Displaying 15151–15175 of 17781

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
1404 The Outlaw. By the Author of “The Bucanier,” &C. In Two Volumes. Hall , Anna Maria (Author)
Harper and Brothers [82 Cliff Street] (Publisher)
1835 1
25146 The oxford Methodists: being an account of some young gentlemen in that city, in derision so called; Setting forth their rise and designs. With Some Occasional remarks on a Letter inserted in Fog's Journal of December 9th, 1732, relating to them. In a letter from a gentleman near Oxford, to his friend at London. The second edition, with very great alterations and improvements. To which is prefix'd, a short epistle to the Reverend Mr. Whitefield, A. B. of Pembroke-College, Oxon. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)
1738 2
25214 The oxford Methodists: being an account of some young gentlemen in that city, in derision so called; setting forth their rise and designs. With Some Occasional remarks on A Letter inserted in Fog's Journal of December 9th, 1732, relating to them. In a letter from a Gentleman near Oxford, to his Friend at London. The Third Edition, with very great Alterations and Improvements. To which is prefix'd, A Short Epistle to the Reverend Mr. Whitefield, A. B. of Pembroke-College, Oxon. Law , William (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)
1738 3
15042 The Oxford sausage: or, Select poetical pieces, Written by the most celebrated wits of the University of Oxford. Unknown , (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
George Robinson [ii] (Publisher)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
William Jackson [Oxford Street] (Publisher)
3094 The packet: a novel. By Miss Gunning. Gunning , Elizabeth (Author)
James Moore [Dublin] (Publisher)
Harriet Colbert [136 Capel Street] (Publisher)
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Publisher)
and 4 more.
3134 The packet: a novel. By Miss Gunning. Gunning , Elizabeth (Author)
Joseph Bell (Publisher)
1794 1
8061 The palace of silence: a philosophic tale. Translated from the french by a lady. de Sante-Foix , Phillipe-Auguste (Author)
Unknown , [Woman] (Translator)
John Bew [Paternoster Row] (Publisher)
1775 1
10143 The palace of truth: a moral tale. Translated from the French of Madame la Comtesse de Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
Unknown , (Translator)
John Souter [Paternoster Row] (Publisher)
James Adlard and Sons (Printer)
13838 The panorama of Europe, or, A new game of geography. By Mrs. Hofland, Author of The Clergyman's widow; Good grandmother; Daughter-in-law; Affectionate Brothers; Young Crusoe; The Stolen Boy; Merchant's Widow; Barbadoes Girl; Blind Farmer; Young Norther Traveller; the Sisters; &c. &c. Seventh edition, continued to the present year. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Anthony King Newman and Co. (Publisher)
1831 7
10994 The panorama of Europe, or, A new game of geography. By the author of The Barbadoes girl, Merchant's widow, Clergyman's widow. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (Publisher)
1820 3
213 The Panorama of Europe; or, A New Game of Geography Hofland , Barbara (Author)
John Darling (Printer)
Anthony King Newman and Co. (Publisher)
1813 1
20001 The panorama of youth. In two volumes. First American edition. Sterndale , Mary (Author)
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Printer)
10489 The pantheon, or, Ancient history of the gods of Greece and Rome: for the use of schools and young persons of both sexes. By Edward Baldwin, esq. Godwin , William (Author)
Godwin , Mary Jane (Publisher)
Mary Jane Godwin (Publisher)
1814 4
10833 The pantheon: representing the fabulous histories of the heathen gods, and most illustrious heroes: in a short, plain, and familiar method, by way of dialogue. Revised, corrected, amended, and illustrated with new copper cuts of the several deities: for the use of schools. By Andrew Tooke, A.M. late Professor of Geometry in Gresham College, and Master of the Charter-House-School. Pomey , François Antoine (Author)
Cooper [Publisher] , Mary (Publisher)
Tooke , Andrew (Translator)
Mary Cooper (Publisher)
Charles Hitch (Publisher)
John Ward (Publisher)
and 3 more.
14038 The parasite. Watts [m. Lynch in 1762] , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Cotter , Sarah (Publisher)
Peter Wilson [Dame St, 1748–66] (Publisher)
John Exshaw I [Dame Street] (Publisher)
Sarah Cotter (later Stringer) [Skinner Row] (Publisher)
and 3 more.
1765 1
13210 The parent's and teacher's catechism; or, Knowledge for infants, in a form of oral instruction. By A. Lindley. Lindley , Ann (Author)
William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton (Publisher)
Darton, Harvey, and Co. [printers] (Printer)
1814 2
17303 The Parent's Assistant or Stories for Children. In Three Volumes. By Maria Edgeworth, Author of Practical Education, Moral Tales, Early Lessons, &c. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Anderson , Alexander (Engraver)
Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill] (Publisher)
5799 The parent's assistant, or stories for children. By Maria Edgeworth, Author of Practical Education, and Letters for Literary Ladies. The Third Edition, with Additions. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Joseph Johnson (Publisher)
George Woodfall [Paternoster] (Printer)
1800 3
17299 The Parent's Assistant, or Stories for Children. In One Volume. By Maria Edgeworth, Author of "Practical Education," "Moral Tales," "Early Lessons," &c. &c. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Anderson , Alexander (Engraver)
Hartwell , Alonzo (Engraver)
Edmund Munroe and David Francis [128 Washington] (Publisher)
Charles Stephen Francis (Publisher)
17301 The Parent's Assistant, or Stories for Children. In Three Volumes. By Maria Edgeworth, Author of "Practical Education," "Moral Tales," "Early Lessons," &c. &c. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Anderson , Alexander (Engraver)
Edmund Munroe and David Francis [128 Washington] (Publisher)
Charles Stephen Francis (Publisher)
17304 The Parent's Assistant, or Stories for Children. In Three Volumes. By Maria Edgeworth, Author of Practical Education, Moral Tales, Early Lessons, &c. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Hartwell , Alonzo (Engraver)
Anderson , Alexander (Engraver)
Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill] (Publisher)
Edmund Munroe and David Francis [128 Washington] (Publisher)
17305 The Parent's Assistant, or Stories for Children. In Three Volumes. By Maria Edgeworth, Author of Practical Education, Moral Tales, Early Lessons, &c. (Munroe & Francis' Edition.) Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Anderson , Alexander (Engraver)
Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill] (Publisher)
10627 The parent's assistant, or, Stories for children: in six volumes. By Maria Edgeworth, author of practical education, and letters for literary ladies. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Joseph Johnson (Publisher)
George Woodfall [Paternoster] (Printer)
1804 4
10620 The parent's assistant, or, Stories for children. By Maria Edgeworth; complete in three volumes. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Rowland Hunter (Publisher)
Joseph Booker (Publisher)
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall (Publisher)
and 4 more.
1834 10
10621 The parent's assistant, or, Stories for children. By Maria Edgeworth; in six volumes. ... A New Edition. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
Rowland Hunter (Publisher)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (Publisher)
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall (Publisher)
and 1 more.
1822 8