Displaying 16426–16450 of 17727

ID Title Contributors Firms Year Edition
14755 The trial of John Motherhill, for committing a rape on the body of Miss Catharine Wade. Tried at the assize holden at East Grinstead for the county of Sussex, on Tuesday the 21st of March, 1786, Before the Hon. Sir William Henry Ashhurst, Knt. One of the Justices of his Majesty’s Court of King’s Bench. Taken in Short-Hand, by Joseph Gurney. Motherhill , John (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
George Kearsley [Fleet Street] (Bookseller)
Martha Gurney (Bookseller)
1786 1
2314 The trial of Margaret Caroline Rudd, for forging a bond for 3500l. in the name of William Adair, Esq; at the Session-House, in the Old Bailey; containing the evidence verbatim, and the arguments of the court and of the council. Taken in short hand by Joseph Gurney, and revised by John Glynn, serjeant at Law, and recorder of London. Rudd , Margaret Caroline (Author)
Glynn , John (Editor)
s.n. [sine nomine] (Publisher)
3256 The trial of Miss Jones, and Messrs. Sellers and Footney, for the murder of Mr. Thomas Yates. At Stafford Row, Pimlico. Jones , Elizabeth (Author)
Alexander Macpherson [3 Russell Court] (Printer)
William Boag (Printer)
Samuel Jones (Printer)
and 3 more.
4516 The trial of Mrs Harriet Errington, Wife of George Errington, Esq. of the Adelphi in the Bishop of London's Court, at Doctors Commons, for committing adultery with Augustus Murray Smith, Esquire, an Officer in a Corps of Marines; Captain Buckley, of the Guards; Captain Southby; the Reverend Thomas Walker, Clerk, and many others. In which is given, The Whole of the Depositions, and Interrogations, of the several Witnesses, fully describing the critical, amorous and humorous Scenes in this unparalleled Trial. Errington , Harriet (Author)
Randall , Rachael (Publisher)
Rachael Randall [4 Shoe Lane] (Publisher)
25364 The trial of Mrs. Branch, and her daughter, for the murder of Jane Buttersworth, before the Hon. Mr. Justice Chapple, at Somerset assizes, March 31, 1740. With a Preface, Containing an exact Account, taken from the Persons who saw the Lights in Hemington Church-Yard, the Night before the Corpse was taken up, and the true Motives for taking up the Corpse. To which are added, true copies of some very material informations, taken before Joseph Houlton, and Robert Smith, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace. With a just account of the prisoners behaviour at their trial; at, and after Sentence; and at the Place of Execution. and at the place of execution. The Second Edition. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
James Leake I (Publisher)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd II (Bookseller)
1740? 2
25569 The trial of Mrs. Branch, and her daughter, for the murder of Jane Buttersworth, before the Hon. Mr. Justice Chapple, at Somerset assizes, March 31, 1740. With a preface, containing an exact acount, taken from the persons who saw the lights in Hemington church-yard, the night before the corpse was taken up, and the true motives for taking up the corpse. To which are added, true copies of some very material informations, taken before Joseph Houlton, and Robert Smith, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace. With a just account of the prisoners behaviour at their trial; at, and after sentence; and at the place of execution. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
James Leake I (Publisher)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (Bookseller)
Anne Dodd II (Bookseller)
1740? 1
4515 The trial of Mrs. Harriet Errington, wife of George Errington, ... in the Bishop of London's Court, at Doctors Commons, for commiting adultery, ... Errington , Harriet (Author)
Randall , Rachael (Publisher)
Rachael Randall [4 Shoe Lane] (Publisher)
4509 The trial of Mrs. Harriet Errington, Wife of George Errington, Esq. of the Adelphi, in the Bishop of London's Court, at Doctors Commons, for committing adultery With Augustus Murray Smith, Esquire, an officer in a corps of marines; Captain Buckley, of the guards; Captain Southby; The Reverend Thomas Walker, Clerk, and many Others. In which is given, The Whole of the Depositions, and Interrogations, of the several Witnesses, fully describing the critical, amorous and humorous Scenes in this unparalleled Trial. Errington , Harriet (Author)
Randall , Rachael (Publisher)
Rachael Randall [4 Shoe Lane] (Publisher)
6354 The trial of Mrs. Mary Reed, charged with poisoning her husband, at Berkeley, in Gloucestershire, in April, 1794. Which was Tried Before Mr. Justice Lawrence, at Gloucester Assizes, on Monday, March 28, 1796. Including the evidence of R. Edgar and M. Foot, Giving an Account of a Criminal Intercourse Between Edgar and Mrs. Reed, During Mr. Reed's Life. Also, Authentic Copies of the Letters, &c. produced in Court, and the written Defence of the Prisoner. Reed , Mary (Author)
Joshua Davenport [Little Catherine Street] (Printer)
Joshua Davenport [Little Catherine Street] (Bookseller)
6412 The trial of Mrs. Mary Reed, for petit treason, in poisoning her husband William Reed, gent. of Berkeley, in the county of Glocester; at the assizes holden at Glocester, on Monday March 28th 1796; before Sir Soulden Lawrence, Knt. Reed , Mary (Author)
Robert Raikes (II) (Printer)
6384 The trial of Mrs. Mary Reed, upon the charge of poisoning her husband, at Berkeley, in Gloucestershire, in April, 1794 tried on Monday, March 28, 1795 [sic], at the Gloucester assizes, before Mr. Justice Lawrence. Reed , Mary (Author)
James Smith Barr (Publisher)
21361 The trial of Robert W. Houston, versus General John Dicks, and others, members of a court martial, Nathaniel W. Sample, brigade inspector, Molton C. Rogers, Esq. judge advocate, and Daniel Moore, Deputy Marshal. Being an action of trespass, instituted in the Court of Common Pleas, of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. : Containing the proceedings and opinion of the said court. Also, the arguments of counsel before the Supreme Court, at a special session, held at Lancaster, on the 6th March, 1817. And the opinions of the judges of said court, delivered on the 19th May, 1817, reversing the opinion of the court below. By George B. Porter, Esq. Houston , Robert W. (Author)
Porter , George Bryan (Author)
Dicks , John (Author)
and 2 more.
Lydia R. Bailey (Printer)
1817 1
14200 The trial of the Honourable Admiral John Byng, at a court martial, as taken by Mr. Charles Fearne, Judge-Advocate of his Majesty's Fleet. Published by order of the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, at the desire of the Court-Martial, to which are added, A copy of their Lordships Memorial to the King, in relation to the sentence passed upon Admiral Byng: A copy of the King's order in council for transmitting to their Lordships a copy of the report of the twelve judges, in relation to the said sentence: and also, A copy of that report. And a copy of warrant from their Lordships for carrying the said sentence into execution. Together with his defence; and all the papers read in court. Also, several others omitted by the Judge Advocate, but published by Mr. Cook in his account of the trial. Likewise, the names of the members by whom the questions were proposed, not taken notice of by Mr. Fearne. James , Alice (Publisher)
Fearne , Charles (Author)
Byng , John (Author)
Alice James (Publisher)
James Hoey, Senior (Publisher)
Peter Wilson [Dame St, 1748–66] (Publisher)
and 4 more.
9406 The Trials of Life. By the author of "De Lisle." In three volumes. Grey , Elizabeth Caroline (Author)
Edward Bull (Publisher)
Samuel and Richard Bentley (Printer)
1829 1
14757 The trials on the informations which in pursuance of an order of the House of Commons, were filed by His Majesty’s Attorney General against Richard Smith, Esq. and Thomas Brand Hollis, Esq. for having been guilty of notorious bribery, and thereby procuring themselves to be elected and Returned Burgesses to serve in Parliament for the borough of Hindon, tried by a Special Jury on Tuesday the 12th of March, 1776. at the Assize holden at Salisbury for the County of Wilts; Before The Honourable Sir Beaumont Hotham, Knt. One of the Barons of His Majesty’s Court of Exchequer. Taken in short-hand by Joseph Gurney. Smith , Richard (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Martha Gurney (Bookseller)
George Kearsley [Fleet Street] (Bookseller)
1776 1
5294 The trinket. A novel. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Thomas Lowndes [77 Fleet Street] (Publisher)
1774 1
3014 The triumph of acquaintance over friendship: an essay for the times, by a lady. Hayley , Eliza (Author)
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (Publisher)
15890 The Triumph of Benevolence; or, the History of Francis Wills. In Two Volumes. Unknown , [Man] (Author)
Chater , Mary (Publisher)
Mary Chater (Publisher)
Thomas Vernor and Co. [St. Michael's Alley] (Publisher)
1772 1
6516 The triumph of faith over the world, the flesh, and the devil; exemplified in the life, death, and spiritual experience, of that burning and shining light Mrs. Joanna Turner, Who departed this Life on the 24th of December 1784, In the Fifty-Third Year of her Age. Wells , Mary (Author)
T. Mills (Publisher)
6504 The triumph of faith over the world, the flesh, and the devil; exemplified in the life, death, and spiritual experience, of that burning and shining light, Mrs. Joanna Turner, Who departed this Life on the 24th of December, 1784, in the Fifty-Third Year of her Age. Wells , Mary (Author)
William Kidd (Printer)
8141 The triumph of friendship; or the history of Charles Courtney, and Miss Julia Melville. By Jane Timbury. Timbury , Jane (Author)
Charles Stalker [Stationer's Court] (Publisher)
James Fox (Publisher)
1789 1
12892 The triumph of goodnature, exhibited in the history of master Harry Fairborn and master Trueworth. Interspersed with tales and fables and ornamented with cuts. Unknown , (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Elizabeth Newbery (Publisher)
8079 The triumph of prudence over passion: or, the history of Miss Mortimer and Miss Fitzgerald. By the authoress of Emeline. In two volumes. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Stephen Colbert [Capel Street] (Printer)
12650 The Triumph of the Messiah. By Sarah Leigh Pyke, author of "Israel, a Poem," by Serena. Pike , Sarah Leigh (Author)
John Upham (Publisher)
Shirley Woolmer (Publisher)
John Mathew Gutch (Publisher)
and 3 more.
1812 1
14758 The triumph of truth, in the testimony of its foes; or proofs of the authenticity of the Bible, Derived from the Evidence of its Opposers, Perverters, and Revilers, Interspersed with Thoughts on Modern Infidelity, And on the Moral, Political and Religious Revolutions of the Present Age; in a series of letters to a disciple of Deism. By Thomas Bingham. Bingham , Thomas (Author)
Gurney , Martha (Bookseller)
Benjamin Flower (Publisher)
Benjamin Flower (Printer)
Crosby and Letterman (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
1800 1