Displaying 15101–15125 of 17781

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
12687 The Oracles: Containing some particulars of the history of Billy and Kitty Wilson; Including anecdotes of their playfellows, &c. Intended for the entertainment of the little world. And illustrated by engravings. Jones , Stephen (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
12695 The Oracles: Containing some particulars of the history of Billy and Kitty Wilson; Including anecdotes of their playfellows, &c. Intended for the entertainment of the little world. And illustrated by engravings. Jones , Stephen (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
12696 The Oracles: Containing some particulars of the history of Billy and Kitty Wilson; Including anecdotes of their playfellows, &c. Intended for the entertainment of the little world. And illustrated by engravings. Jones , Stephen (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Rider , Emilia (Printer)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
Emilia Rider (Printer)
12797 The Oriental Moralist or the Beauties of the Arabian Nights Entertainments translated from the original & accompanied with suitable reflections adapted to each story. By the Revd. Mr. Cooper, author of the History of England &c. &c. &c. Cooper , J. (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
9188 The Orientalist, or Electioneering in Ireland; A Tale, by Myself. In Two Volumes. Purcell , Mrs. (Author)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (Publisher)
J. Thomson, Junior, & Co. [9 Hunter's] (Publisher)
William Gribbin (Publisher)
and 2 more.
1820 1
1163 The Original of the Miniature. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Selina Davenport, author of The Hypocrite, or Modern Janus, The Sons of the Viscount and Daughter of the Earl, Donald Monteith, &c. &c. Davenport , Selina (Author)
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (Publisher)
1816 1
14230 The Ornaments Discovered: a Story Founded on Facts. Hughes , Mary Robson (Author)
James and John Harper [Cliff Street] (Publisher)
10754 The ornaments discovered: a story in two parts. By the author of Aunt Mary's tales. Hughes , Mary Robson (Author)
William Darton Junior [1810-1819] (Publisher)
William Darton Junior [1810-1819] (Printer)
1815 1
17957 The ornaments discovered: A story, in two parts. By the author of Aunt Mary's tales. Hughs , Mrs. Mary (Author)
Daniel Fanshaw (Printer)
William B. Gilley (Publisher)
1817 1
10755 The ornaments discovered: a story. By the author of "Aunt Mary's tales," "Alchemist," "Metamorphoses," "New Year's gift," and "Stories for children". Hughes , Mary Robson (Author)
William Darton Junior [1810-1819] (Publisher)
William Darton Junior [1810-1819] (Printer)
14220 The Ornaments Discovered: A Story. By the author of "Aunt Mary's Tales," "The Metamorphoses," "New Year's Gift," "Stories for Children," "Alchemist," "The Rebellious School Girl," and "The Life of William Penn." Hughes , Mary Robson (Author)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Publisher)
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (Bookseller)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Printer)
and 1 more.
11527 The Ornaments Discovered: A Story. By the author of "Aunt Mary's Tales." " The Metamorphoses," "New Year's Gift," "Stories For Children," "Alchemist," "The Rebellious School Girl," And "The Life Of William Penn." Hughes , Mary Robson (Author)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Publisher)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Printer)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
11528 The Ornaments Discovered: A Story. By the author of "Aunt Mary's Tales." " The Metamorphoses," "New Year's Gift," "Stories For Children," "Alchemist," "The Rebellious School Girl," And "The Life Of William Penn." Hughes , Mary Robson (Author)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Publisher)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Printer)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
1829 7
12052 The Orphan Boy A Pathetic Tale Founded on Fact By J. Bisset. Bisset , James (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Elizabeth Newbery (Bookseller)
1800 6
12051 The Orphan Boy, By J. Bisset. Bisset , James (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
Myles Swinney and Henry Hawkins (Printer)
9219 The Orphan Boy, or Test of Innocence. By Mrs Catherine G. Ward, authoress of "The Rose of Claremont;" "Mysterious Marriage;" "My Native Land;" "Daughter of St. Omer;" "Sacred Deposit;" "Bachelor's Heiress;" "Robertina;" "Poems;" &c. &c. &c. &c. Ward , Catherine George (Author)
J. S. Wellington (Publisher)
W. Stephen Couchman (Publisher)
G. Virtue [Canon Row] (Publisher)
1821 1
13702 The Orphan Boy, or Test of Innocence. Founded on Facts. By Catherine G. Ward, authoress of 'The Thorn,' 'Cottage on the Cliff,' 'Fisher's Daughter,' 'Mysterious Marriage,' 'Family Portraits,' 'Widow's Choice,' &c. Ward , Catherine George (Author)
George Virtue [Ivy Lane] (Publisher)
James Robins and Co., Albion Press (Printer)
1825 1
9220 The orphan boy, or Test of Innocence. Founded on Facts. By Catherine G. Ward, Authoress of ‘The Thorn,’ ‘Cottage on the Cliff,’ ‘Fisher’s Daughter,’ ‘Mysterious Marriage,’ ‘Family Portraits,’ ‘Widow’s Choice,’ &c. Ward , Catherine George (Author)
J. S. Wellington (Publisher)
W. Stephen Couchman (Printer)
G. Virtue [Canon Row] (Publisher)
and 1 more.
10757 The orphan boy, or, A journey to Bath. Founded on fact. By Mary Belson, author of The mice and their pic nic, Precept and example, Industry and idleness, Innocent poetry, Grateful tributes, Baby's holiday, Simple truths, &c. &c. Elliott , Mary Belson (Author)
William Darton Junior [1810-1819] (Publisher)
William Darton Junior [1810-1819] (Printer)
17374 The orphan boy; or, A journey to Bath. Founded on fact. By Mary Belson, author of The mice and their pic-nic--Precept and example--Industry and idleness--Innocent poetry--Grateful tributes--Baby's holiday--Simple truths, &c. &c. Elliott , Mary Belson (Author)
Scoles , John (Engraver)
William B. Gilley (Publisher)
T. & W. Mercein (Printer)
17375 The orphan boy; or, A journey to Bath. Founded on fact. By Mary Belson, author of The mice and their pic-nic, Precept and example, Industry and idleness, Innocent poetry, Grateful tributes, Baby's holiday, Simple truths, &c. &c. Elliott , Mary Belson (Author)
Scoles , John (Engraver)
William B. Gilley (Publisher)
Nicholas Van Riper (Printer)
8304 The Orphan boy; or, a journey to Bath. Founded on fact. By Mary Belson, Author Of--The Mice And Their Pic Nic--Precept And Example--Industry And Idleness--Innocent Poetry--Grateful Tributes--Baby’s Holiday--Simple Truths, &c. &c. Elliott , Mary Belson (Author)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Publisher)
James Gillett (Printer)
1814 2
13986 The Orphan Boy; or, The Veiled Statue. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
John Roe [Chiswell] (Publisher)
Ann Lemoine (Publisher)
18935 The orphan boy; The galley slave, and the Sailor's return. Opie , Amelia (Author)
Cross , James Cross (Author)
Bickerstaff , Isaac (Author)
12053 The Orphan Boy: A Pathetic Tale. Bisset , James (Author)
Elizabeth Newbery (Bookseller)
Grafton and Reddell (Printer)
1802 9