The second volume of The history of the lives of the most notorious high-way men, foot-pads, and other thieves, and murderers, of both sexes, for above fifty years last past; Continu'd from Du Vall, and the German Princess, which compleats the History to the present time. Wherein their Thefts, Cheats, and Murders, committed in Great-Britain, and Ireland, are farther are farther expos'd. By Capt. Alexander Smith.
, Alexander
John Morphew (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
1714 |
The secret history of Europe. Part II. Treating of the following particulars: of the D. of Monmouth's reception at the Hague by the states and the Prince of Orange, and of his enterprize afterwards in England. Remarks on father Orleans's history of the revolution. Of the Fr. King's personal hatred to K. William. Some transactions preceding the revolution in Holland and England, with a short account of its progress and accomplishment; shewing, that it was intirely owing to high churchmen, and high-church principles. The conduct of a certain faction, immediately before and after the abdication. K. James's behaviour in Ireland and at St. Germains, proving that he grew worse by his misfortunes, and that a Popish King and protestant subjects are incompatible. The conspiracies form'd by passive-obedience and non-resistance against the religion and liberties of this kingdom, and the life of the king within the compass of two or three years. Of the poisoning the D. of Lorain, and others. The method of bribing, us'd by France in England. The second edition corrected.
, John
Katherine Sanger (London)
1713 |
The Second Edition, corrected |
The secret history of Pythagoras: part I. Translated from the original copy lately found at Otranto in Italy. By J. W. M.D.
, J.
1721 |
The secret history of Queen Zarah, and the Zarazians; Being a looking-glass for ----- -------- in the kingdom of Albigion. Faithfully translated from the Italian copy now lodg'd in the Vatican at Rome and never before printed in any language.
, Delarivier
, Joseph
1705 |
The secret history of Queen Zarah, and the Zarazians. Containing the true reasons of the necessity of the Revolution that lately happen'd in the kingdom of Albigion. By way of appendix to the New Atlantis. In two parts.
, Delarivier
, Joseph
1711 |
The secret history of Queen Zarah, and the Zarazians. Wherein the amours, intrigues, and gallantries of the court of Albigion (during her Reign) are pleasantly expos'd; and as surprizing a Scene of Love and Politicks, represented, as perhaps this, or any other Age or Country, has hitherto produc'd. Suppos'd to be translated from the Italian copy, now lodg'd in the Vatican at Rome, by the late ingenious Mrs. Manley: and design'd as looking-glass for an illustrious lady.
, Delarivier
, Joseph
John Huggonson (London)
1743 |
The secret history of Queen Zarah, from her birth to the conclusion of her reign. Containing I. The whole Contrivance of her Marriage with Hippolito, which laid the Foundation of her future Greatness. II. The various Schemes and Stratagems she made use of, to engross the Sovereign Power. III. The Political Intrigues, and artful Management of Affairs, (both Ecclesiastical and Civil) during that memorable Period. Interspersed with Characters of her chief Favourites. The fourth edition.
, Delarivier
, Joseph
1745 |
The fourth edition. |
The secret history of Queen Zarah, from her birth, to the conclusion of her reign.
, Delarivier
1749 |
The secret history of the rebels in Newgate. Giving an account of their daily behaviour, from the commitment to their goal-delivery. Taken from a diary, kept by a gentleman in the same prison. The second edition, corrected.
1717 |
The second edition, corrected. |
The secret history of the rebels in Newgate. Giving an account of their daily behaviour, from their commitment to their Goal-Delivery. Taken from a diary kept by a gentleman in the same prison. The Third Edition, Corrected.
1717 |
The Third Edition, Corrected. |
The secret history of the rebels in Newgate. Giving an account of their daily behaviour, from their commitment to their goal-delivery. Taken from a diary, kept by a gentleman in the same prison.
1717 |
The Secret Nuptials; or, Beauty in Distress.
Ann Lemoine (London)
John Roe [Houndsditch] (London)
1804 |
The Secret Oath: or Blood-Stained Dagger, a Romance.
Thomas Hurst [Paternoster] (London)
1802 |
The Secret of the Cavern. A Novel. In Two Volumes. By Mrs. Burke, author of The Sorrows of Edith, Elliott, &c.
, Anne
Minerva Press, Lane, Newman, and Co. (London)
1805 |
The secret revealed: or animal magnetism displayed. A letter from a young lady to the Rev. John Martin. The second edition, enlarged.
, [Woman]
Thomas Wallis Hawkins (London)
1790 |
The second edition, enlarged. |
The Seer of Tiviotdale. A Romance. In four volumes. By Louisa Sidney Stanhope, author of The Bandit's Bride, The Crusaders, The Festival of Mora, Runnemede, Age We Live In, Di Montrazo, Siege of Kenilworth, Confessional of Valombre, &c.
, Louisa Sidney
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
1827 |
The selector: being a new and chaste collection of visions, tales, and allegories, calculated for the amusement and instruction of the rising generation.
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
1797 |
The sense of the people upon the dispute between the Bishop of Bangor on the one part; and Dr. Snape, the Bishop of Carlisle, and Dr. Kennet on the other.
1717 |
The sentence of the court-martial, held at the Horse-Guards, for the trial of the Hon. Lieut. Gen. James Murray, late governor of Minorca, on the twenty-nine articles exhibited against him by Sir William Draper. With His Majesty’s order thereon. To which are added, The Whole of the Evidence on the Two Articles of which the General was found Guilty; And likewise upon the Four Articles of Complaint of Personal Wrong and Grievance. Taken in short-hand b Joseph Gurney. With an appendix, containing Gen. Murray’s Defence and Answer to every Article of the Charge,-All the Correspondence between Gen. Murray and Sir William Draper,-The several Councils of War,-And the subsequent Proceedings of the Court-Martial relative to the private Dispute between Gen. Murray and Sir William Draper; with all the Correspondence upon that Subject.
, James
1783 |
The sentimental deceiver: or history of Miss Hammond. A novel, in a series of letters. By a lady.
, [Woman]
William Lane [Leadenhall Street] (London)
1784 |
The Separation. A Novel. By the Authoress of “Flirtation.” In Three Vols.
, Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell
Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley (London)
1830 |
The sequel to Mentoria; or, the young ladies instructor: in familiar conversations, on a variety of interesting subjects, in which are Introduced, Lectures on Astronomy and Natural Philosophy, Expressed in Terms suited to the Comprehension of Juvenile Readers; Being principally intended to enlarge the Ideas, and inspire just Conceptions of the Deity, from the Contemplation of the general System of the Universe. By Ann Murry.
, Ann
Charles Dilly (London)
1799 |
The Seraph: Or, Gems of Poetry, for the Serious and Contemplative Mind: And the Promotion of Genuine Religion
, Anna Maria
, Mrs.
, Mary Russell
, Felicia
, Joan Elizabeth
, Anna Laetitia
Edward Lacey (London)
Henry Lacey (Liverpool)
1835 |
The sermon that shou'd have been preach'd before the Societies for Reformation of Manners, on Monday, January 17. 1731-2. II. A specimen of the sentiments and genius of the primitive church, in some discourses and devotions, Ordinary and Sacramental. By John Henley, M.A.
, John
David Gardiner [Gardner] (London)
1732 |
The servant man turned soldier; or, the fair weather christian. A parable.
, Hannah
1812 |