Displaying 17401–17425 of 17791

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
15028 Truth vindicated or, the specific differences of mental diseases ascertained. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. Rowley , W. (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
J. Wingrave (Publisher)
Thomas Hookham [New Bond Street] (Publisher)
15074 Truth vindicated: or, the specific differences of mental diseases ascertained. Containing their numerous causes, the exact signs by which they may be distinguished, and questions proper for juries commissioned to examine these subjects; with facts extracted from the Parliamentary reports, and reasons for declaring the case of a great personage to have been only a feverish or symptomatic delirium. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. Rowley , W. (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Francis Wingrave (Publisher)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
Thomas Hookham [New Bond Street] (Publisher)
22359 Truth, a poem. Address'd to the Right Honourable William Lord Harrington. By E----. B----. Boyd , Elizabeth (Author)
Boyd , Elizabeth (Printer)
Boyd , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Elizabeth Boyd (Printer)
Elizabeth Boyd (Bookseller)
Charles Corbett (Bookseller)
23906 Truth, a poem. Address'd to the Right Honourable William Lord Harrington. By E----. Boyd. Boyd , Elizabeth (Author)
Boyd , Elizabeth (Printer)
Boyd , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Elizabeth Boyd (Printer)
Elizabeth Boyd (Bookseller)
26164 Truth, truth, truth: Unknown , (Author)
Boulter , Anne (Bookseller)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Bookseller)
John Harrison (Bookseller)
Anne Boulter (Bookseller)
1715 1
24916 Truth. A counterpart to Mr. Pope’s Essay on man. Epistle the second, Opposing his opinions of Man as an Individual. By Mr. Ayre Ayre , William (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (Bookseller)
Henry Chapelle [Chappelle] (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
19448 Truxton's victory; with Megen oh--oh Megen--ee: and the Soldier's farewell. Rowson , Susanna (Author)
19447 Truxton's victory. A naval patriotic song. Sung by Mr. Hodgkinson. Written by Mrs. Rowson, of Boston. Rowson , Susanna (Author)
Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer Andrews (Publisher)
1799 1
25570 Tryal of Father John-Baptist Girard, on an accusation of quietism, sorcery, incest, abortion and subornation before the Great Chamber of Parlement at Aix, at the instance of Miss Mary-Catherine Cadiere. Containing, I. Minutes of each of the Cases, as they were taken for the Use of the Judges. II. The Speech of the President at the Opening of the Proceedings. III. The Speech of the President at the Opening of the Proceedings. IV. The Examination of the several Witnesses. V. The Interrogatory of Father Girard. VI. The Harangue of his Advocate in his Defence. VII. The Confrontation of Father Girard and Miss Cadiere. VIII. The Reply of M. Chandon to all urged in the Defence. IX. The Recapitulation of Monsieur, the President, and his pronouncing the Definitive Judgment of that Assembly, &c. With a preface by Monsieur C----, a learned Refugee at the Hague. Girard , Jean-Baptiste (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
John Isted (Publisher)
Thomas Astley (Publisher)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (Publisher)
and 2 more.
1732 1
24150 Tully's two essays of old age, and of friendship. With his stoical paradoxes, and Scipio's dream. Render'd into English by Samuel Parker, Gent. Cicero , Marcus Tullius (Author)
Holt , Sarah (Printer)
Parker , Samuel (Translator)
Sarah Holt (Printer)
George Sawbridge II (Publisher)
1704 1
24454 Tully's two essays, of old age, and of friendship. With his stoical paradoxes, and Scipio's dream. Render'd into English by Samuel Parker, Gent. Cicero , Marcus Tullius (Author)
Parker , Samuel (Translator)
Holt , Sarah (Printer)
Sarah Holt (Printer)
John Wilford (Publisher)
Thomas Jauncy (Publisher)
1720 2
5388 Tunbridge epistles, from Lady Margaret to the Countess of B**. , Margaret (Author)
Joseph Johnson and Benjamin Davenport (Publisher)
Thomas Cadell [London] (Bookseller)
Edmund Baker (Bookseller)
11287 Tunbridge Wells; a Descriptive Poem. To Which are Added the Book-stall, and Other Miscellaneous Pieces Shelley , Helen (Author)
Charles Law and George B. Whittaker (Publisher)
Pinnock and Maunder [Bell Rd] (Publisher)
1817 1
13334 Turn the carpet; or, both sides of the question. More , Hannah (Author)
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (Bookseller)
William Bulgin (Bookseller)
J. Binns (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
4365 Turn the carpet; or, The two weavers :a new song, in a dialogue between Dick and John More , Hannah (Author)
John Marshall I [Aldermary] (Printer)
S. Hazard (Bookseller)
R. White [London] (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
4124 Turn the carpet; or, the two weavers; a new song, in a dialogue between Dick and John. More , Hannah (Author)
s.n. [sine nomine] (Publisher)
4125 Turn the carpet; or, the two weavers: a new song in a dialogue between Dick and John. More , Hannah (Author)
S. Hazard (Bookseller)
R. White [London] (Bookseller)
John Marshall I [Aldermary] (Bookseller)
11097 Turn the Carpet: A New Christmas Hymn: The Noble Army of Martyrs: and, The Plow-boy's Dream. More , Hannah (Author)
Cheap Repository Tracts (Publisher)
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (Bookseller)
Hazard and Binns (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
14442 Turnbridge Wells, and Its Neighbourhood, Illustrated by a Series of Etchings and Historical Descriptions. By Paul Amsinck, Esq. The Etchings Executed by Letitia Byrne. Byrne , Letitia (Illustrator)
Amsinck , Paul (Author)
William Miller [Albemarle Street] (Publisher)
Edmund Lloyd [23 Harley Street] (Publisher)
George Evans Miles (Printer)
1810 1
6836 Twas yes, kind Sir. A new song. Wrighten , Mary Ann (Author)
s.n. [sine nomine] (Publisher)
14673 Twelve Delightful Novels, Displaying the Stratagems of Love and Gallantry; Giving An Account of the various Accidents, Intrigues and Events, which have happen'd to several Persons in pursuance of their Amorous Inclinations. Very Entertaining for Gentlemen, Ladies and others in their vacant Hours. Namely, 1. The Honourable Infidelity. 2. The Lucky Misfortune. 3. The Cruel Fair One. 4. The Unparallel'd Friendship. 5. The Constant Couple. 6. The Loves of King Edgar. 7. The deluded Coxcombs. 8. The Two Alphonso's. 9. The Cheats of Mucio. 10. The Law of Divorce. 11. The Noble Recompence. 12. The grateful Robber. By a Person of Quality. Unknown , (Author)
Law , Ann (Printer)
Ann Law (Printer)
23785 Twelve Hindoo Airs with English Words Adapted to Them by Mrs. Opie, and Harmonized for One, Two, Three, and Four Voices, with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte or Harp, by Mr. Biggs. Opie , Amelia (Author)
Biggs , Edward Smith (Composer)
Robert Birchall (Printer)
1800 1
14095 Twelve O’clock; or, The Three Robbers. A Romance. Lemoine , Ann (Publisher)
Unknown , (Author)
Ann Lemoine (Publisher)
1807 1
1056 Twelve Original Hibernian Melodies, with English Words, imitated and translated, from the Works of the Ancient Irish Bards, with an introductory Preface and Dedication, by Miss S. Owenson. Arranged for the Voice, with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte Owenson , Sydney (Author)
Thomas Preston (Printer)
Thomas Preston (Bookseller)
1805 1
3206 Twelve poems translated into French; six in prose and six in verse, selected from the works of Miss Eliza. Carter. Intitled Poems on Several Occasions. By the Count de B****. Price 4s. on Fine Paper, and 2s. 6d. Common. Carter , Elizabeth (Author)
Lowes , Mrs. (Bookseller)
Mrs. Lowes (Bookseller)
J. Reed (Bookseller)
1796 1