Immediate, Not Gradual, Abolition: or an Inquiry into the Shortest, Safest, and most Effectual Means of Getting Rid of West Indian Slavery. Third Edition. With an Appendix Containing Clarkson's Comparison Between the State of the British Peasantry and that of the Slaves in the Colonies, &c.
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Heyrick, Elizabeth. Immediate, Not Gradual, Abolition: or an Inquiry into the Shortest, Safest, and most Effectual Means of Getting Rid of West Indian Slavery. Third Edition. With an Appendix Containing Clarkson's Comparison Between the State of the British Peasantry and that of the Slaves in the Colonies, &c.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 14219, Accessed 2025-03-30.
Heyrick, Elizabeth. Immediate, Not Gradual, Abolition: or an Inquiry into the Shortest, Safest, and most Effectual Means of Getting Rid of West Indian Slavery. Third Edition. With an Appendix Containing Clarkson's Comparison Between the State of the British Peasantry and that of the Slaves in the Colonies, &c. London: 1824.
Heyrick , E. (1824). Immediate, not gradual, abolition: or an inquiry into the shortest, safest, and most effectual means of getting rid of west indian slavery. third edition. with an appendix containing clarkson's comparison between the state of the british peasantry and that of the slaves in the colonies, &c. London:
Heyrick, Elizabeth. Immediate, Not Gradual, Abolition: or an Inquiry into the Shortest, Safest, and most Effectual Means of Getting Rid of West Indian Slavery. Third Edition. With an Appendix Containing Clarkson's Comparison Between the State of the British Peasantry and that of the Slaves in the Colonies, &c. London: 1824.
@book{ wphp_14219 author={Heyrick,Elizabeth}, year={1824}, title={Immediate, Not Gradual, Abolition: or an Inquiry into the Shortest, Safest, and most Effectual Means of Getting Rid of West Indian Slavery. Third Edition. With an Appendix Containing Clarkson's Comparison Between the State of the British Peasantry and that of the Slaves in the Colonies, &c.}, publisher={}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Immediate, Not Gradual, Abolition: or an Inquiry into the Shortest, Safest, and most Effectual Means of Getting Rid of West Indian Slavery. Third Edition. With an Appendix Containing Clarkson's Comparison Between the State of the British Peasantry and that of the Slaves in the Colonies, &c.