Displaying 16376–16400 of 17788

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
14155 The Tell-Tale; or, Universal Museum. Consisting of a Series of Interesting Adventures, Voyages, Histories, Lives, Tales, and Romances. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
Ann Lemoine (Publisher)
Thomas Maiden [Sherbourne Lane] (Printer)
John Roe [Houndsditch] (Publisher)
10099 The tell-tale: an original collection of moral and amusing stories. Traill , Catharine Parr (Author)
John Harris and Son (Publisher)
John Lewis Cox and Thomas Baylis (Printer)
10774 The tell-tale. By Mary Elliott; illustrated by copper-plates. Elliott , Mary Belson (Author)
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (Publisher)
15142 The tempest, A comedy; Written by William Shakspeare: The music by Purcel and Dr. Arne; with the additional airs and chorusses, by the Late Mr. Linley, jun. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Shakespeare , William (Author)
Charles Bathurst [26 Fleet Street] (Publisher)
11654 The Temple of Health, a Poetic Vision. Occasioned by the universal Joy expressed on his Majesty's most happy Recovery. By a lady. Arthur , Grace (Author)
William Chalklen (Printer)
Evan and Thomas Williams (Bookseller)
1789 1
12694 The Temple of Prostitution: A Poem Dedicated to the Greatest ***** in Her Majesty's Dominions. By a woman of fashion. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
John Harrington (Publisher)
1779 1
12667 The Temple of Truth, an Allegorical Poem. By the author of Village Conversations. Renou , Sarah (Author)
John Lewis Cox (Publisher)
12658 The Temple of Truth. A Poem, in Five Cantos. By Sarah Renou, author of "Village Conversations, or the Vicar's Fire-Side." Second edition. Renou , Sarah (Author)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (Publisher)
James Taylor Smith and Co. (Publisher)
1821 2
12653 The Temple of Truth. A Poem, in Five Cantos. By Sarah Renou, author of "Village Conversations, or the Vicar's Fire-side" Renou , Sarah (Author)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (Publisher)
Browne and Manchee (Publisher)
Browne and Manchee (Printer)
1818 1
12659 The Temple of Truth. A Poem. By Sarah Renou, author of "Village Conversations, or, the Vicar's Fireside." Second edition. Renou , Sarah (Author)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (Publisher)
Thomas John Manchee (Publisher)
1822 2
14344 The temporal promises of the Gospel asserted and maintained: in a sermon, preached at the anniversary meeting of the Sons of the Clergy, in the cathedral church of St. Paul, on Thursday, May 8, 1788. By the Rev. Phipps Weston, B.D. Canon Residentiary of Wells, and Rector of Witney, Oxford-Shire. To which are added, lists of the nobility, clergy, and gentry, who have been stewards for the feasts of the sons of the clergy, together with the names of the preachers, and the sums collected at the anniversary meetings, since the year 1721. Rivington , Ann (Printer)
Weston , Phipps (Author)
Ann Rivington (Printer)
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (Bookseller)
1788 1
1209 The Tendency of Strikes and Sticks to Produce Low Wages, and of Union Between Masters and Men to Ensure Good Wages. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet (Author)
John Hardinge Veitch (Publisher)
John Hardinge Veitch (Printer)
Charles Fox (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
25412 The tenets and principles of the Church of Rome; set forth in a short catechism; designed to remove the Prejudices of all Hereticks against her Apolstolical Doctrines and Worship, &c. Being the result of a private conference between a papist and a well dispos'd Heretick, i.e. a protestant of the Church of England, November the first, 1731. With a dedication to the Rev. Mr. Orator Henley (in the Henleyan stle) on account of his late Oration against Father Girard and Miss Cadiere Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Thomas Game (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (Publisher)
and 1 more.
1732 1
14549 The Terra Incognita of Lincolnshire; with Observations, Moral, Descriptive, and Historical, in Original Letters, Written (Purposely for the Improvement of Youth) during the Months of May and October, 1815. By Miss Hatfield, Author of Letters on the Importance of the Female Sex, with Observations on Their Manners and Education; and of the Theology and Mythology of the Ancient Pagans, Dedicated to the Purpose of Female Instruction. Hatfield , Sarah (Author)
George and Samuel Robinson (Publisher)
Gale and Fenner (Publisher)
William Flint [Old Bailey] (Printer)
1816 1
14980 The Terra Incognita of Lincolnshire; with Observations, Moral, Descriptive, and Historical, in Original Letters, Written (Purposely for the Improvement of Youth) during the Months of May and October, 1815. By Miss Hatfield, Author of Letters on the Importance of the Female Sex, with Observations on Their Manners and Education; and of the Theology and Mythology of the Ancient Pagans, Dedicated to the Purpose of Female Instruction. Third Edition. Hatfield , Sarah (Author)
Francis and Henry Laking (Bookseller)
A. Douglas (Bookseller)
William Flint [Old Bailey] (Printer)
1832 3
7435 The test of filial duty. In a series of letters between Miss Emilia Leonard, and Miss Charlotte Arlington. A novel. In two volumes. Scott , Sarah (Author)
James Potts (Publisher)
Thomas Walker (Publisher)
Dillon Chamberlaine [Dame Street] (Publisher)
and 3 more.
7542 The test of filial duty. In a series of letters between Miss Emilia Leonard, and Miss Charlotte Arlington. A novel. In two volumes. ... Scott , Sarah (Author)
Thomas Carnan (Bookseller)
1772 1
5517 The test of honour, a novel. By a young lady. In two volumes. Rowson , Susanna (Author)
John Abraham [St. Swithin's Lane] (Publisher)
John Abraham [St. Swithin's Lane] (Printer)
1789 1
25748 The test of love. An epistle to a friend. Amhurst , Nicholas (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Publisher)
Edward Comyns (Publisher)
Jacob Robinson [Ludgate St] (Publisher)
John Jackson (Publisher)
and 1 more.
1742 1
12256 The Test of Virtue, and Other Poems. By the late Miss P. Barrell, Author of Riches and Poverty, a Tale. Barrell , Miss P. (Author)
Thomas Boosey (Publisher)
Clement Chapple [66 Pall Mall] (Publisher)
George Hayden [Brydges Street] (Printer)
1811 1
903 The Thatched Cottage; or, Sorrows of Eugenia. A Novel. In Two Volumes. By Sarah Wilkinson. Wilkinson , Sarah Scudgell (Author)
T. Hughes [Stationers Court] (Publisher)
Dewick and Clark [Aldersgate Street] (Printer)
1806 1
2700 The theatre of education. By the Countess de Genlis. Translated from the French. A new edition, in three volumes. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
Unknown , (Translator)
Thomas Cadell [London] (Publisher)
Thomas Durham [Charing Cross] (Publisher)
Peter Elmsley [87 Strand] (Publisher)
2743 The theatre of education. A new translation from the French of Madame La Marquise de Sillery, late Madame La Comtesse de Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
Unknown , (Editor)
Unknown , (Translator)
John Walter [Homer's Head, Charing Cross] (Publisher)
25111 The Theatre turned upside down: or, The mutineers. A dialogue, occasioned by a pamphlet, called, the theatric squabble. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
1733 1
12379 The Theatre: or, Select Works of the British Dramatic Poets. In twelve volumes. To which are prefixed, the lives of these celebrated writers, and strictures on most of the plays. Ramsay , Allan (Author)
Otway , Thomas (Author)
Steele , Richard (Author)
and 23 more.
Martin & Wotherspoon (Publisher)
Martin & Wotherspoon (Printer)