Geoname ID 2643743
Name London
Titles 11829
Firms 3331
People Born: 280, Died: 389


Displaying 326–350 of 11793

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
14711 A familiar epistle to a free doctor, Remarkable for his singular Ingenuity in the Construction of new invented Rules for Important Discoveries; his Commentary on a Letter from the Mansions above: And also for his being a considerable Dealer in Envy, Malignity, Detraction, &c. By Isaac Harman. Harman , Isaac
1775 The third edition.
26119 A familiar epistle to the celebrated Mrs. Con. Phillips, on her apology. By a gentleman of the Inner Temple. Unknown , [Man]
314 A Family Tour through the British Empire, Containing some Account of its Manufactures, Natural and Artificial Curiosities, History and Antiquities, Interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes, Particularly Adapted to the Amusement and Instruction of Youth. By Priscilla Wakefield. Wakefield , Priscilla
11226 A Family Tour through the British Empire, Containing some Account of its Manufactures, Natural and Artificial Curiosities, History and Antiquities, Interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes, Particularly Adapted to the Amusement and Instruction of Youth. By Priscilla Wakefield. The Eighth Edition. Wakefield , Priscilla
William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton (London)
1816 The Eighth Edition
4579 A farewell, for two years, to England. A poem. By Helen Maria Williams. Williams , Helen Maria
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
631 A Father as He Should Be. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Hofland, author of Says She to Her Neighbour, Clergyman's Widow, Visit to London, Patience and Perseverance, &c. Hofland , Barbara
Minerva Press, A. K. Newman and Co. (London)
9042 A Father as He Should Be. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Hofland, author of Says She to Her Neighbour, Clergyman's Widow, Visit to London, Patience and Perseverance, &c. Second edition. Hofland , Barbara
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
1824 Second edition.
10113 A father's legacy to his daughters by Dr. Gregory. A letter to a new-married lady. By Mrs. Chapone, etc. Gregory , John
Talbot , Catherine
Chapone , Hester Mulso
Charles Tilt (London)
John Menzies (Edinburgh)
W. F. Wakeman (Dublin)
431 A Father's Love and a Woman's Friendship; or, The Widow and Her Daughters. A Novel. In five volumes. By Henriette Rouviere Mosse, author of Lussington Abbey, Heirs of Villeroy, Old Irish Baronet, Peep At Our Ancestors, Arrivals from India, Bride and No Wife, &c. Mosse , Henrietta Rouviere
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
10111 A Father’s Legacy to His Daughters. By Dr. Gregory. A Letter to a New-Married Lady. By Mrs. Chapone. &c. Gregory , John
Chapone , Hester Mulso
Talbot , Catherine
John Sharpe [Duke Street] (London)
11127 A few weeks at Clairmont Castle: containing ... By Miss Pearson. Hofland , Barbara
Thomas Dean and Munday [35 Threadneedle Street] (London)
838 A Few Words on the Eightieth Psalm Tonna , Charlotte Elizabeth (Browne) Phelan
958 A Few Words on the Subject of the Slave Trade, addressed to English Women Trench , Melesina
10021 A first or mother's dictionary for children: containing upwards of three thousand eight hundred words which occur most frequently in books and conversation: simply and familiarly explained, and interspersed throughout with occasional remarks: the whole adapted to the capacities of younger pupils. By Anna Brownwell Murphy. Jameson , Anna Brownwell
William Darton Junior [1810-1819] (London)
25191 A form of prayer, For the use of private families, and Particular persons. Compos'd on Occasion of The late Dreadful Earthquakes, And now Publish'd Pursuant to His Majesty's pious Order, for a General Fast, to be religiously kept on the 6th of February, 1756. To which is added, An Hymn, suitable to the Occasion, for Children to learn by Heart. By a Divine of the Church of England. Unknown ,
23021 A fountain of gardens: or, a spiritual diary of the wonderful experiences of a Christian soul, under the conduct of the heavenly wisdom; continued from the year MDCLXXVIII, to the middle of the year MDCLXXXVI. Vol. III. Part. II. By J. Lead. Lead , Jane
13752 A Fragment. Stebbing , Henry
Mary Cooper (London)
25987 A friendly epistle to the author of The state dunces. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook] (London)
7306 A friendly remonstrance concerning the Christian covenant and the sabbath-day. Trimmer , Sarah
Joseph Johnson (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
7383 A friendly remonstrance, concerning the Christian covenant and the sabbath day; intended for the good of the poor. By Mrs. Trimmer. Trimmer , Sarah
Joseph Johnson (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
13772 A Full Account of the Siege of Minorca, by the French, in 1756. With all the Circumstances relating thereto. Unknown ,
Ann and Charles Corbett (London)
3369 A full and authentic account of the strange and mysterious affair between Mary Squires a gypsy, and Elizabeth Canning, Who swore that she was robbed, and afterwards confined by the Gypsy, till she was almost starved; for which the Gypsy was condemned to Death, but afterwards received his Majesty's Pardon. With all the particulars of the trial of Elizabeth Canning afterwards, upon an indictment for a false accusation, &c. of the gypsy; which began at the Old Bailey on Monday the 29th of April, 1754, and continued till Tuesday the seventh of May. Canning , Elizabeth
3442 A full and authentic account of the strange and mysterious affair between Mary Squires a gypsy, and Elizabeth Canning, Who swore that she was robbed, and afterwards confined by the Gypsy, till she was almost starved; for which the Gypsy was condemned to Death, but afterwards received his Majesty's Pardon. With all the particulars of the trial of Elizabeth Canning afterwards, upon an indictment for a false accusation, &c. of the gypsy; which began at the Old Bailey on Monday the 29th of April, 1754, and continued till Tuesday the seventh of May. Canning , Elizabeth
25376 A full and genuine account of the murder of Mrs. Robinson, by Elton Lewis, On Monday Night, April 21, 1735. Unknown ,
5932 A full and particular account of the remarkable trial, and execution, of the late unfortunate queen of France who was executed by the guillotine at Paris, on Wednesday last, the 16th of October, 1793. ... de Lorraine , Marie-Antoinette