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Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue. Chadwyck-Healey Databases,

Titles 365
Firms 0
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Displaying 51–75 of 365

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
12365 Carmina Domestica; or Poems on Several Occasions. (The Majority Written in the Early Part of Life). By Mrs. Lefroy. Lefroy , Anne
9044 Caroline Lismore: Or, The Errors of Fashion. A Tale. By Alicia Catherine Mant, Author of Ellen: or, The Young Godmother. Mant , Alicia Catherine
Charles Law and George B. Whittaker (London)
8623 Casualties. A Novel. In Two Volumes. By Mary Goldsmith, author of the Comedy Entitled She Lives! or, The Generous Brother. Goldsmith , Mary
T. Hughes [Stationers Court] (London)
12954 Charles Ross; or, Truth and fiction. By the author of 'The new estate,' 'Spain yesterday and to-day,' &c. Ancram , Georgianna
Samuel Darton and Robert Harvey [1833-38] (London)
13021 Children as they are; or, Tales and dialogues, for young readers from seven to twelve years of age. By the author of 'The transformation of a beech-tree.' Brown , Eliza
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
13022 Children as they are; or, Tales and dialogues, for young readers from seven to twelve years of age. By the author of 'The transformation of a beech-tree.' Brown , Eliza
Samuel Darton and Robert Harvey [1833-38] (London)
Thomas Richardson (Derby)
Simpkin, Marshall and Co. (London)
Samuel Horsey (Portsea)
1835 Fourth Edition.
11839 Chosroes and Heraclius; or, the Vicissitudes of a Century. By Miss Sandham, authoress of 'The Twin Sisters, 'Britannicus and Octavia,' &c. &c. Sandham , Elizabeth
John Harris and Son (London)
15886 Christmas-Day; or, the Friends. A Tale. Fifth Edition. Martineau , Harriet
Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] (Wellington)
1834 Fifth Edition.
15889 Christmas-Day; or, the Friends. A Tale. Third Edition. Martineau , Harriet
Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] (Wellington)
1828 Third Edition.
10934 Co-operation, a Poem Sargeant , Emma Louisa
49 Conversations on Chemistry. In Which the Elements of that Science are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments. In two volumes. Marcet , Jane
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
8746 Corinna; or, Italy. By Mad. de Staël Holstein. In Five Volumes. Translated from the French, by D. Lawler. de Staël von Holstein , Anne Louise Germaine
Corri [Little Newport Street] (London)
13234 Costumes of different nations, in miniature, from drawings by Alfred Mills. With descriptions. Wakefield , Priscilla
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton (London)
13235 Costumes of different nations, in miniature, from drawings by Alfred Mills. With descriptions. Wakefield , Priscilla
William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton (London)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
12450 Cottage Similes, or, Poems on Domestic Occurrences, Designed for Those in Humble Life. By the author of The Female Missionary Advocate. Maddocks , Mrs.
Holdsworth and Ball (London)
8961 Crim. Con. A Novel, Founded on Facts. By H. M. Moriarty, authoress of "Brighton in an Uproar," &c. &c. In Two Volumes. Moriarty , Henrietta Maria
9327 De Foix; or, Sketches of the Manners and Customs of the Fourteenth Century. An Historical Romance. Bray , Anna Eliza
8710 Delmore, or Modern Friendship Roberts , Mrs. D.
Benjamin Crosby and Co. (London)
8612 Delphine: A Novel. By Madame de Stael-Holstein. Translated from the French. In Three Volumes. de Staël von Holstein , Anne Louise Germaine
George and John Robinson (London)
8636 Destiny: or, Family Occurrences: An Interesting Narrative. In Two Volumes Robertson , Eliza Frances
12348 Detached Pieces of Poetry. Written by a Mother, and Dedicated to Her Daughters Unknown , [Woman]
15878 Devotional Exercises, Consisting of Reflections and Prayers, for the Use of Young Persons. To Which is Added a Treatise on the Lord's Supper. By Harriet Martineau. From the third London Edition. Martineau , Harriet
Leonard C. Bowles (Boston)
1833 From the third London Edition.
36 Disobedience; or, Mind What Mamma Says Strickland , Elizabeth
James Woodhouse (London)
14465 Domestic Manners and Social Condition of the White, Coloured, and Negro Population of the West Indies. By Mrs. Carmichael, Five Years a Resident in St. Vincent and Trinidad. In Two Volumes. Carmichael , Alison Charles
Whittaker, Treacher, and Co. (London)
14683 Dorothea, or a Ray of the New Light. In Three Volumes. Bullock , Mrs.
George, George, and John Robinson (London)