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Displaying 126–150 of 1371

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
12316 An Authentic Narrative of the Causes Which Led to the Death of Major Andre, Adjutant-General of the Majesty's Forces in North America. By Joshua Hett Smith, Esq. Counsellor at law, late member of the convention of the state of New York. To Which is Added a Monody on the Death of Major Andre. By Miss Seward. Seward , Anna
Smith , Joshua Hett
Elizabeth Mathews and Samuel Leigh (London)
7353 An easy introduction to the knowledge of nature, and reading the holy scriptures. Adapted to the capacities of children. By Mrs. Trimmer. The Tenth Edition, with considerable additions and improvements. Trimmer , Sarah
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
Joseph Johnson (London)
Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees (London)
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
1799 The Tenth Edition, with considerable additions and improvements.
11040 An Elegy on the Death of Richard Reynolds, with Other Poems. Young , Hannah
John Booth (London)
William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton (London)
Barry and Son (Bristol)
F. C. Cookworthy (Bristol)
H. T. Hodgson [Marylebone] (London)
John and Arthur Arch [Cornhill] (Cornhill)
25535 An essay for discharging the debts of the nation, by equivalents: In a letter to The Right Honble Charles, Earl of Sunderland. And the South-Sea scheme consider'd; In a Letter to the Right Honble Robert Walpole, Esq; Unknown ,
John Noon (London)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
15666 An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex. In which are inserted characters of a pedant, a squire, a beau, a vertuoso, a poetaster, a city-critick, &c. In a letter to a lady. Written by a lady. The third edition, with additions. Astell , Mary
Robert Clavel (London)
Abel Roper II (London)
1697 The third edition, with additions.
4863 An essay on the art of ingeniously tormenting. A new edition. Collier , Jane
Mundell and Son [Catherine Mundell and James Mundell] (Edinburgh)
Michael Allen and West (London)
Wilson, Spence and Mawman [High Ousegate] (York)
1795 A new edition
11671 An Evening Walk in the Forest: A Poem Descriptive of Forest Trees. By a Lady. Unknown , [Woman]
Jordan and Maxwell (London)
Peter Fremont (London)
Alexander Manners and Robert Miller [Parliament] (Edinburgh)
25275 An exact and correct list of the lords spiritual and temporal. As likewise of the knights and commissioners of shires, citizens, and burgesses, chose to serve in the ensuing Parliament. Being the first Parliament of his majesty King George II. and the seventh of Great Britain since the union. Wherein every member is justly and properly describ'd by his title, honour, dignity, or publick employment, &c Parliament of Great Britain , House of Lords
Parliament of Great Britain , House of Commons
Joseph Pote (London)
Nicholas Blandford (London)
25608 An examination of Mr Pope's Essay on man. Translated from the French of M. Crousaz, Member of the Royal Academies of Sciences at Paris and Bourdeaux; and Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics at Lausanne. de Crousaz , Jean-Pierre
Anne Dodd I (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
2793 An historical essay on the ambition and conquests of France, with some remarks on the French revolution. Containing 1.-Sketch of general history previous to the Frech revolution; 2.-Remarks on the French revolution from 1789 to 1791; 3.-Abridgement of the history of the revolution from 1791 to 1796. Campbell , Amabel Hume
John Debrett [179 Piccadilly] (London)
22955 An ode to the Right Honourable the Earl of Huntingdon. By Dr. Akinside. Akenside , Mark
Robert Dodsley (London)
9171 Andrew of Padua, The Improvisatore; A Tale from the Italian of the Abbate Furbo. And the Vindictive Father, from the Spanish of Leandra of Valladerras. Furbo , Francisco
Valladerras , Leandra de
Richard Phillips and Co. [Bridge] (London)
9967 Anna and Edgar: Or, Love and Ambition. A Tale. by Mrs Richmond Inglis, Daughter of Colonel James Gardiner, who fell at the Battle of Preston, 1745. Inglis , Mrs. Richmond
15423 Anna Ross: a story for children. By the author of "The decision;" "Profession is not principle;" "Father Clement," &c Kennedy , Grace
Depository [Philadelphia] (Philadelphia)
1827 American 1
1382 Anne Grey. A Novel. Edited By the Author of “Granby.” In Three Volumes. Cradock , Harriet
Saunders and Otley (London)
9591 Anti-Delphine. A Novel. Founded on Facts. In Two Volumes. By Mrs. Byron, Author of the Borderers, Drelincourt and Rodalvi. &c. &c. Strutt , Elizabeth
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
280 Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women, Against the Pretensions of the Other Half, Men, To Retain Them in Political, and Thence in Civil and Domestic, Slavery; In Reply to a Paragraph of Mr. Mill's Celebrated "Article on Government." By William Thompson, author of "An Inquiry into the Distribution of Wealth." Wheeler , Anna
Thompson , William
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
Wheatley and Adlard (London)
10350 Ashford rectory, or, The spoiled child reformed: containing a short introduction to the sciences of architecture and heraldry; with a particular account of the Grecian and Roman games, etc. etc. By Mrs. Jamieson, late Miss Thurtle; Author of "Histories of France and Spain", "Popular Voyages and Travels" etc. Third Edition, Corrected and Enlarged Jamieson , Frances
G. and W. B. Whittaker (London)
Nathaniel Hailes [173 Piccadilly] (London)
1820 Third Edition, Corrected and Enlarged
9383 At Home. A Novel. By the author of English Fashionables Abroad. In three volumes. Burdett , C. D.
Henry Colburn [New Burlington Street] (London)
14197 Aunt Mary's tales, for the entertainment and improvement of little boys. Addressed to her nephews. Hughes , Mary Robson
Orville Augustus Roorbach [New York City] (New York City)
1827 Second American From The Third London Edition
2317 Authentic anecdotes, of the life and transactions of Mrs. Margaret Rudd: Consisting of a Variety of Facts hitherto unknown to the Public. Addressed in a series of letters to the now (by a late act of Parliament) Miss Mary Lovell. Rudd , Margaret Caroline
John Bew [Paternoster Row] (London)
13449 Authentic Memoirs of Mrs. Clarke, in which is pourtrayed [sic] the Secret History and Intrigues of many characters in the first circles of fashion and high life; and containing the whole of her correspondence during the time she lived under the protection of his Royal highness The Duke of York, the gallant Duke's Love Letters, and other interesting papers never before published. By Miss Elizabeth Taylor. Second Edition. Taylor , Elizabeth
Thomas Tegg [111 Cheapside] (London)
1809 Second Edition.
1115 Authentic Memoirs of the Life of John Sobieski, King of Poland. Illustrative of the Inherent Errors in the Former Constitution of that Kingdom, which, thought arrested for a time by the Genius of a Hero and a Patriot, Gradually Paved the way to its Downfall. By A. T. Palmer. Palmer , Alicia Tyndal
9640 Babylon; and Other Poems. By the Hon. Annabella Hawke. Hawke , Annabella Eliza Cassandra
William Miller [Albemarle Street] (London)
19075 Ballad Romances, and Other Poems. By Miss Anna Maria Porter, Author of The Hungarian Brothers, &c. &c. Porter , Anna Maria
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Philadelphia)
Wells and Lilly (Boston)