Name Quarto
Abbreviation 4to

Each sheet is folded twice to make four leaves and eight pages. 


Displaying 601–625 of 703

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
14895 The lost lover; or, the jealous husband: a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesty’s Servants. Written by Mrs. Manley. Manley , Delarivier
Francis Saunders (London)
Richard Bentley (London)
James Knapton (London)
Richard Wellington I (London)
4025 The maid of Arragon; a tale. By Mrs. Cowley. Part I. Cowley , Hannah
James Dodsley (London)
Stanley Crowder (London)
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row] (London)
Robert Faulder (London)
Thomas Davies [Russell Street] (London)
Charles Dilly (London)
Richardson and Urquhart (Cornhill)
William Owen (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
Lockyer Davis [High Holborn] (London)
George Kearsley [Fleet Street] (London)
Thomas Becket [82 Pall Mall] (London)
5873 The maid of the castle, a legendary tale. In three cantos. Stratton , Jemima Maria
T. Smith (Devizes)
3815 The maid of the mill. Sung by Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Martyr, in the favorite entertainment of Rosina, performed at Covent-Garden Theatre. Brooke , Frances
s.n. [sine nomine]
1672 The maiden's prize, or, batchelor's puzzle; being a miscellany of theological and philosophical queries. Proposed to all the ingenious married men and batchelors in the Kingdom of England. By Mrs. Anne Ward... Ward , Ann
John Pitts (London)
25231 The masquerade. A poem. Inscrib'd to C------t H-----d------g-----r. By Lemuel Gulliver, Poet Laureat to the King of Lilliput. Fielding , Henry
1160 The Mince Pye. An Heroic Epistle, Humbly Addressed to the Sovereign Dainty of a British Feast Cobbold , Elizabeth
Thomas Bensley (London)
22480 The moderator: published for promoting of peace; for reconciling differences between parties; to shew wherein every one misses it, and for uniting the hearts of the people to Her Majesty and government, &c. Unknown ,
Sarah Malthus (London)
Sarah Malthus (London)
364 The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain: selected from our cathedrals and churches, for the purpose of bringing together, and preserving correct representations of the best historical illustrations extant, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of Henry the Eighth. By C. A. Stothard. Dedicated by permission to the Prince Regent. Stothard , Charles Alfred
John Bowyer Nichols and Son (London)
7127 The mousiad: an heroi-comic poem. Canto I. By Polly Pindar, half-sister to Peter Pindar. Battier , Henrietta
James Ridgway [Sackville Street] (London)
25776 The nature of true patriotism delineated, in a sermon, preached, February 4, 1740. Being the day appointed for publick humiliation, fasting and prayer. By a country curate. Unknown , [Man]
Anne Dodd II (London)
25796 The obligations of an English army to their king, and constitution, in church and state: in a sermon preach'd to several commanders and others of His Majesty's forces, at St. James's Church, Westminster, Octob. 30. 1716. being the Birth-Day of the Prince. By Jonathan Smedley, A.M. Rector of Ringcurrane, and Chaplain to his Majesty's Regiment, Commanded by the Honourable Brigadier Stanwix. Smedley , Jonathan
2131 The obsequies of Demetrius Poliorcetes: a poem. By Anne Francis, author of "A Poetical Translation of the Song of Solomon" Francis , Anne
James Dodsley (London)
W. Page (Holt)
John and Christopher Berry (Norwich)
W. Chase and Co. (Norwich)
25252 The old Whig. Numb. I. On the state of the peerage. With remarks upon The Plebeian. Addison , Joseph
25143 The old Whig. Numb. I. On the state of the peerage. With remarks upon the plebeian. The Second Edition. Addison , Joseph
1719 The Second Edition.
25382 The old Whig. Numb. II. With remarks upon The plebeian, No II. Addison , Joseph
1719 The Second Edition.
25761 The old Whig. Numb. II. With remarks upon the plebeian, no II. Addison , Joseph
25510 The only true and authentic trial of John Swan and Miss Elizabeth Jeffreys, for the murder of her uncle, Mr. Joseph Jeffreys, of Walthamstow in Essex, at the Lent assizes held at Chelmsford, on Wednesday the eleventh instant, before the Hon. Sir Martin Wright and Sir Michael Foster, Knts. Two of His Majesty's Justices of the Court of King's-Bench. To which are added, original letters, in which are included their own Confessions; and several Particulars relating to the Murder, never before made public. Also the will of the late Mr. Jeffreys. Swan , John
Jeffreys , Elizabeth
2912 The passage of the mountain of Saint Gothard, a poem; by Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. Cavendish , Georgiana
s.n. [sine nomine]
25866 The patrician. To be continu'd weekly. No. I. Being considerations on the peerage. In answer to The Plebeian. By one who is neither a knight, nor a member of the House of Commons. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
25844 The patrician. To be continu'd weekly. Numb. II. Being considerations on the peerage continu'd, &c. In answer to The Plebeian. By one who is neither a knight, nor a member of the House of Commons. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
25215 The patrician. To be continu'd weekly. Numb. III. Considerations on the peerage continu'd, with remarks on The Plebeian. By one who is neither a knight, nor a member of the House of Commons. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
25755 The patrician. To be continu'd weekly. Numb. IV. Considerations on the peerage continu'd, with remarks on the plebeian, numb IV. By One who is neither a knight, nor a member of the House of Commons. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
24922 The Patrician. To be continu’d weekly. No. I. Being considerations on the peerage. In answer to the Plebeian. By one who is neither a Knight, nor a member of the House of Commons. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
1719 The Second Edition
22498 The perjur'd husband: or, The adventures of Venice. A tragedy. As 'twas acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. Written by S. Carroll. Centlivre , Susanna
Bennet Banbury (London)