Displaying 17301–17325 of 17791

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
17339 To-Morrow: or The Dangers of Delay. By Maria Edgeworth. Edgeworth , Maria (Author)
William E. Norman (Publisher)
William E. Norman (Bookseller)
Nathan Elliot or Elliott (Printer)
12310 Toiles d'Araignées pour Attraper les Mouches, ou Courts Dialogues pour l'instruction des enfans, depuis l'âge de trois ans, jusqu'à celui de huit. Fenn , Ellenor (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Thomas Baylis (Printer)
Thomas Hurst [Paternoster] (Publisher)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
26156 Tom o' Bedlam's Dunciad: or, Pope, Alexander the pig. A poem Turner , Mary (Publisher)
Henley , John (Author)
Mary Turner (Publisher)
1729 1
12881 Tom Thumb's exhibition, being an account of many valuable and surprizing curiosities which he has collected in the course of his travels, for the instruction and amusement of the British youth. Unknown , (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
14636 Tour in England, Ireland, and France, in the Years 1828 & 1829; with Remarks on the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, and Anecdotes of Distinguished Public Characters. In a Series of Letters by a German Prince. Austin , Sarah (Translator)
von Pückler-Muskau , Hermann Ludwig Heinrich (Author)
Carey, Lea, and Blanchard (Publisher)
892 Tour in England, Ireland, and France, in the Years 1828 & 1829; with Remarks on the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, and Anecdotes of Distinguished Public Characters. In a Series of Letters by a German Prince. In Two Volumes. von Pückler-Muskau , Hermann Ludwig Heinrich (Author)
Austin , Sarah (Translator)
Effingham Wilson [Royal Exchange] (Publisher)
Richard Taylor [Red Lion Court] (Printer)
1832 1
14406 Tour in Germany, Holland and England, in the Years 1826, 1827, & 1828; with Remarks on the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, and Anecdotes of Distinguished Public Characters. In a Series of Letters. By a German Prince. In Four Volumes. von Pückler-Muskau , Hermann Ludwig Heinrich (Author)
Austin , Sarah (Translator)
Effingham Wilson [Royal Exchange] (Publisher)
Richard Taylor [Red Lion Court] (Printer)
15094 Tour in Holland in the Year MDCCCXIX. Murray , Ann Elizabeth Cholmley (Author)
1824 1
380 Tour of a German Artist in England with Notices of Private Galleries, and Remarks on the State of Art. By M Passavant. In Two Volumes, with Plates. Passavant , Johann David (Author)
Eastlake , Elizabeth (Translator)
Saunders and Otley (Publisher)
1836 1
16249 Tracts published by the Lincoln and Kennebec Religious Society. de Fleury , Maria (Author)
Babson & Rust (Printer)
The Lincoln and Kennebec Religious Society. (Publisher)
1804 1
18768 Tracts: entertaining, moral and religious. Written in a neat style. Eminently calculated for the amusement and religious instruction of youth. Written principally by Miss Hannah More. From the Cheap Repository. More , Hannah (Author)
Ensign Lincoln & Thomas Edmands (Publisher)
1292 Traditions of Palestine. Edited By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet (Author)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (Publisher)
George Smallfield (Printer)
1830 1
12569 Trafalgar: A Poem, to the Memory of Lord Nelson, Who Received a Mortal Wound in the Late Naval Engagement off Trafalgar, in the Hour of Victory. October 21, 1805. By Mrs. Sewell. Sewell , Anna (Author)
Nornaville and Fell (Publisher)
R. Wetton and Son (Publisher)
1806 1
11042 Tragedies. By Hannah More. More , Hannah (Author)
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (Publisher)
Andrew Strahan [1788-1806, 1817-1831] (Printer)
1818 1
11017 Tragic Dramas; Chiefly Intended for Representation in Private Families: To Which is Added, Aristodemus, a Tragedy, from the Italian of Vincenzo Monti. By Frances Burney. Burney , Frances (Author)
Monti , Vincenzo (Author)
Thomas Davison [Whitefriars] (Printer)
John Murray II [Albemarle] (Bookseller)
1818 1
2965 Traité sur les principes fondamentaux de la sagesse ou philosophie morale. A L'Usage de la Jeunesse. Par Mademoiselle E. Cacouault de la Mimardiere. Cacaoult de la Mimardière , Élisabeth (Author)
s.n. [sine nomine] (Publisher)
932 Traits and Traditions of Portugal, Collected During a Residence in that Country. By Miss Pardoe. In Two Volumes. Pardoe , Julia S. H. (Author)
Saunders and Otley (Publisher)
Benjamin Bensley (Printer)
1833 1
15102 Traits and Traditions of Portugal, Collected During a Residence in that Country. By Miss Pardoe. In Two Volumes. Pardoe , Julia S. H. (Author)
Carey, Lea, and Blanchard (Publisher)
194 Traits and Trials of Early Life. By L. E. L. Author of "The Improvisatrice" &c. Landon , Letitia Elizabeth (Author)
Henry Colburn [Great Marlborough Street] (Publisher)
Benjamin Bensley (Printer)
1836 1
8949 Traits of Nature, by Miss Burney, author of Clarentine, Geraldine Fauconberg, &c. Second Edition. In four volumes. Burney , Sarah Harriet (Author)
Henry Colburn [Conduit Street] (Publisher)
John Lewis Cox and Thomas Baylis (Printer)
1812 2
16739 Traits of Nature, by Miss Burney. In Two Volumes. Burney , Sarah Harriet (Author)
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Publisher)
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Bookseller)
Moses Thomas (Bookseller)
and 20 more.
764 Traits of Nature. By Miss Burney, author of Clarentine, &c. In five volumes. Burney , Sarah Harriet (Author)
Henry Colburn [Conduit Street] (Publisher)
1812 1
8323 Traits of Nature. By Miss Burney, author of Clarentine, &c. In five volumes. Burney , Sarah Harriet (Author)
Henry Colburn [Conduit Street] (Publisher)
1813 3
15902 Traits of Nature. By Miss Burney. In two volumes. Burney , Sarah Harriet (Author)
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Publisher)
Abraham Small (Printer)
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Bookseller)
and 20 more.
12329 Tranquillity, a Poem. To Which are Added Other Original Poems, and Translations from the Italian and Spanish. By Miss Edgar. Second Edition. Edgar , Miss (Author)
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall (Publisher)
John Anderson, Jr. (Publisher)
Robert Wallace & Co. (Printer)
1824 2