Displaying 17001–17025 of 17726

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
20140 The world turn'd upside down; or, The wonderful magic lantern illustrated with whimsical engravings. Taylor (later Gilbert) , Ann (Author)
Taylor , Jane (Author)
Taylor , Isaac (Author)
and 2 more.
William Charles (Publisher)
William M'Culloch (Printer)
1811 1
5918 The world unmask'd; or, the philosopher the greatest cheat; in twenty-four dialogues. A new edition. Translated from the French. Huber , Marie (Author)
James Phillips (Printer)
James Phillips (Bookseller)
17938 The world unmask'd; or, The philosopher the greatest cheat. In twenty-four dialogues. A new edition. Translated from the French. Huber , Marie (Author)
Archibald Bartram (Printer)
Thomas Dobson [Stone House] (Publisher)
5059 The worship of God, in spirit and in truth: or, a short and easy method of prayer, suited to every capacity; with two letters upon the same subject. By Madam Guion. To which is added, Two letters, concerning a life truly Christian; And a Discourse upon the universal Love and Goodness of God to Mankind, in and through Jesus Christ. Extracted from Two late Authors. Guyon , Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte (Author)
T. Mills (Publisher)
William Pine (Printer)
25048 The Wreath, or Ornamental Artist; containing instructions for making flowers of wax, rice-paper, lamb’s-wool, and cambric, with a great variety of articles; for charitable repositories. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Thomas Besley (Printer)
1835 1
25531 The wreath. A collection of all the favourite new songs sung by the most eminent performers, at the theatres, Ranelagh, Vauxhall, &c. &c. &c. Unknown , (Author)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
William Reeve (Printer)
Henry Slater (Printer)
Anne Dodd II (Printer)
and 7 more.
1752 1
14582 The writers of Ireland. In two books ... Written in Latin by Sir James Ware, Knight; now newly translated into English, revised and improved ... and continued down to the beginning of the present century. Harris , Walter (Translator)
Ware , James (Author)
Reilly , Alice (Printer)
Alice Reilly [Cork Hill] (Printer)
17991 The writings of Nancy Maria Hyde, of Norwich, Conn. Connected with a sketch of her life. Hyde , Nancy Maria (Author)
Sigourney , Lydia Howard (Editor)
Russell Hubbard (Publisher)
1816 1
24116 The yea and nay stock-jobbers, or The 'change-alley quakers anatomiz'd. In a burlesque epistle to a friend at sea. Bockett , Elias (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Billingsley , Jane (Publisher)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)
Jane Billingsley (Publisher)
1720 1
24989 The york miscellany: consisting of poems on several occasions. By Stephen Maxwell, of the City of York. Maxwell , Stephen (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
1731 1
12961 The young baronet; or, The broken leg. Ancram , Georgianna (Author)
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (Publisher)
Joseph Rickerby [Sherborne Lane] (Printer)
1830 1
11254 The Young Cadet; or, Henry Delamere's Voyage to India, his Travels in Hindostan, his Account of the Burmese War, and the Wonders of Elora. By Mrs. Hofland, author of "The Son of a Genius," "The Daughter of a Genius," "Alfred Campbell, the young Pilgrim," "Theodore," &c. &c. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (Publisher)
Samuel and Richard Bentley (Printer)
1830 2
861 The Young Cadet; or, Henry Delamere's Voyage to India, his Travels in Hindostan, his Account of the Burmese War, and the Wonders of Elora. By Mrs. Hofland. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (Publisher)
Samuel and Richard Bentley (Printer)
1827 1
11255 The Young Cadet; or, Henry Delamere's Voyage to India, his Travels in Hindostan; with the Wonders of Elora. Revised and altered by the author. By Mrs. Hofland, author of Africa Described; Patience; Self-Denial; Moderation; Integrity; Fortitude; Decision; Reflection; Humility; Clergyman's Widow; &c. A new edition. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Anthony King Newman and Co. (Publisher)
John Darling (Printer)
26079 The young clerk's tutor enlarged: being a most useful collection of the best precedents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c. Also Names of Men and Women in Latin, Day of the Date, the several Sums of Money, and Addition of several Trades, in their proper Cases, as they stand in the Obligations. With Directions of Writs of Habeas Corpus, Certiorari, Writs of Errors, &c. to all Cities and Towns Corporate, Hundred and Manor Courts. Likewise the belt Precedents of all Manner of Concords of Fines, and Directions how to Cue out a Fine, with many judicious Observations therein. With many other things very necessary, and readily fitting every Man's Occasion: As by a new and exact Table of what is contained in this Book, will appear. To which are annexed several of the best copies both of Court and Chancery hand now extant, by Tho. Ollyff, Writing-Master, at the Hand and Pen in Fetter-Lane. The Sixteenth Edition, purged from the Errors of all Former Impressions. Hawkins , John (Author)
Ollyff , Thomas (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Elizabeth Nutt [Savoy] (Printer)
Robert Gosling (Printer)
William Battersby Jr. (Publisher)
1717 16
21853 The Young Communicant's Catechism, or, A help both short and plain for instructing and preparing the young, to make a right approach unto the Lord's Table. With a proposal for public renewing of the baptismal covenant. By Mr. John Willison, Minister of the Gospel in Dundee. First American Edition. Willison , John (Author)
Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Jane Aitken [20 North Third Street] (Printer)
10250 The young countess: a tale for youth; by the authoress of the "Blind child"; in one volume. Pinchard , Elizabeth Sibthorpe (Author)
Clement Chapple [66 Pall Mall] (Publisher)
William Oxberry and Co. (Printer)
John Harris and Son (Bookseller)
1820 1
10990 The young Crusoe, A Tale. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Anthony King Newman and Co. (Publisher)
10998 The young Crusoe, A Tale. By Mrs. Hofland. Author of The Barbadoes Girl; Sisters; Blind Farmer; Elizabeth; Clergyman's Widow, Affectionate Brothers; Stolen Boy; Alicia and her Aunt; William and his Uncle Ben; Rich Boys and Poor Boys; Good Grandmother; Panorama of Europe; Merchant's Widow; Young Northern Traveler, Daughter-in-Law, &c. &c. New Edition. Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Anthony King Newman and Co. (Publisher)
John Darling (Printer)
1 The Young Crusoe; or, The Shipwrecked Boy, containing an account of his shipwreck, and residence for several months alone, upon an uninhabited island Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Anthony King Newman and Co. (Publisher)
13873 The Young Crusoe; or, The Shipwrecked Boy, containing an account of his shipwreck, and residence for several months alone, upon an uninhabited island Hofland , Barbara (Author)
Anthony King Newman and Co. (Publisher)
10097 The young emigrants, or, Pictures of Canada: calculated to amuse and instruct the minds of youth. By the author of "Prejudice reproved," "The tell-tale," &c. Traill , Catharine Parr (Author)
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (Publisher)
Harvey, Darton, and Co. [printers] (Printer)
1826 1
2751 The young exiles, or correspondence of some juvenile emigrants: a work intended for the entertainment and instruction of youth. From the French of Madame de Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
John Wright [169 Piccadilly] (Publisher)
Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] (Publisher)
1799 1
2707 The young exiles, or, correspondence of some juvenile emigrants: a work intended for the entertainment and instruction of youth. From the French of Madame de Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
John Wright [169 Piccadilly] (Publisher)
Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] (Publisher)
1799 2
2710 The young exiles, or, correspondence of some juvenile emigrants: a work intended for the entertainment and instruction of youth. From the French of Madame de Genlis. In two volumes. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité (Author)
John Stockdale (Publisher)
Vincent Dowling [College Green] (Publisher)