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Houghton Library. Harvard University, 1942, 

Titles 275
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Displaying 201–225 of 275

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
9278 The Inheritance. By the author of Marriage. In three volumes. The second edition. Ferrier , Susan Edmonstone
William Blackwood [Princes Street] (Edinburgh)
Thomas Cadell Jun. (London)
1825 The second edition.
13824 The Keepsake for 1829. Edited by Frederic Mansel Reynolds. Shelley , Mary Wollstonecraft
Landon , Letitia Elizabeth
Thomas Hurst, Edward Chance, and Co. (London)
R. Jennings (London)
13795 The King and Queen of Hearts: with the roguerie of the Knave who stole the Queen's pies. Illustrated with Fifteen elegant engravings. Lamb , Charles
Mary Jane Godwin and Co. [Skinner Street] (London)
13743 The Levee: A poem. Occasion'd by the Number of Clergy at the Duke of Ne---le's Levee. Unknown ,
Mary Cooper (London)
13953 The Life and Mysterious Transactions of Richard Morris, Esq. Better Known by the Name of Dick Spot, the Conjuror, Particularly in Derbyshire and Shropshire. Written by an Old Acquaintance Who Was a Critical Observer of All His Actions for Near Fifty Years. Including Singular, Whimsical, and Curious Anecdotes of Many Living Characters—Unaccountable and Mysterious Transactions—Lost Property Restored—Life Preserved—Robberies Prevented—Deaths Frequently Foretold, (Particularly That of the Unfortunate King of Sweden, Which He Declared in Print More That Three Months Before It Happened)—And Proving Every Thing Belonging to the History of This Wonderful Man, to Have Been Beyond the Settled Rules by Which Human Actions and Life Are in General Regulated. Ann Lemoine (London)
13762 The Life of Master Watty & Miss Jessy Supine; or, the Evils of a bad Education. Adorned with Cuts. Unknown ,
Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] (Wellington)
13957 The Life of Richard Turpin, a Notorious Highwayman. Containing a Particular Account of His Adventures, From His Being First an Apprentice to a Butcher in Whitechapel, to His Execution at York for Horse-Stealing. To Which is Added, the Life of Sawney Beane, the Man-Eater. Ann Lemoine (London)
14129 The life, voyages, and surprising adventures, of Mary Jane Meadows, a woman of uncommon talents, spirit and resolution, who, after experiencing a Series of extraordinary Changes in Life, from the highest Splendour and Affluence, to the most abject Distress and Poverty; at last shipped herself for India, in the unfortunate Grosvenor, and was cast away on the dreary Coast of Africa; where, after travelling through vast Deserts and the Kingdom of Caffraria in the most imminent danger, arrived on the borders of the South Sea, where she was again cast away upon an uninhabited Island, and lived intirely by herself for several Years. Written by her own hand. Meadows , Mary Jane
Ann Lemoine (London)
13542 The Lyre of Love; or, Cupid's Jubilee: A Choice Selection of Valentines, with their answers. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
John Roe [Chiswell] (London)
13972 The Magdalen; or, History of the First Penitent Prostitute Received Into That Charitable Asylum. With Anecdotes of Other Penitents. By the Rev. William Dodd, LL. D. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
984 The Magic Lantern; or, Sketches of Scenes in the Metropolis. Gardiner , Marguerite
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
11941 The Metrical Miscellany: Consisting Chiefly of Poems Hitherto Unpublished Barbauld , Anna Laetitia
Cavendish , Georgiana
O'Neill , Frances
Riddell , Maria
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
13731 The midnight bell, or the Abbey of St. Francis. An original romance. By the authoress of Alphonso and Elinor; Three Ghosts of the Forest, &c. Unknown , [Woman]
J. Ker (London)
Nathaniel and John Muggeridge (London)
13773 The Miller and His Golden Dream. By the Author of "The Ruby Ring," &c. Leonard , Eliza Lucy
Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] (Wellington)
24915 The miser, a poem: from the first satire of the first book of Horace. Inscrib’d to Horatio Walpole, Esquire Minshull , Mr.
Anne Dodd I (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
John Penn (London)
8344 The Modern Griselda: A Tale. By Miss Edgeworth, Author of Practical Education, Belinda, Castle Rackrent, History of Irish Bulls, Letters For Literary Ladies, Popular Tales, &c. The Second Edition, Corrected. Edgeworth , Maria
Joseph Johnson (London)
1805 The Second Edition, Corrected.
8651 The Modern Griselda. A Tale. By Miss Edgeworth, author of Practical Education, Belinda, Castle Rackrent, History of Irish Bulls, Letters for Literary Ladies, Popular Tales, &c. The Third Edition, Corrected. Edgeworth , Maria
Joseph Johnson and Co. (London)
1813 The Third Edition, Corrected.
13726 The Mourning Bride. A Tragedy. Taken from the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. Congreve , William
13758 The Moving Market; or, Cries of London: for the amusement and instruction of Good Children. Adorned with Cuts. Unknown ,
24914 The nature of man a poem, in three books. By Sir Richard Blackmore, Knt. M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians Blackmore , Richard
Anne Dodd I (London)
John Clark (London)
13981 The Net-Maker of Bagdad; or, The Fool and His Cousin. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
John Roe [Houndsditch] (London)
Thomas Maiden [5 Sherbourne Lane] (London)
13823 The Novice of Saint Dominick. By Sidney Owenson. Author of St. Clair. In four volumes. Owenson , Sydney
Richard Phillips [6 Bridge Street] (London)
13747 The œconomy of human life. Translated from an Indian Manuscript, written by an ancient Bramin. To which is prefixed, An account of the Manner in which the said manuscript was discover'd. In a letter from an English Gentleman, now residing in China, to the Earl of ****. Unknown ,
Mary Cooper (London)
13725 The Orphan: or, the unhappy marriage. A Tragedy. Written by Mr. Otway. Taken from the manager's book, at the Theatres Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Otway , Thomas
5799 The parent's assistant, or stories for children. By Maria Edgeworth, Author of Practical Education, and Letters for Literary Ladies. The Third Edition, with Additions. Edgeworth , Maria
Joseph Johnson (London)
1800 The Third Edition, with Additions.