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WorldCat. Online Computer Library Center, 2006,

Titles 477
Firms 1
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Displaying 451–475 of 477

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
4725 The useful and entertaining family miscellany: containing the complete English housekeeper's companion. In which are near five hundred receipts ... By Mrs. Isabella Moore, ... To which are added, the genuine receipts for preparing and compounding the principal medicines made use of by the late Mr. Ward. With observations thereon by J. Page, Esq; also, the syren; or, chearful songster: ... Moore , Isabella
Isaac Herbert (London)
4727 The useful and entertaining family miscellany: containing the complete housekeeper's companion. In which are near five hundred receipts in cookery ... To which are added, the genuine receipts for compounding Mr. Ward's principal medicines. ... Likewise, the fair one's pleasing songster: ... Moore , Isabella
John Smith [Parliament Street] (Dublin)
3412 The victim. A real fact; In a series of letters addressed to a young lady, the intimate friend of the author's (who is the unfortunate sufferer) and an absent son, a youth about thirteen years of age; exemplifying the various trials and afflictions, which has in a course of sixteen years been the bitter fruits of an unfortunate marriage. ... By Elizabeth Smith. Smith (1776-1806) , Elizabeth
11546 The Village School; A collection of entertaining histories, for the instruction and amusement of all good children. Kilner , Dorothy
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock (London)
1831 New edition
2761 The whole of the evidence on the trial of Her Grace Elizabeth, Duchess Dowager of Kingston, before the Right Honorable the House of Peers, in Westminster-Hall, on Monday the 15th, Tuesday the 16th, Saturday the 20th, and Monday the 22nd of April, 1776. Together with an authentic copy of her Grace's Defence, as spoken by herself. Published by the order of her grace, from the short hand notes of Mr. Gurney. Chudleigh , Elizabeth
14153 The Wife of Two Husbands; or, Fritz, the Outlaw. An Interesting Tale. Wilkinson , Sarah Scudgell
Ann Lemoine (London)
John Roe [Chiswell] (London)
12333 The Wonder: A Comedy, in five acts, by Mrs. Centlivre. Printed from the acting copy, with remarks, biographical and critical, to which are added, a description of the costume,—cast of the characters, entrances and exits,—relative positions of the performers on the stage,—and the whole of the stage business. As now performed at the Theatres Royal, London. Embellished with a wood engraving, by Mr. White, from a drawing by Mr. R. Cruikshank. Centlivre , Susanna
John Cumberland [19 Ludgate Hill] (London)
2269 The works of the Marchioness de Lambert. A new edition, from the French. In two volumes. de Courcelles , Anne Thérèse de Marguenat
William Owen (London)
1781 A new edition, from the French.
2272 The works of the Marchioness de Lambert. A new edition, from the French. In two volumes. de Courcelles , Anne Thérèse de Marguenat
1770 A new edition, from the French.
4499 The young ladies school of arts: containing, a great variety of practical receipts, ... by Mrs Hannah Robertson. Robertson , Hannah
4477 The young ladies school of arts. Containing a great variety of practical receipts, in gum-flowers filligree japanning ... With a complete cookery. ... By Mrs Hannah Robertson. A new edition, corrected. In two volumes. ... Robertson , Hannah
Robert Jameson (London)
3300 The young ladies' guide in the art of cookery: being a collection of useful receipts, Published for the Convenience of the Ladies committed to her Care. By Eliz. Marshall. Marshall , Elizabeth
10141 The young lady's library. Unknown ,
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
5014 The young misses magazine, containing dialogues between a governess and several young ladies of quality her scholars, in which each lady is made to speak according to her particular genius, temper and inclination; ... By Madam Le Prince de Beaumont. ... Leprince de Beaumont , Jeanne-Marie
John Nourse (London)
2732 Théatre a l'usage des jeunes personnes, par Madame la Comtesse de Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
Luke White [6 Crampton Street] (Dublin)
2768 Thoughts in the form of maxims addressed to young ladies, on their first establishment in the world. By the Countess Dowager of Carlisle. Howard , Isabella
Thomas Cornell [7 Bruton Street] (London)
5510 Thoughts on a future state, occasioned by the death of Mrs. H. A. Rogers, by a young lady, who met in her class: also, an elegy, by another friend: to which are added, stanzas on the same occasion. Bulmer , Agnes
Unknown ,
11581 Three instructive tales for little folk: Simple and careful, Industry and sloth, and The cousins. By C. P -. Palmer , Charlotte
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
3422 Three lessons for the harpsichord or piano forte composed ... by Elizabeth Weichsell a child eight years of age. Billington , Elizabeth
2127 Three letters on I. The marks of a child of God. II. The Soul-Diseases of God's Children; and their Soul-Remedies. And III. God's Prohibition of his Peoples unbelieving Fear; and his great Promise given for the Support of their Faith, unto their Time-Joy, and Eternal Glory. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. Dutton , Anne
2965 Traité sur les principes fondamentaux de la sagesse ou philosophie morale. A L'Usage de la Jeunesse. Par Mademoiselle E. Cacouault de la Mimardiere. Cacaoult de la Mimardière , Élisabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]
1930 Two voyages to Sierra Leone, during the years 1791-2-3, in a series of letters, By Anna Maria Falconbridge. To which is added, a letter from the author, to Henry Thornton, Esq. M.P. and chairman of the Court of Directors of the Sierra Leone Company. Falconbridge , Anna Maria
2276 Verses sent to Lady Charles Spencer with a painted taffety, occasioned by saying she was low in pocket and could not buy a new gown. Grenville-Temple , Anne
4069 Village politics. Addressed to all the mechanics, journeymen, and day labourers in Great Britain: being a dialogue between Jack Anvil the blacksmith, and Tom Hod the mason. By Will Chip, ... More , Hannah
s.n. [sine nomine]
3927 Village politics. Addressed to all the mechanics, journeymen, and day labourers, in Great Britain. By Will Chip, a country carpenter. Fifth edition. More , Hannah
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
1793 Fifth edition.