Displaying 15726–15750 of 17791

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
6956 The restless matron. A legendary tale. In three volumes. Showes , Mrs. (Author)
Minerva Press, William Lane (Publisher)
1799 1
11000 The Restoration of the Works of Art to Italy: A Poem. By a Lady. Hemans , Felicia (Author)
R. Pearson (Publisher)
John Ebers [23 Old Bond Street] (Publisher)
William Baxter (Printer)
1816 1
716 The Restoration of the Works of Art to Italy: A Poem. By Felicia Hemans. Second Edition Hemans , Felicia (Author)
John Murray II [Albemarle] (Publisher)
William Baxter (Printer)
1816 2
7761 The retired penitent, a poem. By Ursula Ivison. Ivison , Ursula (Author)
Watts , Ann (Printer)
Ann Watts (Printer)
Francis and Charles Rivington (Bookseller)
James Mathews [Matthews] (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
1794 1
9175 The Retreat; or, Sketches from Nature. A Descriptive Tale. By the author of Affection's Gift, Treasures of Thought, Letters on History, &c. In Two Volumes. Hedge , Mary Anne (Author)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (Publisher)
Swinborne and Walter (Publisher)
Swinborne and Walter (Printer)
1820 1
9176 The Retreat; or, Sketches from Nature. A Descriptive Tale. By the author of Affection's Gift, Treasures of Thought, Letters on History, &c. In Two Volumes. Hedge , Mary Anne (Author)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (Publisher)
Swinborne and Walter (Publisher)
1822 2
11744 The Rev. Jabez Bunting, or Begging: With Other Humourous Poems Unknown , (Author)
Henry Wardman (Printer)
15549 The Rev. Jabez Bunting, or Begging: With Other Poems. By a Lady. Unknown , (Author)
William Illingworth (Printer)
1833 1
9085 The Revealer of Secrets; or The House that Jack Built, a new story upon an old foundation. In three volumes. By the author of Eversfield Abbey, Banks of the Wye, Aunt and Niece, Substance and Shadow, &c. &c. Unknown , (Author)
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (Publisher)
1817 1
21955 The revelation of revelations: an essay towards the unsealing, opening and discovering the seven seals, the seven thunders, and the New-Jerusalem state. By J. Lead. The second edition. With an appendix. Lead , Jane (Author)
John Bradford (Printer)
1701 2
14019 The revenge. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By E. Young, L.L.B. author of Busiris King of Egypt. Young , Edward (Author)
Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
George and Alexander Ewing (Publisher)
William Smith II [Dame Street] (Publisher)
Peter Wilson [Dame St, 1748–66] (Publisher)
and 2 more.
24594 The Reverend Mr. Jonathan Mitchel's letter to his friend in New-England. Mitchel , Jonathan (Author)
Franklin , Ann Smith (Printer)
Ann Franklin (nee Smith) (Printer)
1741 2
16210 The Reward of integrity, or, The history of Martin and James, a moral tale, designed for the improvement of youth. To which is added, a short account of Jack Easy. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
John C. Totten (Printer)
John C. Totten (Bookseller)
1819 1
24635 The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1737. ... Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. By Joseph Stafford. Stafford , Joseph (Author)
Franklin , Ann Smith (Printer)
Franklin , Ann Smith (Bookseller)
Ann Franklin (nee Smith) (Printer)
Ann Franklin (nee Smith) (Bookseller)
1737 1
24636 The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1738. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. but may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Joseph Stafford. Stafford , Joseph (Author)
Franklin , Ann Smith (Printer)
Franklin , Ann Smith (Bookseller)
Ann Franklin (nee Smith) (Printer)
Ann Franklin (nee Smith) (Bookseller)
1738 1
24612 The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1739. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, &c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New-Found-Land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. Unknown , (Author)
Franklin , Ann Smith (Printer)
Franklin , Ann Smith (Bookseller)
Ann Franklin (nee Smith) (Printer)
Ann Franklin (nee Smith) (Bookseller)
1739 1
24637 The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1740. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. Unknown , (Author)
Franklin , Ann Smith (Printer)
Franklin , Ann Smith (Bookseller)
Ann Franklin (nee Smith) (Printer)
Ann Franklin (nee Smith) (Bookseller)
1740 1
24638 The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1741. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. Unknown , (Author)
Franklin , Ann Smith (Printer)
Franklin , Ann Smith (Bookseller)
Ann Franklin (nee Smith) (Printer)
Ann Franklin (nee Smith) (Bookseller)
1741 1
11684 The Rich Old Bachelor: A Domestic Tale. In the Style of Dr. Syntax. By a Lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Henry Ward (Publisher)
1824 1
24092 The Right Honourable Anne Countess of Coventry's meditations and reflections, moral and divine. Coventry (née Somerset) , Anne (Author)
Brabazon Aylmer I (Publisher)
William Rogers (Publisher)
1707 1
317 The Right Joyous and Pleasant History of the Feats, Gests, and Prowesses of the Chevalier Bayard, the Good Knight without Fear and without Reproach by The Loyal Servant. de Mailles , Jacques (Author)
Coleridge , Sara (Translator)
John Murray II [Albemarle] (Publisher)
Charles Roworth (Printer)
25498 The right of Kings, and duty of subjects: Proving, that it is not lawful for subjects, upon any ground or pretence whatever, to rebel against their lawful King. To which is added, an extract from Dr. Stanhope's translation of the author's celebrated book of wisdom, toucing the miseries and inconveniencies of a crown'd head. Written in French by the Sieur de Charon, and now done into English. Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Smith , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Charron , Pierre (Author)
and 1 more.
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
Elizabeth Smith (Bookseller)
1709? 1
25607 The right of the Protestant succession prov'd to the meanest capacity. By Thomas Colbatch, ... Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Colbatch , Thomas (Author)
Griffith , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Bookseller)
John Harrison (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
1722 1
12850 The Rights of Monarchy, a Poem; On the late unanimous Celebration of His Majesty's Birth Day, on the fourth of June, 1792, at the Hotel, in Birmingham. By the Authoress of Duke and no Duke. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
s.n. [sine nomine] (Publisher)
1792 1
25331 The rights of the subject in electing their own representatives: Containing a compleat history of Parliament; proving their dignity and antiquity from the Saxon, and other eminent historians; and shewing the necessity of the frequency of Parliament, the freedom of elections, and the fatal consequences which have attended those princes who have invaded either. With seasonable instructions to the electors how to conduct themselves in the choice of their representatives: the qualifications requisite for gentlemen to be chosen into so great a trust, and the necessity of freedom of speech in the House of Commons. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
John Wilford (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)
1734 1