Displaying 15451–15475 of 17791

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
397 The Political and Confidential Correspondence of Lewis the Sixteenth. With Observations on Each Letter. By Hellen Maria Williams. de la Platière , Imbert (Author)
Bercenay , François Babié de (Author)
Williams , Helen Maria (Translator)
George and John Robinson (Publisher)
Thomas Davison [Whitefriars] (Printer)
1803 1
16395 The political and confidential correspondence of Lewis XVI. With observations on each letter. By Helen Maria Williams. Babié de Bercenay , François (Author)
La Platière , Sulpice Imbert (Author)
Williams , Helen Maria (Author)
Hocquet Caritat (Publisher)
6392 The political monitor; or Regent's friend. Being a collection of poems published in England during the agitation of the regency: consisting of curious, interesting, satyrical and political effusions of poetry. By Mrs. Mary O'Brien, Wife of Patrick O'Brien, Esq. and Author of Charles Henley, in 2 Vols. O'Brien , Mary (Editor)
William Gilbert [26 South Great George's Street] (Printer)
1790 1
7774 The political priest: or, propagation with a vengeance! A satire, by a married woman; with a prologue, by a married man; and a preface, by an old batchelor. The whole addressed to the female sex, and dedicated (without permission) to a certain reverend polygamist. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
John Stockdale (Publisher)
12944 The poor child's friend: consisting of narratives founded on fact, and religious and moral subjects. Adams , Charlotte Priscilla (Author)
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (Publisher)
Harvey, Darton, and Co. [printers] (Printer)
19568 The Poor Rich Man, and the Rich Poor Man. By the Author of "Hope Leslie," "The Linwoods," &c. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria (Author)
Harper and Brothers [82 Cliff Street] (Publisher)
1836 1
11949 The Poor Soldier; an American Tale: Founded on a Recent Fact. Inscribed to Mrs Crespigny. Starke , Mariana (Author)
John Walter [Homer's Head, Charing Cross] (Publisher)
1789 1
11950 The Poor Soldier; an American Tale: Founded on a Recent Fact. Inscribed to Mrs Crespigny. The second edition. Starke , Mariana (Author)
John Walter [Homer's Head, Charing Cross] (Publisher)
1789 2
11795 The Port Folio; or, A School Girl's Selection. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Edmund Hemsted [Fetter Lane] (Printer)
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (Publisher)
1817 1
18328 The port folio; or, A school girl's selection. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Andrew T. Goodrich & Co. (Publisher)
Jonathan Seymour (Printer)
16188 The Portland sketch book. Edited by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. Stephens , Ann Sophia (Editor)
Codman , Charles (Illustrator)
Stephens , Edward (Copyright Holder)
and 31 more.
Arthur Shirley (Printer)
Colman and Chisholm (Publisher)
1836 1
6656 The portrait. A novel. In two volumes. ... Elliott , Miss (Author)
Thomas Hookham [New Bond Street] (Publisher)
1783 1
24936 The Portraiture and Character of His Royal Highness Prince Frederick, Duke of Glocester. Hammond , Anthony (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Peter Dunnoyer (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
Thomas Warner (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
1720 1
11013 The Posthumous Dramatick Works of the late Richard Cumberland, Esq. In two volumes. Cumberland , Richard (Author)
Jansen , Frances Marianne (Editor)
George and William Nicol [58 Pall Mall] (Publisher)
W. Bulmer and Co. (Printer)
1813 1
9674 The Posthumous Works of Anne Radcliffe, Authoress of The Mysteries of Udolpho, &c. Comprising Gaston De Blondeville, A Romance; St. Alban's Abbey, a Metrical Tale, with various poetical pieces. To which is prefixed a memoir of the authoress, with extracts from her private journals. In four volumes. Radcliffe , Ann (Author)
Samuel and Richard Bentley (Printer)
Henry Colburn [Windsor] (Publisher)
Richard Bentley (Publisher)
1833 2
11699 The Posthumous Works of Mrs. Chapone: Containing her correspondence with Mr. Richardson: a series of letters to Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, and some fugitive pieces, never before published: together with an account of her life and character, drawn up by her own family. Second edition. Corrected with some additions. In two volumes. Vol. 1. Chapone , Hester Mulso (Author)
Archibald Constable [Cross Well] (Publisher)
John Murray II [Fleet Street] (Publisher)
1808 2
11296 The Posthumous Works of Mrs. Chapone. Containing her Correspondence with Mr. Richardson, a series of Letters to Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, and some Fugitive Pieces, never before published, together with an account of her life and character, drawn up by her own family. Second edition. Corrected, with some additions. Chapone , Hester Mulso (Author)
Archibald Constable and Co. [Cross Well] (Publisher)
John Wright [St. John's Square] (Printer)
John Murray II [Fleet Street] (Publisher)
1808 2
155 The Posthumous Works of Mrs. Chapone. Containing her correspondence with Mr. Richardson; a series of letters to Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, and some fugitive pieces, never before published. Together with an account of her life and character, drawn up by her own family. Chapone , Hester Mulso (Author)
Archibald Constable and Co. [Cross Well] (Publisher)
John Wright [St. John's Square] (Printer)
John Murray II [Fleet Street] (Publisher)
1807 1
18176 The power of Christianity, or Abdallah and Sabat, a poem. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
John Hoff (Printer)
Ladies' Benevolent Society (Publisher)
Protestant Episcopal Society (Publisher)
1814 1
17627 The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Graham , Isabella (Author)
Bethune , Joanna (Compiler)
Bethune , Divie (Author)
and 2 more.
Jonathan Seymour (Printer)
1816 1
17629 The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Third Edition. Graham , Isabella (Author)
Bethune , Joanna (Compiler)
Jarvis , John Wesley (Illustrator)
and 4 more.
Kirk and Mercein (Publisher)
William Mercein (Printer)
1819 3
17631 The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Fifth Edition. Graham , Isabella (Author)
Bethune , Joanna (Compiler)
Bethune , Divie (Author)
and 1 more.
Kirk and Mercein (Publisher)
William Mercein (Printer)
1819 5
17630 The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Fourth Edition. Graham , Isabella (Author)
Bethune , Joanna (Compiler)
Bethune , Divie (Author)
and 1 more.
Kirk and Mercein (Publisher)
William Mercein (Printer)
1819 4
17628 The power of faith: exemplified in the life and writings of the late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. Second Edition. Graham , Isabella (Author)
Bethune , Joanna (Compiler)
Bethune , Divie (Author)
and 3 more.
Kirk and Mercein (Publisher)
T. & W. Mercein (Printer)
1817 2
23090 The power of love: in seven novels viz. I. The fair hypocrite. II. The physician's stratagem. III. The wife's resentment. IV. V. The husband's resentment. In two examples. VI. The happy fugitives. VII. The perjur'd beauty. Never before published. By Mrs. Manley. Manley , Delarivier (Author)
Patrick Dugan (Publisher)