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Titles 3064
Firms 4
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Displaying 326–350 of 3064

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
14978 A Tour, Performed in the Years 1795-6, through the Taurida, or Crimea, the Antient Kingdom of Bosphorus, the Once-Powerful Republic of Tauric Cherson, and All the Other Countries on the North Shore of the Euxine, Ceded to Russia by the Peace of Kainardgi and Jassy; by Mrs. Maria Guthrie, Formerly Acting Directress of the Imperial Convent for the Education of the Female Nobility of Russia; Described in a Series of Letters to Her Husband, the Editor, Matthew Guthrie, M.D. F.R.S. and F.S.A. of London and Edinburgh, Member of the Philosophical Society of Manchester, &c. &c. Physician to the First and Second Imperial Corps of Noble Cadets in St. Petersburgh, and Councillor of State to His Imperial Majesty of All the Russias. The Whole illustrated by a Map of the Tour along the Euxine Coast, from the Dniester to the Cuban; with Engravings of a Great Number of Ancient Coins, Medals, Monuments, Inscriptions, and Other Curious Objects. Guthrie , Marie
Thomas Cadell Jun. (London)
William Davies (London)
15086 A treatise on female, nervous, hysterical, hypochondriacal, bilious, convulsive diseases; apoplexy and palsy; with thoughts on madness, suicide, &c. in which the principal disorders are explained from anatomical facts, and the treatment formed on several new principles. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. Rowley , W.
Charles Nourse (London)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
Thomas Hookham [New Bond Street] (London)
2159 A treatise on justification: showing the matter, manner, time, and effects of it. By the Reverend Mr. Thomas Dutton, Late Minister in London, and Author of the Discourse on the New-Birth, and Religious Letters. The third edition. Dutton , Anne
Archibald Coubrough (Glasgow)
1778 The third edition.
3281 A treatise on the art of midwifery. Setting forth various abuses therein, especially as to the practice with instruments: the whole serving to put all rational inquirers in a fair way of very safely forming their own judgment upon the question; which it is best to employ, in cases of pregnancy and lying-in, a man-midwife; or, a midwife. By Mrs. Elizabeth Nihell, professed midwife. Nihell , Elizabeth
A. Morley (London)
15075 A treatise on the cure of ulcerated legs without rest, and ulcers of various parts, arising from scorbutic and other impurities in the blood, &c. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. Rowley , W.
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
1786 The fourth edition.
25277 A true account of the election for Members of Parliament for the City and Liberties of Westminster: in a Letter from an Independent Elector to a Liveryman of the City of London. Containing, A Just Relation of the Arbitrary Proceedings and overhearing Methods that were made use of to return the two old Members, by closing the Poll, before one Third of the legal Voters had polled, and an Impartial Inquiry into the different Motives that occasion'd Admiral vernon being put up at both Places on adverse Interests. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd II (London)
25154 A true account of the life and writings of Thomas Burnett, Esq; The Second Edition. Sewell , George
Anne Dodd I (London)
1715 The Second Edition.
22398 A true and authentick copy of the last will and testament of Her Grace the illustrious Sarah, late Duchess Dowager of Marlborough with the codicil annex'd. Wherein will appear proofs of her publick spirit and love of her country; exemplified in regard to those worthy patriots, the Lords Stair, and Chesterfield, Mr. Pitt, &c. The whole worthy the perusal of all true lovers of their country, and will transmit with honour her name to the latest posterity. To which is prefix'd, some remarks thereon. Churchill , Sarah
W. Lewis (London)
1745 The second edition.
2826 A true and genuine narrative of Mr. and Mrs. Tenducci. In a letter to a friend at Bath. Giving a full account, from their marriage in Ireland, to the present time. Tenducci , Dora
John Pridden (London)
24859 A True Relation of the Birth, Breeding, and Life, of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle. Written by Herself. With a Critical Preface, &c. By Sir Egerton Brydges, M.P. Cavendish , Margaret
14872 A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth’s birth-day. Gathered from authentick accounts: and published for the information of all true lovers of our constitution in Church and State. Manley , Delarivier
John Morphew (London)
1711 Scottish 1st
24190 A view of the beau monde: or, Memoirs of the celebrated Coquetilla. A real history. In which is interspersed the amours of several persons of quality and distinction. With several original songs by S-y C-gs Beau N-, &c. Coquetilla's family, &c. -Her flight from her fathers. -Deserred when big with child. -Pitied by Mrs. H-ll -Her amour with the D. of- -Mrs. H-'s advice in a song. -Runs away. -Falls into many misfortunes. -Is beloved by Colonel D- -Carried by him into the country. -Own'd for his wife. -Elopes with S- the gamester. -Goes to Tunbridge. Coquetilla distinguish'd by S- C-gs -Serenaded by Beau N- -N- kicked. The history of Clara and Myra. Coquetilla goes to Bath. -Her adventures. -Her affair with Mr. Gaylove the merchant. -Exposed by S- -Runs to town with Saxillus -Goes to a masquerade: A surprizing turn there. -Taken home again by the Colonel, &c. -After all refuses to marry him. -Her match at last. To which is added, the masque of life: a ballad. By a person of distinction. Unknown , [Woman]
Anne Dodd I (London)
John Jolliffe (London)
26213 A View of the general tenour of The New Testament regarding the nature and dignity of Jesus Christ; including a collection of the various passages in the gospels, acts of the apostles, and the epistles, which relate to that subject. By Joanna Baillie. Baillie , Joanna
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
25263 A view of the town: in an epistle to a friend in the country. A satire. Gilbert , Thomas
6478 A vindication of the rights of woman: with strictures on political and moral subjects. By Mary Wollstonecraft. The Third Edition. Wollstonecraft , Mary
Joseph Johnson (London)
1796 The Third Edition.
12000 A Visit to the Bazaar: By the author of the Little Warbler of the Cottage; Juliet, or the Reward of Filial Affection; Port Folio, &c. &c. Unknown ,
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
11905 A Visit to the Regent Iron & Brass Foundery, the Gas Manufactory, and the Royal Chain Pier, Brighton. By the author of The Twin Sisters, Schoolfellows, Boys School, &c. &c. Sandham , Elizabeth
John Warren (Royston)
688 A Voice from the Factories: in Serious Verse. Dedicated to the right honorable Lord Ashley. Norton , Caroline Elizabeth Sarah
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
1789 A voyage round the world, in the Gorgon man of war: Captain John Parker. Performed and written by his widow; For the advantage of a numerous family. Dedicated, by permission, to Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales. Parker , Mary Ann
22583 A voyage to Russia: Describing the laws, manners, and customs, of that Great Empire, as governed at this present by that Excellent Princess the Czarina. Shewing the beauty of her palace, the grandeur of her courtiers, the forms of building at Petersburgh, and other places: with several entertaining adventures that happened in the passage by Sea and Land. The second edition. To which is added, four letters, wrote by the author-when at Russia to a gentleman in London. Written and collected by Elizabeth Justice. Justice , Elizabeth
1746 The Second Edition.
14556 A Walk through Leicester; being a Guide to Strangers: containing a Description of the Town and its Environs, with Remarks upon its History and Antiquities. Second Edition, with Additions. Watts , Susanna
Thomas Combe (Leicester)
1820 Second Edition, with Additions.
3089 A wife in the right: a comedy. By Mrs. Griffith. Griffith , Elizabeth
9500 A Wreath of Poesy; or Effusions of the Heart. By Ann Campbell. Campbell , Ann
9127 A Year and A Day. A Novel. In Two Volumes. By Madame Panache, author of Manners. Moore , Frances
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
1587 Abbassai an eastern novel. In two volumes. Translated from the French. Falques , Marianne-Agnès
John Coote (London)