Displaying 15201–15225 of 17781

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
3097 The parental monitor. In two volumes. By Mrs. Bonhote Bonhote , Elizabeth (Author)
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Publisher)
Patrick Wogan [Church Street] (Publisher)
William Porter [Skinner Row] (Publisher)
and 1 more.
3127 The parental monitor. In two volumes. By Mrs. Bonhote, of Bungay, Suffolk. Bonhote , Elizabeth (Author)
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Publisher)
Patrick Wogan [Church Street] (Publisher)
William Porter [Skinner Row] (Publisher)
and 1 more.
3121 The parental monitor. In two volumes. The second edition corrected. By Mrs. Bonhote, of Bungay, Suffolk. Bonhote , Elizabeth (Author)
William Lane [Leadenhall Street] (Publisher)
1790 2
20988 The Parents' friend: or Extracts from the Principal Works on Education, from the time of Montaigne to the present day, methodized and arranged. With observations and notes by the editor. In two volumes. Aitken , Jane (Printer)
Unknown , (Author)
Jane Aitken [20 North Third Street] (Printer)
Patrick Byrne (Publisher)
Mathew Carey [222 Market Street] (Publisher)
and 9 more.
1803 1
13781 The Parish-Clerk. A Tale. By the author of "Eight Lectures," &c. Third edition. Unknown , (Author)
Houlston , Frances (Publisher)
Houlston , Frances (Printer)
Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] (Publisher)
Frances Houlston and Son [Wellington] (Printer)
Frances Houlston and Son [London] (Bookseller)
1825 3
6278 The parisian; or, genuine anecdotes of distinguished and Noble Characters. In two volumes. Charlton , Mary (Author)
Minerva Press, William Lane (Publisher)
1794 1
13511 The Parnassian Garland; or, beauties of modern poetry : consisting of upwards of two hundred pieces, selected from the works of the most distinguished poets of the present age. With introductory lines to each article. Designed for the use of schools and the admirers of poetry in general. By John Evans, A. M. Master of a seminary for a limited number of pupils, Pullin's Row, Islington. McCreery , John (Author)
Ogilvie , John (Author)
Noyes , Robert (Author)
and 109 more.
James Cundee, Albion Press (Publisher)
13512 The Parnassian Garland: Forming the Poetry of The Monthly Visitor, Vol. I. and II. Harral , T. (Author)
Evans , W. (Author)
Hone , W. S. (Author)
and 8 more.
Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] (Bookseller)
1797 1
23379 The parrot. By the authors of the Female spectator. Part I. Containing, no I, II, III, IV, and V. To be continued. Haywood , Eliza (Author)
A. Long (Publisher)
J. Kinneir (Publisher)
25206 The parson hunter. A poem. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Anne Dodd I (Publisher)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (Publisher)
1731 1
8126 The Parson's Wife. A novel. Written by a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
William Richardson [Cornhill] (Bookseller)
John Walter [Piccadilly] (Bookseller)
1789 1
8073 The parsonage house. A novel by a young lady. In a series of letters. Blower , Elizabeth (Author)
James Macgowan (Publisher)
1780 1
3242 The parsonage-house. A novel. By a young lady. In a series of letters. In three volumes. Blower , Elizabeth (Author)
Stephen Colbert [Capel Street] (Printer)
Stephen Colbert [Capel Street] (Bookseller)
25080 The particulars of the enquiry into Mr. Benjamin Wooley's conduct; and His being Stationed by the Court of Directors of the South-Sea Company, First Factor at Porto Bello and Panama. Humbly Dedicated to Thomas Woodford, Esq: Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd I (Bookseller)
1735 1
2911 The passage of Mount St. Gothard, by the Dutchess of Devonshire. To which are added, The Chevaliers̀ lament, The lass of Gowrie, Song on Miss Peggy K-, Shelah OǸeil, Last May a braw wooer, The banks of the Devon, Epitaph on a wag, by Robert Burns, ... and Corins̀ profession, by P. Pindar, ... Wolcot , John (Author)
Burns , Robert (Author)
Cavendish , Georgiana (Author)
Stewart and Meikle (Publisher)
10035 The Passage of the Mountain of Saint Gothard, a Poem Cavendish , Georgiana (Author)
Delille , Jacques (Translator)
Prosper and Co. (Publisher)
732 The Passage of the Mountain of Saint Gothard, a Poem, by Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. / Passage du Mont Saint-Gothard, Poëme, par Madame la Duchesse de Devonshire, Traduit de L'Anglois par M. L'Abbe de Lille, un des Quarante de L'Académie Françoise. Cavendish , Georgiana (Author)
Prosper and Co. (Publisher)
L. Nardini (Printer)
2912 The passage of the mountain of Saint Gothard, a poem; by Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. Cavendish , Georgiana (Author)
s.n. [sine nomine] (Publisher)
10036 The Passage of the Saint Gothard Cavendish , Georgiana (Author)
Polidori , Gaetano (Translator)
Gameau and Co. (Publisher)
15231 The Passage of the Saint Gothard Cavendish , Georgiana (Author)
463 The Passions. In Four Volumes. By Rosa Matilda, author of Hours of Solitude; The Nun; Zofloya; Libertine, &c. Dacre , Charlotte (Author)
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (Publisher)
John McCreery [Black Horse Court] (Printer)
1811 1
1262 The Past, etc. By Miss Holford, authoress of "Wallace," A Poem. Holford , Margaret (the younger) (Author)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (Publisher)
John Upham (Publisher)
Richard Cruttwell (Printer)
1819 1
842 The Pastor's Fire-Side, A Novel, In Four Volumes. By Miss Jane Porter, author of Thaddeus of Warsaw, Sidney's Aphorisms, and The Scottish Chiefs. Porter , Jane (Author)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (Publisher)
1817 1
9102 The Pastor's Fire-Side, A Novel, In Four Volumes. By Miss Jane Porter, author of Thaddeus of Warsaw, Sidney's Aphorisms, and The Scottish Chiefs. Porter , Jane (Author)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (Publisher)
9100 The Pastor's Fire-Side, A Novel, In Four Volumes. By Miss Jane Porter, author of Thaddeus of Warsaw, Sidney's Aphorisms, and The Scottish Chiefs. Second Edition. Porter , Jane (Author)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (Publisher)
Andrew Strahan [1788-1806, 1817-1831] (Printer)
1817 2