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Displaying 1301–1325 of 1371

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
1411 The Wife and Woman’s Reward[.] In Three Volumes. Norton , Caroline Elizabeth Sarah
Saunders and Otley (London)
981 The Wife; and, Woman's Reward Norton , Caroline Elizabeth Sarah
Saunders and Otley (London)
8707 The Wild Irish Girl: A National Tale. By Miss Owenson, author of The Novice of St. Dominick, Patriotic Sketches, &c. &c. &c. In three volumes. Fourth edition. Owenson , Sydney
Richard Phillips [6 Bridge Street] (London)
1808 Fourth edition.
8708 The Wild Irish Girl: A National Tale. By Miss Owenson, author of The Novice of St. Dominick, Patriotic Sketches, &c. &c. &c. The fifth edition. In three volumes. Owenson , Sydney
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
1813 The fifth edition
11470 The Wild Wreath. Dedicated (by Permission) to H.R.H. the Duchess of York, by M. E. Robinson. Baillie , Joanna
Seward , Anna
Robinson , Maria Elizabeth
Richard Phillips [St. Paul's Churchyard] (London)
660 The Winter's Wreath for MDCCCXXXII. Shelley , Mary Wollstonecraft
Chorley , John Rutter
Smyth , Amelia Gillespie
Hemans , Felicia
Howitt , William
Roscoe , Thomas
Harrison , W. H
Howitt , Mary
Norton , Andrew
Coleridge , Hartley
Wrangham , Francis
Browne , Mary Ann
Raffles , Reverend Thomas
Deakin , H. C.
Mordacque , L. A. J.
Merritt , J.
Bowring , John
Clarke , W. G
Mark Spencer , Gent
Watts , Priscilla Maden Wiffen
Butler , Ann
Moir , Anne Montgomery
Millhouse , R.
Parry , Catherine
La Claverie , M. De
Grimaldi , Signor
Lawrence , Rose D'Aguilar
Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot (London)
George Smith (Liverpool)
12333 The Wonder: A Comedy, in five acts, by Mrs. Centlivre. Printed from the acting copy, with remarks, biographical and critical, to which are added, a description of the costume,—cast of the characters, entrances and exits,—relative positions of the performers on the stage,—and the whole of the stage business. As now performed at the Theatres Royal, London. Embellished with a wood engraving, by Mr. White, from a drawing by Mr. R. Cruikshank. Centlivre , Susanna
John Cumberland [19 Ludgate Hill] (London)
18790 The works of Hannah More, including several pieces never before published. More , Hannah
Edward Earle (Philadelphia)
11702 The works of Mrs. Chapone: Now First Collected. Containing I. Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. II. Miscellanies. III. Correspondence with Mr. Richardson. IV. Letters to Miss Carter. V. Fugitive Pieces. To which is prefixed, An Account of her Life and Character, drawn up by her own family. In four volumes. Chapone , Hester Mulso
Archibald Constable and Co. [Cross Well] (Edinburgh)
John Murray II [Fleet Street] (London)
16881 The works of Mrs. Chapone: now first collected. Containing I. Letters on the improvement of the mind. II. Miscellanies. III. Correspondence with Mr. Richardson. IV. Letters to Miss Carter. V. Fugitive pieces. To which is prefixed, an account of her life and character, drawn up by her own family. In four volumes. Chapone , Hester Mulso
William Wells (Boston)
Thomas B. Wait and Co. (Boston)
16882 The works of Mrs. Chapone: now first collected. Containing I. Letters on the improvement of the mind. II. Miscellanies. III. Correspondence with Mr. Richardson. IV. Letters to Miss Carter. V. Fugitive pieces. To which is prefixed, an account of her life and character. Drawn up by her own family. In four volumes. Chapone , Hester Mulso
Evert Duyckinck [Water Street] (New York City)
363 The Works of Mrs. Cowley: Dramas and Poems. In Three Volumes. Cowley , Hannah
George Wilkie and John Robinson (London)
21381 The works of Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. A new edition, in fifteen [i.e., twelve] volumes. With an essay on his life and genius, by Arthur Murphy, Esq. Johnson , Samuel
Murphy , Arthur
William Durell [Pearl Street] (New York)
9629 The Works of Sir William Jones. In six volumes. Jones , Sir William
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
Robert Harding Evans [26 Pall Mall] (London)
2361 The works of the late Mrs. Catharine Talbot. A new edition. Talbot , Catherine
John Rivington and Sons [or J. F. and C. Rivington] (London)
1780 A New Edition.
15261 The Works of the Right Honorable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Including Her Correspondence, Poems, and Essays. Published, by Permission, from Her Genuine Papers. The Sixth Edition. In Two Volumes. Montagu , Mary Wortley
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
1812 The Sixth Edition.
11669 The Works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Including Her Correspondence, Poems, and Essays. Published, by Permission, from Her Genuine Papers Montagu , Mary Wortley
Richard Phillips [6 Bridge Street] (London)
1805 The Fifth Edition.
26079 The young clerk's tutor enlarged: being a most useful collection of the best precedents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c. Also Names of Men and Women in Latin, Day of the Date, the several Sums of Money, and Addition of several Trades, in their proper Cases, as they stand in the Obligations. With Directions of Writs of Habeas Corpus, Certiorari, Writs of Errors, &c. to all Cities and Towns Corporate, Hundred and Manor Courts. Likewise the belt Precedents of all Manner of Concords of Fines, and Directions how to Cue out a Fine, with many judicious Observations therein. With many other things very necessary, and readily fitting every Man's Occasion: As by a new and exact Table of what is contained in this Book, will appear. To which are annexed several of the best copies both of Court and Chancery hand now extant, by Tho. Ollyff, Writing-Master, at the Hand and Pen in Fetter-Lane. The Sixteenth Edition, purged from the Errors of all Former Impressions. Hawkins , John
Ollyff , Thomas
William Battersby Jr. (London)
1717 The Sixteenth Edition, purged from the Errors of all Former Impressions.
16259 The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston. Addison , Joseph
Alison , Archibald
Unknown ,
Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Bayly , Nathaniel Thomas Haynes
Beattie , James
Beaumont ,
Beecher , Catharine Esther
Bigland ,
Blair , Hugh
Bowring , John
Brainard , John Gardiner Calkins
Bryant , William Cullen
Gordon , George
Campbell , Thomas
Carter , James Gordon
Chalmers , Thomas
Channing , William Ellery
Chapone , Hester Mulso
Stanhope , Philip Dormer
Child , Lydia Maria Francis
Coleridge , Samuel Taylor
Collins , William
Cooper ,
Cowper , William
Croly , George
Dana , Richard Henry
Dwight , Timothy
Edgeworth , Maria
Everett , Edward
Ferrier , Susan Edmonstone
Flint , Timothy
Francis , Convers
Freeman , James
Galt , John
Gay , John
Goodrich , Samuel Griswold
Grahame , James
Gray , Thomas
Greenwood , Francis William Pitt
Gregory , John
Griscom , John
Halleck , Fitz-Greene
Hemans , Felicia
Hillhouse , James
Hopkinson , Francis
Irving , Washington
Jewsbury , Maria Jane
Knowles , James Sheridan
Labaume , Eugène
Landon , Letitia Elizabeth
Lewis , Matthew Gregory
McLellan , Isaac, Jr
Milman , Henry Hart
Milton , John
Mitford , Mary Russell
Montgomery , James
Moore , Thomas
More , Hannah
Otis , Harrison Gray
Peabody , William Bourn Oliver
Percival , James Gates
Percival , Thomas
Pierpont , John
Pope , Alexander
Porteus , Beilby
Quincy , Josiah
Rogers , Samuel
Ruhnken , David
Scott , Walter
Shakespeare , William
Shelley , Percy Bysshe
Sigourney , Lydia Howard
Southey , Robert
Sprague , Charles
Story , Joseph
Sullivan , William
Talbot , Catherine
Taylor , Jane
Taylor , John S.
Thacher , Samuel Cooper
Thomson , James
Ware , Henry
Wayland , Francis, Jr.
Webster , Daniel
Wilcox , Carlos
Willis , Nathaniel Parker
Wilson , John
Wirt , William
Wordsworth , William
Young , Edward
Lincoln & Edmands (Boston)
Benjamin Collins and Samuel Hannay (New York City)
Key and Meilke (Philadelphia)
Cushing and Sons (Baltimore)
24909 The Young Ladies' Class Book; a Selection of Lessons for Reading, in Prose and Verse. By Ebenezer Bailey, Principal of the Young Ladies' High School, Boston. Stereotype Edition. Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Chapone , Hester Mulso
Edgeworth , Maria
More , Hannah
Taylor , Jane
Landon , Letitia Elizabeth
Gordon , George
Hemans , Felicia
Shelley , Percy Bysshe
Mitford , Mary Russell
Jewsbury , Maria Jane
Shakespeare , William
Lewis , Matthew Gregory
Pope , Alexander
Montgomery , James
Galt , John
Coleridge , Samuel Taylor
Scott , Walter
Ferrier , Susan Edmonstone
Ware , Henry
Talbot , Catherine
Unknown ,
Beattie , James
Cowper , William
Gregory , John
Child , Lydia Maria Francis
Milton , John
Bayly , Nathaniel Thomas Haynes
Addison , Joseph
Moore , Thomas
Campbell , Thomas
Southey , Robert
Wordsworth , William
Croly , George
Rogers , Samuel
Young , Edward
Thomson , James
Porteus , Beilby
Gay , John
Dwight , Timothy
Gray , Thomas
Knowles , James Sheridan
Bowring , John
Milman , Henry Hart
Willis , Nathaniel Parker
Collins , William
Sigourney , Lydia Howard
Peabody , William Bourn Oliver
Pierpont , John
Goodrich , Samuel Griswold
Grahame , James
Bryant , William Cullen
Percival , James Gates
Brainard , John Gardiner Calkins
Wilson , John
Stanhope , Philip Dormer
Beecher , Catharine Esther
Taylor , John S.
Webster , Daniel
Everett , Edward
Alison , Archibald
Channing , William Ellery
Otis , Harrison Gray
Quincy , Josiah
Irving , Washington
Sprague , Charles
Chalmers , Thomas
McLellan , Isaac, Jr
Beaumont ,
Bigland ,
Blair , Hugh
Carter , James Gordon
Cooper ,
Dana , Richard Henry
Flint , Timothy
Francis , Convers
Freeman , James
Greenwood , Francis William Pitt
Griscom , John
Halleck , Fitz-Greene
Hillhouse , James
Hopkinson , Francis
Labaume , Eugène
Percival , Thomas
Ruhnken , David
Story , Joseph
Sullivan , William
Thacher , Samuel Cooper
Wayland , Francis, Jr.
Wilcox , Carlos
Wirt , William
Benjamin Collins and Samuel Hannay (New York City)
Gould, Kendall, and Lincoln (Boston)
N. and J. White (New York)
Bennett & Bright (Utica)
Grigg and Elliot (Philadelphia)
Henry Perkins (Philadelphia)
Cushing and Sons (Baltimore)
E. F. Duren (Bangor)
Edward J. Lane (Dover)
1835 Stereotyped Edition.
3300 The young ladies' guide in the art of cookery: being a collection of useful receipts, Published for the Convenience of the Ladies committed to her Care. By Eliz. Marshall. Marshall , Elizabeth
11233 The Young Northern Traveller; or, The invalid restored. Containing a tour through northern Europe, with historical and biographical anecdotes. By Mrs. Hofland, Author of the Clergyman's Widow; Merchant's Widow; Blind Farmer; Barbadoes Girl; Affectionate Brothers; Sisters; Good Grandmother; Panorama of Europe; Young Crusoe; Daughter-in-law; William and His Uncle Ben; Stolen Boy; Elizabeth and Her Three Beggar Boys; Alicia and Her Aunt, &c. &c. New Edition, with Additions and Alterations. Hofland , Barbara
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
1830 New edition, with Additions and Alterations.
2690 Theatre of education. Translated from the French of the Countess de Genlis. In four volumes. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
Thomas Durham [Charing Cross] (London)
Peter Elmsley [87 Strand] (London)
87 Theory on the Classification of Beauty and Deformity, and their Correspondence with Physiognomic Expression, Exemplified in Various Works of Art, and Natural Objects, and Illustrated with Four General Charts, and Thirty-Eight Copper Plates. By Mary Anne Shimmelpenninck, Author of "A Tour to Alet". Schimmelpenninck , Mary Anne
John and Arthur Arch [Cornhill] (Cornhill)
18021 Things by their right names; a novel. By a person without a name. Two volumes in one. Jacob , Elizabeth
Lewis , Alethea