Name Domestic

Titles in this category include household management, cookery, midwifery, etiquette etc.


Displaying 376–400 of 463

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
2489 The lady’s assistant for regulating and supplying her table, being a complete system of cookery, containing one hundred and fifty select bills of fare, properly disposed for family dinners of five dishes, to two courses of eleven and fifteen; with upwards of fifty bills of fare for suppers, from five dishes to nineteen; and several deserts: including likewise, the fullest and choicest receipts of various kinds, with full directions for preparing them in the most approved manner, from which a continual change may be made, as wanted, in the several bills of fare: published from the manuscript collection of Mrs. Charlotte Mason, a professed housekeeper, who had upwards of thirty years experience in families of the first fashion. The second edition corrected, and considerably enlarged. Mason , Charlotte
John Walter [Homer's Head, Charing Cross] (London)
1775 The second edition corrected, and considerably enlarged.
19563 The Linwoods; or, "Sixty years since" in America. By the Author of "Hope Leslie," "Redwood," &c. In Two Volumes. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria
Harper and Brothers [82 Cliff Street] (New York City)
19562 The Linwoods; or, "Sixty Years Since" in America. By the Author of "Hope Leslie," "Redwood," &c. In Two Volumes. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria
Harper and Brothers [82 Cliff Street] (New York City)
1698 The Maiden's prize, or, The batchelor's puzzle. Being miscellany of theological and philosophical queries, proposed to all the ingenious married men and batchelors in the Kindom of England. Mrs. Anne Ward, a beautiful young lady of five hundred pounds a year. who vows never to marry any man but him who resolves the following questions. And likewise promises the ingenious married man an hundred guineas for his trouble. Ward , Ann
s.n. [sine nomine]
1779 The Maiden's Prize; or Batchelor's Puzzle; Being a Miscellany of Theological and Philosophical Queries. Proposed to all the ingenious Married Men and Batchelors in the Kingdom of England. By Mrs. Ann Ward, a beautiful young Lady of Five Hundred Pounds a Year. Who vows never to Marry any Man but him who resolves the following Questions. She likewise promises the ingenious Married Man an Hundred Guineas for his Trouble. Ward , Ann
s.n. [sine nomine]
13623 The midwife's candid advice to the fair sex; or the pupil of nature. On the subjects of pregnancy; childbirth; the diseases incident to both; the fatal effects of ignorance and quackery; and the most approved means of promoting the health, strength and beauty of their offspring. In which the Latin Terms are entirely omitted. By Martha Mears, practitioner in midwifery, No. 12, Red Lion Square. A new edition. Mears , Martha
Benjamin Crosby and Co. (London)
Robert Faulder (London)
18205 The mirror of the graces; or, The English lady's costume. Combining and harmonizing taste and judgment, elegance and grace, modesty, simplicity, and economy, with fashion in dress; and adapting the various articles of female embellishments to different ages, forms, and complexions; to the seasons of the year, rank, and situation in life: : with useful advice on female accomplishments, politeness and manners; the cultivation of the mind and the disposition and carriage of the body: offering also the most efficacious means of preserving beauty, health, and loveliness. : The whole according with the general principles of nature and rules of propriety. By a lady of distinction, who has witnessed, and attentively studied, what is esteemed truly graceful and elegant amongst the most refined nations of Europe. Unknown , [Woman]
Isaac Riley (New York)
18206 The mirror of the graces; or, The English lady's costume. Combining and harmonizing taste and judgment, elegance and grace, modesty, simplicity, and economy, with fashion in dress; and adapting the various articles of female embellishments to different ages, forms, and complexions; to the seasons of the year, rank, and situation in life: : with useful advice on female accomplishments, politeness and manners; the cultivation of the mind and the disposition and carriage of the body: offering also the most efficacious means of preserving beauty, health, and loveliness. The whole according with the general principles of nature and rules of propriety. By a lady of distinction, who has witnessed, and attentively studied, what is esteemed truly graceful and elegant amongst the most refined nations of Europe Unknown , [Woman]
Isaac Riley (New York)
1655 The Modern Art of Cookery Improved; or, Elegant, Cheap, and Easy Methods, of preparing most of the Dishes now in Vogue; In the Composition whereof Both Health and Pleasure have been consulted, By, Mrs. Ann Shackleford, of Winchester. To which is added, an Appendix; Containing a Dissertation on the different Kinds of Food, their Nature, Quality, and various Uses. By a Phycisian [sic]. And a Marketing Manual, And other useful Particulars. By the Editor. Shackleford , Ann
Francis Newbery (London)
John Newbery (London)
1778 The modern art of cookery improved: or, elegant, cheap, and easy methods, of preparing most of the dishes now in vogue; In the Composition whereof Both Health and Pleasure have been consulted. By, Mrs. Ann Shackleford, of Winchester. To which is added, an appendix; containing a dissertation on the different kinds of food, their nature, quality, and various uses. By a physician. And a marketing manual, And other useful Particulars. By the editor. Shackleford , Ann
William Colles [19 Dame Street] (Dublin)
6573 The mointress; or, The Œ conomy of female life. In a series of letters. From Mary Daws Blackett, to her daughter, Blackett , Mary Dawes
23657 The mother's Legacy to her unborn child. Jocelin , Elizabeth
24227 The Mother's Legacy to her Unborn Child. Jocelin , Elizabeth
Joseph Downing (London)
4461 The new art of cookery, made plain and easy; which far exceeds any thing of the kind ever yet published; ... By a lady. Glasse , Hannah
John Exshaw I [Cork Hill] (Dublin)
4493 The new art of cookery, made plain and easy; Which far exceeds any thing of the kind ever yet published; being enriched with a great variety of receipts from the best treatises on this subject. Glasse , Hannah
3456 The new book of cookery; or, every woman a perfect cook: containing the greatest variety of approved receipts in all the branches of cookery and confectionary, viz. Boiling, Roasting, Broiling, Frying, Stewing, Hashing, Baking, Fricassees, Ragouts, Made-Dishes, Soups and Sauces, Puddings, Pies and Tarts, Cakes, Custards, Cheesecakes, Creams, Syllabubs, Jellies, Pickling, Preserving, Candying, Drying, Potting, Collaring, English Wines, &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. To Which are Added, The best Instructions for Marketing, and sundry Modern Bills of Fare; also Directions for Clear Starching, and the Ladies’ Toilet, or, Art of preserving and improving Beauty: Likewise a Collection of Physical Receipts for Families, &c. The Whole calculated to assist the prudent Housewife and her Servants, in furnishing the cheapest and most elegant Set of Dishes in the various Departments of Cookery, and to instruct Ladies in many other Particulars of great Importance too numerous to mention in this Title Page. By Mrs. Eliz. Price, of Berkeley-Square, Assisted by others who have made the Art of Cookery their constant Study. A New Eeition [sic] for the Present Year, with great Additions. Price , Elizabeth
1785 new
3443 The new book of cookery; or, every woman a perfect cook: containing the greatest variety of approved receipts in all the branches of cookery and confectionary, viz. Boiling, Roasting, Broiling, Frying, Stewing, Hashing, Baking, Fricassees, Ragouts, Made-Dishes, Soups and Sauces, Puddings, Pies and Tarts, Cakes, Custards, Cheesecakes, Creams, Syllabubs, Jellies, Pickling, Preserving, Candying, Drying, Potting, Collaring, English Wines, &c. &c. &c. To Which are Added, The best Instructions for Marketing, and sundry Modern Bills of Fare; also Directions for Clear Starching, and the Ladies’ Toilet, or, Art of preserving and improving Beauty: Likewise a Collection of Physical Receipts for Families, &c. The Whole calculated to assist the prudent Housewife and her Servants, in furnishing the cheapest and most elegant Set of Dishes in the various Departments of Cookery, and to instruct Ladies in many other Particulars of great Importance too numerous to mention in this Title Page. By Mrs. Eliz. Price, of Berkeley-Square, Assisted by others who have made the Art of Cookery their constant Study. A New Edition for the Present Year, with great Additions. Price , Elizabeth
1780 new
3458 The new book of cookery; or, Every woman a perfect cook: Containing the greatest variety of approved receipts in all the branches of cookery and confectionary, viz. boiling, roasting, broiling, frying, stewing, hashing, baking, fricassees, ragouts, made-dishes, soups and sauces, puddings, pies and tarts, cakes, custards, cheesecakes, creams, syllabus, jellies, pickling, preserving, candying, drying, potting, collaring, English wines, &c. &c. &c. To which are added, the best instructions for marketing, and sundry, modern bills of fare; also directions for clear starching, and the ladies’ toilet, or, art of preserving and improving beauty: likewise a collection of physical receipts for families, &c. The whole calculated to assist the prudent housewife and her servants, in furnishing the cheapest and most elegant set of dishes in the various departments of cookery, and to instruct ladies in many other particulars of great importance too numerous to mention in this title page. By Mrs. Eliz. Price, of Berkeley-Square, assisted by others who have made the art of cookery their constant study. Price , Elizabeth
1785 new
4722 The new experienced English-Housekeeper, for the use and ease of ladies, housekeepers, cooks, &c. written purely from her own practice by Mrs. Sarah Martin, Many Years Housekeeper to the Late Freeman Bower Esq. of Bawtry. Being an entire new collection of original receipts which have Never Appeared in Print, in Every Branch of Cookery, Confectionary, &c. Martin , Sarah
4723 The new experienced English-Housekeeper, for the use and ease of ladies, housekeepers, cooks, &c. Written purely from her own practice by Mrs. Sarah Martin, Many Years Housekeeper To The Late Freeman Bower Esq. Of Bawtry. Being an entire new collection of original receipts Which Have Never Appeared In Print, In Every Branch Of Cookery, Confectionary, &c. The second edition. Martin , Sarah
1800 The second edition.
19471 The New family receipt book, containing eight hundred truly valuable receipts in various branches of domestic economy, selected from the works of British and foreign writers of unquestionable authority and experience, and from the attested communications of scientific friends. A New Edition, Corrected. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby
Collins and Croft (Philadelphia)
1818 A New Edition, Corrected.
14668 The New Family Receipt Book, containing one thousand Truly Valuable Receipts in various branches of Domestic Economy. A New Edition, Considerably Improved. Rundell , Maria Eliza
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
1824 A New Edition, Considerably Improved.
14665 The New Family Receipt-Book, containing eight hundred Truly Valuable Receipts In various Branches of Domestic Economy Selected from The Works of British and Foreign Writers of Unquestionable Experience & Authority, And from The Attested Communications of Scientific Friends. A New Edition, Augmented, corrected, and considerably improved. Rundell , Maria Eliza
John Murray II [Fleet Street] (London)
Wilson and Son (York)
Henry Mozley II [Gainsborough] (Gainsborough)
William Blackwood [South Bridge] (Edinburgh)
J. Keene (Dublin)
John Cumming (Dublin)
1811 A New Edition, Augmented, corrected, and considerably improved.
14667 The New Family Receipt-Book, containing eight hundred Truly Valuable Receipts In various Branches of Domestic Economy, Selected from The Works of British and Foreign Writers of Unquestionable Authority and Experience. And from The Attested Communications of Scientific Friends. A New Edition, corrected. Rundell , Maria Eliza
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
1818 A New Edition, corrected.
14666 The New Family Receipt-Book, containing eight hundred Truly Valuable Receipts In various Branches of Domestic Economy, Selected from The Works of British and Foreign Writers of Unquestionable Experience and Authority, And from The Attested Communications of Scientific Friends. A New Edition, corrected. Rundell , Maria Eliza
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
Wilson and Son (York)
Henry Mozley II [Gainsborough] (Gainsborough)
William Blackwood [South Bridge] (Edinburgh)
J. Keene (Dublin)
John Cumming (Dublin)
1815 A New Edition, corrected.