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Houghton Library. Harvard University, 1942, 

Titles 275
Firms 0
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Displaying 51–75 of 275

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
5831 Divine poems and essays on various subjects. Viz. Immanuel; or, the Godhead of Christ displayed. A Meditation written in a Bower at Lady Grove, Sutton. Elegies. Epithalamiums. Epistles to Miranda, &c. Hymns. A Poem on Redemption. A Walk at Enfield. Meditations on the Canticles. - for the Lord's Supper. Christ All in All. Meditations on Rev. xii. 6. A Summer Day's Excursion. Odes. Letters. A Soliloquy. By Maria De Fleury. With recommendatory prefaces, by the Rev. Mr Wills, Rev. Mr Towers, and Rev. Mr Ryland. de Fleury , Maria
13793 Dramas for children: imitated from the French of L.F. Jauffret. By the editor of Tabart's popular stories. Godwin , Mary Jane
Mary Jane Godwin (London)
1004 Dramatic Scenes from Real Life. By Lady Morgan. In two volumes. Owenson , Sydney
Saunders and Otley (London)
13900 Edwin; or, The Wandering Fugitive. An History Founded on Facts. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
John Roe [Houndsditch] (London)
13573 Elegiac and Other Poems. By Several Hands. Gratefully Inscribed to the honoured Memory of a late eminently valuable Citizen of the City of Bristol, Abraham Richard Hawksworth, Late Treasurer to the Infirmary of the said City, and One of the People called Quakers. Wherein is exhibited a View of his Life, As an accomplished Model for the universal imitation of Mankind. To which are added, Some lines on Rebecca Smith, Late of Nailsworth, in Glocestershire, deceased, An eminent and approved Minister amongst the said people. 1769
13583 Elegiac and Other Poems. By Several Hands. Gratefully Inscribed to the honoured Memory of Abraham Richard Hawksworth, Late Treasurer to the Bristol Infirmary and One of the People called Quakers. Wherein is exhibited a View of his Life, As a Model worthy of universal imitation. The second edition Amended, and several of the pieces abridged, The former Edition having mostly been sold in the City of Bristol. 1769 The second edition
1085 Elegy on the Death of the Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales. By Susanna Watts. Watts , Susanna
13550 English Nights Entertainments. The Children of the Priory; or, wars of old. An historical romance. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
13553 English Nights Entertainments. The Haunted Castle; or, The Child of Misforture. A gothic tale. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
13464 English Nights Entertainments. The life and surprising adventures, and most remarkable escapes, of Rinaldo Rinaldini, captain of a banditti of robbers. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
15918 Essay on Irish Bulls. By Richard Lovell Edgeworth and Maria Edgeworth, Author of Castle Rackrent, &c. Third Edition, Corrected. Edgeworth , Maria
Edgeworth , Richard Lovell
Joseph Johnson (London)
1808 Third Edition, Corrected.
727 Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland: To Which are Added, Translations from the Gaelic, and Letters Connected With Those Formerly Published. In two volumes. By the author of "Letters from the Mountains." Grant , Anne
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
13537 Ethelinda; or, the fair made of the Inn. An Interesting Tale. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
John Roe [Chiswell] (London)
13775 Eugenia; or, the dangers of the world: interspersed with religious, moral, and sentimental reflections. By Miss More, Author of "The Welsh Cottage," &c. &c. More , Olivia
Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] (Wellington)
12928 Fables of Flowers, for the Female Sex. With Zephyrus and Flora, a Vision. By the author of Choice Emblems for Youth. Wynne , John Huddlestone
George Riley [St. Paul's Churchyard] (London)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
13846 Frank, Part II. Being the seventh part of Early lessons. By the author of The parent's assistant; six volumes. The second edition. Edgeworth , Maria
Joseph Johnson (London)
1803 The second edition.
13848 Frank, Part IV: Being the ninth part of Early lessons. By the author of The parent's assistant; six volumes. Edgeworth , Maria
Joseph Johnson (London)
10626 Frank: a sequel to Frank in Early lessons. By Maria Edgeworth. In three volumes. Edgeworth , Maria
Rowland Hunter (London)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
13586 French murder! A circumstantial account of the reported conspiracy against Buonaparte, with the particulars relative to the apprehension and examination of the accused persons, viz. General Moreau, Pichegru, Georges, &c., &c. With the cruel Treatment experienced by them, in the various Places of their confiement. Likewise an authenitc detail o the Murder of the Duke D'Enghein; (Son of the Duke of Bourbon, and Grandson of the Prince de Conde) Who was most inhumanely shot, in the night of the 22nd of March, in a wood at Vicennes. To which is added, Gen. Moreau's letter to Buonaparte, on the subject of the conspiracy. Unknown ,
Ann Kemmish (London)
13754 Friendly Advice to a child unborn. A little piece of poetry, with very long notes. By a person of learning, as you may see by the motto. Unknown ,
Mary Cooper (London)
13585 Fun and frolic; or, A comic journal of wit. Being a new collection of humourous jests, bon mots, Irish blunders, whimsical adventures, double entendres, sharp repartees, droll stories, and anecdotes of various well-known facetious characters, who, in a decided oppositon to melancholy, pledged themselves to live in constant emnity to old care, till they effected his dissolution in the stream of their mirth. Unknown ,
T. Hughes [Stationers Court] (London)
J. Ker (London)
Ann Kemmish (London)
William Champante and Benjamin Whitrow (London)
Wilmott and Hill (London)
Nathaniel and John Muggeridge (London)
Thomas Smith [Maidstone] (Maidstone)
25157 Funeral discipline: or, the character of Strip-Corps the dead-monger. According to the instructions of Paul Meagre, once mourner in chief to the funeral undertaker. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
10625 Harry and Lucy. Being the first part of Early lessons. By the author of The parent's assistant, six volumes. Edgeworth , Maria
Joseph Johnson (London)
13822 Heath's Book of Beauty. 1835. With nineteen beautifully finished engravings, from drawings by the first artists. Edited by the Countess of Blessington. Gardiner , Marguerite
Sutherland Leveson-Gower , Elizabeth
Bury , Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell
Shelley , Mary Wollstonecraft
Stuart , Emmeline Charlotte Elizabeth
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman (London)
24946 His Grace the Duke of Marlborough's Letter to the Rt. Hon. Mr. Secretary Harley, together with other Letters which passed between His Grace and the Deputies of the States-General and the Three States of Barbant, the Magistrates of Brussels, &c. Published by Authority. Churchill , John
Mary Jones [Savoy] (London)