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Nineteenth Century Collections Online. Gale, 

Titles 543
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Displaying 276–300 of 543

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
8337 Private Life; or, Varieties of Character and Opinion. In two volumes. By the author of “Geraldine,” &c. &c. Mackenzie , Mary Jane
William Blackwood [Princes Street] (Edinburgh)
Thomas Cadell Jun. (London)
61 Prophecies. A warning to the Whole World, from the sealed prophecies of Joanna Southcott, and other Communications given since the Writings were opened on the 12th of January, 1803. Southcott , Joanna
15772 Providence as Manifested Through Israel. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
Leonard C. Bowles (Boston)
9083 Purity of Heart; or, The Ancient Costume. A Tale, in one volume, addressed to the author of Glenarvon. By an old wife of twenty years. The second edition. Thomas , Elizabeth
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall (London)
1817 The second edition.
53 Pyrenean Banditti. A Romance. In three volumes. By Eleanor Sleath, author of The Nocturnal Minstrel, Bristol Heiress, Who's the Murderer, &c. &c. Sleath , Eleanor
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (London)
8988 Read, and Give It A Name. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Llewellyn. Llewellyn , Mrs.
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (London)
9313 Realities, Not A Novel. A Tale from Real Life. In four volumes. By the author of Correction, Decision, Refugees, &c. Harding , Anne Raikes
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
9295 Redwood; a Tale. By the Author of "A New England Tale." In Three Volumes. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria
John Miller [New Bridge Street] (London)
William Blackwood [Princes Street] (Edinburgh)
837 Reflection. A Tale. By Mrs. Hofland, author of Integrity, A Tale; Patience, A Tale; Decision, A Tale; Moderation, A Tale; The Son of a Genius; Tales of the Priory; Tales of the Manor &c. &c. Hofland , Barbara
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
14956 Reflections on the Present Condition of the Female Sex; with Suggestions for its Improvement. By Priscilla Wakefield. Wakefield , Priscilla
Joseph Johnson (London)
William Darton and Joseph Harvey [Gracechurch] (London)
9311 Reine Canziani: A Tale of Modern Greece. In two volumes. Godwin , Catherine Grace
Thomas Hurst, George Robinson and Co. [Waterloo] (London)
Archibald Constable and Co. [Princes Street] (Edinburgh)
9411 Restalrig; or, The Forfeiture. By the author of St Johnstoun, or John Earl of Gowrie. In two volumes. Logan , Eliza
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall (London)
Maclachlan and Stewart [1819-34] (Edinburgh)
9068 Rhoda. A Novel. By the Author of "Things By Their Right Names," and "Plain Sense." &c. Second Edition. In Three Volumes. Jacson , Frances
George and Samuel Robinson (London)
Henry Colburn [Conduit Street] (London)
1816 Second Edition.
9336 Richelieu; or, The Broken Heart. An Historical Tale. Gore , Catherine Grace Frances
William Sams (London)
9142 Robertina; or, The Sacred Deposit. A Novel. In Two Volumes. By Catherine G. Ward, author of The Daughter of St. Omer, The Bachelor's Heiress, My Native Land, The Son and the Nephew, &c. &c. Ward , Catherine George
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (London)
8585 Romance of the Pyrenees. In four volumes. By the author of Santo Sebastiano, five volumes; and the Forest of Montalbano, four volumes. Fourth Edition. With embellishments. Cuthbertson , Catherine
George Robinson [iii] (London)
1812 Fourth Edition. With embellishments.
8764 Ronaldsha; A Romance, in two volumes. By Mrs. Doherty, wife of Hugh Doherty, Esq. Author of the "Discover; or, Mysterious Separation." Doherty , Ann
Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] (London)
8942 Rosalie; or, The Castle of Montalabretti. In Four Volumes. Rhodes , Henrietta
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
9367 Rosaline Woodbridge. In Three Volumes. Jones , Hannah Maria
Matthew Iley (London)
8643 Rosetta, A Novel. In Four Volumes. By a Lady, Well Known in the Fashionable World. Unknown , [Woman]
George Alexander Wall (Richmond)
9321 Runnemede. An Ancient Legend. In Three Volumes. By Louisa Sidney Stanhope, author of The Bandit's Bride; The Crusader's; The Siege of Kenilworth; Festival of Mora; Age We Live In, &c. &c. Stanhope , Louisa Sidney
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
9407 Rybrent de Cruce. In three volumes. Head , Catharine
Henry Colburn [New Burlington Street] (London)
11054 Sacred Dramas: Chiefly Intended for Young Persons. The Subjects Taken from the Bible. To Which is Added, Sensibility: An Epistle More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell Jun. (London)
8750 Sans Souci Park; or, The Melange. A Novel, in three volumes. By Maria Tharmott. Tharmott , Maria
Benjamin Crosby and Co. (London)
8677 Santo Sebastiano; or, the young protector. A novel. In five volumes. By the author of "Adelaide; or, the countercharm:" - "the romance of the Pyrenees:" - and "the forest of Montalbano," &c. &c. Third edition. Cuthbertson , Catherine
George and Samuel Robinson (London)
Charles Cradock and William Joy (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
1814 Third edition.