Displaying 17176–17200 of 17791

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
11522 Theodore, or, The crusaders: a tale for youth. By Mrs. Hoffland, Author of 'The Son of a Genius, and other works for young people. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
John Harris and Son (Publisher)
Henry Bryer [Bridge Street] (Printer)
1823 2
11523 Theodore, or, The crusaders: a tale for youth. By Mrs. Hofland, Author of 'The Son of a Genius, and other works for young people. Third edition. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (Publisher)
Samuel and Richard Bentley (Printer)
1824 3
4660 Theodosius and Arabella, a novel, in a series of letters, by the late Mrs. Hampden Pye. In two volumes. ... Pye , Jael Henrietta (Author)
William Lane [Leadenhall Street] (Publisher)
1786 1
87 Theory on the Classification of Beauty and Deformity, and their Correspondence with Physiognomic Expression, Exemplified in Various Works of Art, and Natural Objects, and Illustrated with Four General Charts, and Thirty-Eight Copper Plates. By Mary Anne Shimmelpenninck, Author of "A Tour to Alet". Schimmelpenninck , Mary Anne (Author)
John and Arthur Arch [Cornhill] (Publisher)
1815 1
496 Theresa Marchmont; or, the Maid of Honour. A Tale. By Mrs. Charles Gore. Gore , Catherine Grace Frances (Author)
John Andrews (Publisher)
1824 1
200 Things By Their Right Names; a Novel, in Two Volumes. By a Person without a Name. Jacson , Frances (Author)
George Robinson [iii] (Publisher)
1812 1
8959 Things By Their Right Names; a Novel, in Two Volumes. By the author of “Plain Sense,” and “Disobedience.” Second edition. Jacson , Frances (Author)
George and Samuel Robinson (Publisher)
Thomas Davison [Whitefriars] (Printer)
Gale, Curtis, and Fenner (Publisher)
1814 2
18021 Things by their right names; a novel. By a person without a name. Two volumes in one. Jacob , Elizabeth (Author)
Lewis , Alethea (Author)
Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill] (Printer)
Edward Cotton (Printer)
9944 Think before you speak; or, The three wishes. A tale. By the Author of The peacock at home. Dorset , Catherine Anne Turner (Author)
Leprince de Beaumont , Jeanne-Marie (Author)
Johnson & Warner (Publisher)
John Bouvier (Printer)
17162 Think before you speak: or The three wishes, a poetic tale. First American from the Second London Edition. Dorset , Catherine Anne Turner (Author)
William Charles (Publisher)
William Charles (Bookseller)
William M'Culloch (Printer)
1810 1
9883 Think before you Speak: Or, the Three Wishes. A Tale. By the Author of the Peacock at Home. Dorset , Catherine Anne Turner (Author)
Godwin , Mary Jane (Publisher)
Mary Jane Godwin (Publisher)
Buchanan McMillan [Exeter Change, Strand] (Printer)
1809 1
24938 Thirty sermons preached on several occasions. By Edward Waple, B. D. Late Vicar of St. Sepulchres, and Archdeacon of Taunton Waple , Edward (Author)
Bonwicke , Rebecca (Publisher)
Rebecca Bonwicke (Publisher)
William Freeman (Publisher)
Timothy Goodwin (Publisher)
and 7 more.
1714 1
18330 This day is published, no. 106, of a new & complete encyclopaedia: or, universal dictionary of arts and sciences, price twenty-five cents, payable on delivery. Low , Esther Prentiss (Printer)
Low , Esther Prentiss (Author)
Esther Prentiss Low (Printer)
1809 1
3373 This day is published, price only one shilling, [conta]ining as much information and necessary instruction as is to be met with in books of six times the price, a new edition of the [F]rugal housewife, or complete woman cook; ... [B]y Susannah Carter, ... Newbery , Elizabeth (Author)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
525 Thomson's Collection of the Songs of Burns, Sir Walter Scott, Bart. and other Eminent Lyric Poets, ancient & modern, united to the select melodies of Scotland and of Ireland and Wales Thomson , George (Author)
Baillie , Joanna (Author)
21726 Thornton Abbey: a series of letters on religious subjects. Satchel , John (Author)
Fuller , Andrew (Introducer)
Bailey , Lydia R. (Printer)
Johnson & Warner (Publisher)
Lydia R. Bailey (Printer)
1811 1
647 Thoughts and Remarks, on Establishing an Institution for the Support and Education of Unportioned Respectable Females Wells , Helena (Author)
Blackader , Elizabeth (Printer)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (Publisher)
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (Publisher)
Thomas Wilson and Sons (Publisher)
and 1 more.
2768 Thoughts in the form of maxims addressed to young ladies, on their first establishment in the world. By the Countess Dowager of Carlisle. Howard , Isabella (Author)
Thomas Cornell [7 Bruton Street] (Publisher)
2772 Thoughts in the form of maxims addressed to young ladies, on their first establishment in the world. By the Countess Dowager of Carlisle. Howard , Isabella (Author)
Chamberlaine , Hannah (Publisher)
James Moore [Dublin] (Publisher)
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Publisher)
Hannah Chamberlaine (Publisher)
and 4 more.
2770 Thoughts in the form of maxims: addressed to young ladies, on their first establishment in the world. By the Countess Dowager of Carlisle. The Second Edition. Howard , Isabella (Author)
Thomas Cornell [7 Bruton Street] (Publisher)
1790 2
3010 Thoughts occasioned by the death of Maria: who departed this life, August 8, 1788. Also on a beloved friend: likewise on visiting Eusebia's tomb. Day , Eliza (Author)
John Parsons [Paternoster Row] (Bookseller)
Thomas Scollick (Bookseller)
Thomas Hunt (Bookseller)
1789 1
5358 Thoughts occasioned by the proceedings on Bristol-Bridge, and the melancholy consequences, on the awful night of Monday last, being the 30th of September. 1793. (By a Lady.) Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
s.n. [sine nomine] (Publisher)
5510 Thoughts on a future state, occasioned by the death of Mrs. H. A. Rogers, by a young lady, who met in her class: also, an elegy, by another friend: to which are added, stanzas on the same occasion. Bulmer , Agnes (Author)
Unknown , (Author)
Richard Edwards [Union Street] (Printer)
5518 Thoughts on a future state, occasioned by the death of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers: by a young lady, who met in her class. Also, an elegy on the same occasion, by another lady, Who met in her Class. Also, An Elegy on the same Occasion, by another lady, Who enjoyed the same Privilege of her maternal Instructions in the Way to Glory. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Bulmer , Agnes (Author)
James Belcher (Printer)
513 Thoughts on Education, by a Parent Trench , Melesina (Author)