Rocks, Bristol, &c. By William Morgan, of Bower Ashton, late of Bristol. Morgan , William
19577 Louisa and her Cousins. A Sequel to 'Lessons Without Books.' By the Author of 'The Beatitudes,' 'Lessons Without Books,' and 'Stories of the Spanish Conquests in America. Sedgwick , Elizabeth Buckminster [Mrs. Charles Sedgwick]
Leonard C. Bowles (Boston)